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Cover page of a course Degree in Electromechanical motor Vehicles

Electromechanical technician Vehicles

Logo of the Ministry of Education of Spain Logo of the ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia
  • icon computer mode of study Modality
  • icon-lasting watch Length
    2000 hours
  • icon piggy bank money Price
    From 219€/month*
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Icon gown Electromechanical Cars + ADAS
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Icon gown Electromechanical Cars + German

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Projects our students

The doors to the world of the engine open to our students!

Meet some of the most exclusive in which they have participated the students of the VET Certificate in Electromechanics of Motor Vehicles and Higher degree in Automotive UNIVERSAE.

  • Image of background of the project Visit to Ferrari

    Visit to Ferrari

    Arrow that separates the title from the element's own content

    Visit the Official dealer of Ferrari in Madrid it is a unique opportunity that our students will only be able to live hand in hand UNIVERSAE. For the second time, they all knew, from within, the daily work of the Italian firm. Checked some of the mechanical processes studied in our workshops: assembly, disassembly, assembly, repair and, above all, the care of their supercars.

  • Background image project Masterclass Pedro Acosta

    Masterclass Pedro Acosta

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    Relive the visit Pedro Acosta, world champion and Moto2 Moto3to our campus de Murcia. How to achieve success in the sector, how to form, how to manage relations team and the importance of having a good team of mechanics are some of the tips they gave the pilot MotoGP in our facilities. Students UNIVERSAE learned, from the hand of the double world champion, everything related to the field of motorcycling.

  • Background image project Project car of George Smith

    Project car of George Smith

    Arrow that separates the title from the element's own content

    The well-known creator of content of automotive, George Smith Goodvisited to our students in workshops UNIVERSAE to present a unique project: to modify and tune your car to run on a track. A collaboration that not only propelled the practical training of future professionals in the sector, but that was a whole experience on the importance of training in motor vehicles.

Why enroll in Electromechanics of Automotive Vehicles VET with UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and VET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts committed in their field

OpenUNIVERSAE. Startup accelerator for professionals and companies

Professional outings of Automobile Electromechanical VET in Murcia

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ITV operator

It is responsible for inspecting the vehicles that arrive to an MOT test, checking whether the car is fit for the movement through a series of specific checks. If you are passionate about the world of the engine, the Cycle Through Electro-mechanical Vehicle you can be the best option for you.

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Operator of companies dedicated to the manufacture of spare parts

This profile professional expert in the FP Electromechanical motor Vehicles, develops your daily activity in the market of spare parts and the repair of all types of vehicles. Plays your work by performing the maintenance of the vehicle's systems and components, performing the tasks of revision, replacement of parts to assemble and mount new parts and to document and report to the client. 

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Seller/distributor of spare parts and diagnostic equipment

This work is in marketing machinery which has as its function to detect possible problems in the vehicles. This profile is highly demanded and must possess advanced knowledge in the area of mechanics, in addition to master the spare parts market and the processes associated with the repair of vehicles. 

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Mechanic of engines and their auxiliary systems of automobiles and motorcycles

Makes the necessary changes to add parts to motorcycles and automobiles, as well as to revise, prepare and fix the engines and auxiliary systems. Normally, performs its functions in mechanical workshops, both for their own account as others. This specialty demand by many professionals, you can access it through the FP Electromechanical motor Vehicles.

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Electrician and vehicle mechanic

This is an expert in the world of the automotive industry, which plays an indispensable role for the activity of the cars. In your day-to-day, serve the customers, diagnosing, repairing and maintaining the electrical systems of vehicles. Learn this profession, so in demand in the labour market, and to study the Electromechanical motor Vehicles.

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Repairer of pneumatic and hydraulic systems

This type of professional is very much in demand for their knowledge of specific mechanisms, pneumatic and hydraulic. Among the functions performed, is in charge of fixing malfunctions, replace, or adjust all kinds of mechanisms that have to do with the vehicle, maintaining levels of quality and safety. To train you in this output work, you'll need to to study the Electromechanical motor Vehicles.

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Electrician electronic repair and maintenance in the automotive industry

Is responsible for the repair and maintenance of any electrical failure of any type of vehicle. The functions carried out by these professionals are treating the electrical system of the cars as is the air-conditioning, engine, radio, etc, If you want to specialize in this job, it would be positive to study for a degree as Electromechanical technician Vehicles. 

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In addition, with this Middle Degree you will be able to opt for higher studies in the field of Mechanics and Vehicles that will provide you with new curricular skills

At the end of the titration as Electromechanical technician Vehicles, you can expand your education by going to the Top Grade in the Automotive industry, or to specialize in the care of vehicles the Average Degree in the Body. 

Where? Murcia, Spain

Where? Murcia, Spain

Icon location-green Main Avenue, Industrial Estate West, 30196, San Ginés, Murcia

We invite you to visit our Institute of Vocational Training in Murcia.

  • Green arrow double

    More 7,000 m2 facilities engaged in the practical preparation of our students.

  • Green arrow double

    In them you'll have new classrooms and workshops of the latest generationfully equipped with all the necessary materials for you to develop your training cycle in the reality of what that will be your professional future.

Entry requirements for Automobile Electromechanical VET in Murcia

To enrol in our VET Certificates, you will need to meet at least one of the requirements below:

Holding a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), an equivalent certificate or a certificate of higher education for academic purposes.

Holding a Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate

Having passed the compulsory modules of an Initial Professional Qualification Program (IPPP).

Holding an Assistant Technician Certificate, an equivalent certificate or a certificate of higher education for academic purposes.

Having passed the test to access the VET Certificate.

Having passed the university entrance exam for students over 25 years.

Picture that accompanies the component 'Requirements'
Image background subjects of the course


VET Certificate in Electromechanics of Motor Vehicles


2000 hours

Engines Fluid circuits. suspension and steering Starting and charging systems Safety and comfort systems Basic machining Personal development for employability-I Professional English Optional module Auxiliary engine systems Transmission and braking systems Auxiliary electrical circuits of the vehicle Personal development for employability II Scanning applied to the production system Sustainability applied to the production system Intermodular project


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training provision in the market
Choose one of our official technology training programs
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem that integrates immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and always updated learning contents
According to the labour market´s latest needs.
Educational Technology | EdTech
Enrichment and practical application to improve your learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply group dynamics to achieve your goals.
Specialized and committed VET teachers
Train with the best professionals in the field.
Learning facilities with over 65,000 m2 along Spain and South and Central America helping to boost employment through real hands-on experience for students.
International presence in Spain, USA and South and Central America
UNIVERSAE has first-class facilities in the main cities of these countries.
Job placement
Agreements with leading international companies worldwide. Become one of the most demanded candidates by employers.

Frequently Asked questions Electromechanics of Automotive Vehicles technician in Murcia

What is Electromechanics of Automotive Vehicles VET?

In the Average Degree in Electro-mechanical Vehicles you'll be able to specialize in operations, maintenance, mounting accessories and transformations of vehicles in the area of automotive industry. This way you will be able to access a wide offer in the labour market, and you will be able to address all sections of the mechanical and electrical that have to do with vehicles. 

What it takes to be a Electromechanical Technician?

This profession demand profiles that have a natural curiosity about the mechanics, the repair of vehicles, that are skilled, willing to learn the different parts of the vehicle, mounting and maintenance.

How much earns an Electromechanical Technician Vehicles?

The annual remuneration in which is located this profession stands at around € 24,000. The salary can reach up to 28,000 euros gross per year, depending on experience.

Degrees related to Electromechanical Technician Vehicles

Certificate of Higher Education in Automotive

Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance

Organize, program and monitor the execution of maintenance operations, as well as the corresponding logistics in the Automotive field.

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Certificate of Higher Education in Industrial Automation and Robotics

Electricity and Electronics

Learn to develop and manage assembly and automation projects, maintaining automatic facilities measurement, regulation and process control.

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Certificate of Higher Education in Electrotechnical and Automated Systems

Electricity and Electronics

Develop, manage and supervise the assembly and maintenance of electrotechnical installations, within the scope of the electrotechnical regulation for low voltage.

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