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Cover of the course Grade Higher in Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection

FP Superior Technical Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection

Logo of the Ministry of Education of Spain Logo of the ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia
  • icon computer mode of study Modality
    Blended learning
  • icon-lasting watch Length
    2000 hours
  • icon piggy bank money Price
    From 144€/month*
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Why enrol in the Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection with UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and VET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts committed in their field

OpenUNIVERSAE. Startup accelerator for professionals and companies

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Professional outings of Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

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Forest fire coordinator

It is responsible for planning and coordinating the operations of surveillance, prevention in the area of forestry, fire detection and extinction of fire. Is responsible for the management of risks in your professional area, what that involves the coordination of the operational groups responsible for the contingencies in the natural environment and rural.

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Technical management on forest fires

Are presumed to activities such as planning and implementing technical plans of prevention, extinction, and coordination of the different departments involved in the defense against forest fires. With the studies of the high level Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection, you get the level needed to develop this output employment.

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Coordinator of ordinary and extraordinary emergencies

Sets out the actions of evacuation and response groups, as well as the management operating internal, in an emergency situation, whether ordinary or extraordinary. In the case of the ordinary, it will count with the collaboration of the Coordinator of Emergencies and Civil Protection, for the protection of persons and property affected. In the case of the extraordinary, you will activate the emergency plan and will act in accordance with the operating procedures approved.

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Technical management in civil protection and emergencies

The Top Grade in the Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection, prepares to direct and monitor the interventions of search, rescue, and rescue people in emergencies. As a responsible assume the correct planning of each member of the team, complying with the rules of security and civil protection.

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Coordinator of civil protection and emergencies

Directs and supervises the tasks relevant to the Coordination of emergencies and Civil Protection. Physical abilities and the willingness to work in team and the organization may be relevant to apply to this job. Its main function is to control that, during an emergency, to ensure the rescue of the people affected.

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Head of urban firefighting services

Engaged in operations for the prevention and extinguishing of fires, as well as in the rescue of people and animals in danger, while ensuring the safety of the disasters caused by miscellaneous risks. It is important for coordination with the equipment involved, to ensure the evacuation of buildings and facilities, providing health care to multiple victims and in compliance with the rules of prevention of occupational risks and the protection of the environment.

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Head of intervention services for emergencies of natural, technological and anthropic origin

It requires a profile with good physical condition, able to cope with the effort involving the emergency is present, to achieve their immediate control. Must demonstrate skills of organization and planning, since, under his command is the team's second intervention. It works in conjunction with the Coordinator of Emergency and Civil Protection.

Enrolment requirements

To access to the Higher Degree you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

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Certificate of Higher Education in Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection


2000 hours

Risk assessment and preventive measures Monitoring of intervention in technological risks and anthropic Monitoring of the intervention on forest fires and prescribed burning Monitoring of the intervention in fire operations, and urban emergencies ordinary Monitoring of the actions of support to people affected by disasters, and catastrophes Resource management of emergencies and civil protection Personal development for employability-I Professional English Optional module Planning in emergencies and civil protection Planning and development of training activities, information and advocacy in civil protection and emergencies Monitoring of the intervention in rescue operations and rescue Personal development for employability II Scanning applied to the production system Sustainability applied to the production system Monitoring of the intervention on risks caused by natural phenomena Intermodular project


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Frequently Asked questions of Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection

What are the functions of the coordinator of emergency?

The emergency coordinator has the function of coordinating the tasks of each member of your team, organizing and directing the leaders of each of the areas, so that, in case of emergencies, is to be able to act quickly and effectively. The Top Grade in the Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection of UNIVERSAE ('t trained for this job.

How much earn a technical degree in Civil Protection and Emergencies?

The salary stipulated for a senior Technical Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection ranges between 15,000€ 19,000€ gross per year. However, the amount to receive will depend on the field is exercised, and the conditions required in each job.

Who is responsible to prepare an emergency plan?

The holder of each entity appoints the person responsible for developing an emergency plan, in function of the activity of the company. Usually a profile is enabled, and with the formation of the prevention and protocol performance in case of accidents. In some cases, it is the Coordinator of Emergencies and Civil Protection, responsible for establishing the emergency plan.

What are the 3 guidelines for general first aid?

There is a protocol for action in the cases in which it is required to apply first aid. This is the formula PAS (Protect, Warn and Assist), which sets out the phases that should be taken to intervene in a situation with injured or sick. Protect the place of the facts, advise emergency services and relief to the people involved.

Who is the highest authority in an emergency situation?

The emergency Manager is the head during an emergency. Is responsible for the classification of emergency to respond to them the best way possible. Must possess knowledge in fire safety and are fully aware of the emergency plan to be able to run it properly.

What rule applies to the emergency brigades?

The standard that governs the emergency brigades is the Royal Decree 393/2007, which approves the Basic Rule of Self-defense centers, establishments and agencies engaged in activities that may give rise to emergency situations.

Degrees related to Coordination of Emergencies and Civil Protection Certificate of Higher Education

VET Certificate in Emergencies and Civil Protection

Security and Environment

Acquire the best skills to become a highly qualified techinician ready to help give quick solutions in all emergencies & risks such as accidents, fire fighting, natural disasters, floods and earthquakes.

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VET Certificate in Health Emergencies


Transfer patients or victims and give the initial medical and psychological care, collaborating with logistics in collective emergencies or catastrophes.

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Certificate of Higher Education in Automotive

Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance

Organize, program and monitor the execution of maintenance operations, as well as the corresponding logistics in the Automotive field.

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