Academic offer distance / test online
Qualifications graduates, TSU and cutting-edge technologiesbelong to different education systems internationally and are equivalent and comparable to our titles of FP in Spain.
Get information on our university degrees
In the field of vocational education and training (VET), the degrees may vary from country to country, but all have the same goal: to provide a practical and specialised training for the development of skills and competences in different professional areas. These degrees belong to different educational systems international, who can also be the equivalent of our titles FP in Spain.
Qualifications as Graduates, Superior technical University (TSU) and Technologies in other countries, fulfilling similar functions to those of the training cycles of middle and higher level.
Our advisors will help you to understand how these qualifications international can be recognized or equivalent professional training, Spanish, facilitating your access to new employment opportunities, and academic, both at national and international level. If you have a degree obtained abroad and you want to know how to be equated to the VET in Spain, we can guide you and advise you in the process.
CDMX (Mexico)
SAN JOSÉ (Costa Rica)
BOGOTÁ (Colombia)
QUITO (Ecuador)
MUMBAI (India)
MIAMI (united States)
UTAH (united States)