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Cover of course a Double Degree in Management and Finance + Assistance to the Directorate

Double Certificate of Higher Education: Administration and Finance + Management Assistance

Logo of the Ministry of Education of Spain Logo of the ministry of Education of Catalonia Logo of the ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia
  • icon computer mode of study Modality
    Distance learning
  • icon-lasting watch Length
    4000 hours
  • icon piggy bank money Price
    From 152€/month*
  • icon call Call
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Why enroll in a Double Certificate of Higher Education distance learning with UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and VET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts committed in their field

OpenUNIVERSAE. Startup accelerator for professionals and companies

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Outputs professionals of the Double Degree, Administration and Finance + Assistance to the Directorate

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Management Secretary

The Technician in Administration and Finance and Assistance to the Directorate may serve as the secretary of the address. In this position, the professional work of the hand of the directive to offer its support in administrative tasks, documentary and communication, acting as a bridge between the employees and the leaders.

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Accounting clerk

The administrative accountant performs functions related to the financial management of your company as the control of the billing, taxation or inventory. Thanks to the documentation constant of accounts, this professional helps with the planning of the future of the company, allowing to compare the results and make decisions accordingly.

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Personal assistant

The personal assistant's main function is to support the manager or director of a company to help you make the most efficient use of your time. In this sense, is the one who attends to their calls and e-mails, letters or secondary issues of their work, speaking on personal issues such as the management of payments, resolution of paperwork and assistance in general.

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Human resources administrator

The office of human resources is responsible for the management of the staff of a company. Their tasks are focused on the selection process, but also manages the training of the employee, their hours of work and supports you in your needs relating to the company and their work.

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Legal assistant

The skills in Assistance to the Address given in this double degree do graduate a profile very complete as a legal assistant. In this position, the specialist provides support to the legal department through the organization and management of legal documents. In addition, reports of the situation in this area to update their knowledge and to avoid potential problems or minimize their impact.

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Administrative tax advisory

This professional, specializing in the field of tax thanks to the Double Degree in accounting, Finance and Administration Assistance to the Directorate, is responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of the payment of taxes of your company. You can also work independently to deliver their services to customers or other entities.

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Assistant director

The assistant director is a key figure for large companies because of the support they offered in the high places. Manages the office, answer phone calls and emails of importance, organizes trips and events or prepares meetings of the officers. Thanks to his work, the work flow of a company is kept tidy and decision making is favored.

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Logistics, banking and insurance administrator

The graduate of the Dual Degree in Assistance to the management and Administration Finance can develop your career as an administrative logistics, banking and insurance. In this post, present in private companies, banks or insurance companies, requires a great capacity for resource management, as well as skills accounting, and financial.

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Administrative in any administration or agency

The administration and public bodies need qualified professionals in Attendance at the Direction and Administration and Finance to support the citizens in the resolution of its procedures. In this post, you will need to accompany and advise the people who need your assistance, and manage the internal communication for an optimal workflow.

Requirements access to a Double Degree

To access a Double Certificate of Higher Education you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

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Double Degree in Administration and Finance + Management Assistance


4000 hours

Communication and customer service Management of legal and business documentation Office automation and information processing Personal development for employability-I Professional English Integral process of commercial activity Human resources and corporate social responsibility Optional module I Logistics and commercial management Financial management Business simulation Accounting and taxation Human resources management Business protocol Second foreign language (French) Organization of business events Personal development for employability II Sustainability applied to the production system Scanning applied to the production system Optional module II - Administration and Finance Project intermodular - Administration and Finance Advanced information management Optional module II - Assistance to the Directorate Catalán: foreign professional language Project intermodular - Assistance to the Directorate


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training provision in the market
Choose one of our official technology training programs
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem that integrates immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and always updated learning contents
According to the labour market´s latest needs.
Educational Technology | EdTech
Enrichment and practical application to improve your learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply group dynamics to achieve your goals.
Specialized and committed VET teachers
Train with the best professionals in the field.
Learning facilities with over 65,000 m2 along Spain and South and Central America helping to boost employment through real hands-on experience for students.
International presence in Spain, USA and South and Central America
UNIVERSAE has first-class facilities in the main cities of these countries.
Job placement
Agreements with leading international companies worldwide. Become one of the most demanded candidates by employers.

Frequently Asked questions about the Double Degree, Administration and Finance + Assistance to the Directorate

What are the differences between accounting, Finance and Administration Assistance to the Directorate?

The main differences between the qualification of Degree in Administration and Finance and the Support of the Address are within the scope of application of their knowledge. While the former is linked more with the operational side of the company, the second focuses on the information that affects the direction.

What makes a specialist in accounting, Finance and Administration Assistance to the Directorate?

The professional graduated from this dual degree is fully capable to function in the business environment. Thanks to their expertise in Administration and Finance, you will perform tasks such as accounting, logistics or taxation. On the other hand, the skills acquired in Assistance to the Address we will support to senior executives of the company using the work of organization, planning and management.

Where can you work with a Technician in Administration and Finance and Assistance to the Directorate?

The Double Degree in accounting, Finance and Administration Assistance to the Directorate provides the student with a huge range of employability, and, after their studies, will be eligible to the posts themselves of both branches and fill your profile with complementary expertise. The outputs most common are in private business and in the legal departments, human resources, accounting or finance, among others.

How much earn a degree in Administration and Finance and Assistance to the Directorate?

The gross of a Technician in Administration and Finance, and Assistance to, the Address is usually placed on the fringe of the 14,000 to 18,000 euros per year. A greater responsibility, as well as years of experience, they can increase the salary to a position above the 25,000 euros per year.

Degrees related to Dual-Degree Administration and Finance + Assistance to the Directorate


Certificate of Higher Education in Administration and Finance

Administration and Management

Learn to lead financial and management operations in the most competitive scenarios with the most demanded training certificate in the business world across the globe.

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Certificate of Higher Education in Management Assistance

Administration and Management

Work with managers and teams where the labor environment and the promotion of cooperation will be key to optimise a brand.

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VET Certificate in Administrative Management

Administration and Management

Obtain the degree that achieved the first position in the employability ranking in 2020, becoming the Intermediate Degree with the highest number of hires.

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