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Privacy Policy

In compliance of the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF the COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (general Regulation on data protection), and the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, as well as with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, Spanish, and international regulation and national levels in the area of privacy and protection of personal data, below we inform you of the Privacy Policy of Universae (.


Los responsables del tratamiento son las personas jurídicas que conforman UNIVERSAE, que determinan los fines y medios del tratamiento de datos personales. En otras palabras, el/los responsable/corresponsables decide cómo y con qué finalidades se tratan los datos personales.

A los efectos de la presente Política de Protección de Datos, el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales son:

  • HIGHER EDUCATION MURCIA, S.L.,  con N.I.F. B42726521 y domicilio en C/ Isla Graciosa, 5, 3º, C.P. 28703, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), España.
  • HIGHER EDUCATION MADRID, S.L., N.I.F. B42726794, C/ Isla Graciosa, 5, 3º, C.P. 28703, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), España.
  • HIGHER EDUCATION BARCELONA, S.L., N.I.F. B42747667, Avenida del Maresme, 64. 08940, Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), España.
  • HIGHER EDUCATION PROJECTS, BARCELONA, SL, N.I.F. B09926437, Calle Del Samontà, 21-25, Edificio A, Bajo, C.P. 08970, Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona), España.

Address for notifications: en C/ Isla Graciosa, 5, 2 C.P. 28703, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), España, correo Delegado de Protección de Datos (DPO) UNIVERSAE: [email protected]

Las sociedades mencionadas anteriormente, actúan como corresponsables. A efectos de lo dispuesto en el artículo 26 del RGPD, serán corresponsables cuando dos o más empresas del grupo determinan conjuntamente los objetivos y los medios del tratamiento. En estos casos, para cumplir con el principio de transparencia y con las obligaciones que tienen los responsables del tratamiento, sobre todo en los relativo a los derechos del interesado, se ha elaborado un acuerdo de corresponsabilidad, cuyos aspectos esenciales están a su disposición en el apartado corresponsabilidad de la presente política.


Dependiendo de los servicios o funcionalidades de los que quiera disfrutar en cada momento necesitaremos tratar unos datos u otros.  Dichos datos, serán, según el caso, los siguientes:

  • – Sus datos identificativos: nombre, apellido, NIF, NIE o pasaporte o carta/documento identificativo nacional, idioma, otros datos de contacto, país desde el que interactúe con nosotros.
  • – Datos de características personales: tales como sexo, edad, fecha y lugar de nacimiento.
    • – Datos de circunstancias familiares y sociales: tales como ayudas y subvenciones.
    • – Detalles de empleo: tales como empresa, cargo, datos de nómina.
    • – Datos académicos y profesionales: tales como titulaciones, formación, experiencia profesional.
  • – Datos económicos, financieros y de seguros: tales como datos de pago o de tarjeta, información acerca de sus compras, pedidos, devoluciones.
  • – Datos de conexión. Tales como gustos y preferencias, IP, dispositivo móvil utilizado y otros datos de navegación.

Remember that, when we ask you to fill out your personal data to give you access to any functionality or service of the site, we will mark certain fields as compulsory, since they are data that we need to be able to provide the service or give you access to the functionality in question.

Please note that if you decide not to provide us with this information, you may not be able to complete your registration as a user or you may not be able to enjoy those services or features.


Depending on how you interact with our website, we will process your personal data for the following purposes:

1. For the development, implementation and execution of reservation of registration, enrollment and contract training professional and/or the provision of related services/products or requested

This purpose includes the processing of your data mainly for:
– Administrative procedures, legal and tax arising from the reservation of registration and the registration later.
– Access to and participation in vocational education and training. Administrative procedures arising, including transfers of data to third entities that collaborate to provide professional development. To facilitate our offerings of products and services that may be of your interest.
– To contact you regarding updates or informative-related training, including the sending of surveys of the quality of the services or products provided.
– Manage the payment, if any, of the products or services that you acquire, regardless of the means of payment used.
– Activate the necessary mechanisms in order to prevent potential fraud against you and ourselves during the process of purchase. If we consider that the transaction may be fraudulent, this treatment can result in the blocking of the transaction.
– Manage possible refunds once you have made a purchase and manage requests for information on the availability of the various products.
– Bill and to put at your disposal the tickets, invoices and any other document evidencing the payment in respect of purchases you have made on our Platform.

2. To respond to the requests or requests that you make through the different media incorporated into our Platform.
We will attend to your suggestions, requests and/or complaints through embedded media (Contact section, Universae360...). Only we treat the personal data that are strictly necessary to manage or resolve your request or the request.

3. For your registration on the website or Virtual Campus
In case you decide to register on our website or as a student through the Virtual Campus, in both cases, when the system is enabled, we need to treat certain personal data to register you and identify you as a user of the same, and give you access to its different functionalities, products and services that are available to you as the registered user or member of the Virtual Campus. You may cancel your registered user account by contacting us through our Customer Care department, or by email to the Data Protection officer, [email protected].

4. Nominations/Work with us
The data provided by you or by any third party authorized. Your data may be disclosed to other entities of the Group Universae (the effect of promoting his candidacy and/or to manage the same (department of contracts). Your data will not be communicated to other third parties unless explicit legal obligation. No decisions will be taken in an automated manner.

5. Newsletter and communications
To the extent that you subscribe to our newsletter, your personal data will be used for sending periodic newsletters Group UNIVERSAE (.
You must remember that you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time and at no cost, by contacting us by following the instructions that we offer in each of our communications -procedure for low-, or via e-mail of data Protection officer, [email protected].

6. Analysis of usability and quality to improve our services (Cookies).
If you access our Platform and consent to the operation of certain groups of cookies, including analytics cookies, we inform you that we will treat your browsing data for analytical purposes, and statistical, that is to say, to understand the way in which users interact with our Platform, also through third parties, and thus be capable of introducing improvements in the same. May be other types of cookies, if you so authorize. Likewise, on occasions, we carry out actions and quality surveys aimed at knowing the degree of satisfaction of our customers and users and detect those areas in which we can improve. You can find more information about cookies in the Cookies Policy Group Universae (.

Summary of purposes by categories of stakeholders

Category interested: Potential customers.
Purpose of treatment: Manage the sending of requested information and/or resolve the queries raised, to facilitate offers of our services and/or products of interest to you.

Category interested: Customers.
Purpose of treatment: Manage services and/or products contracted, to facilitate offers of services and/or products that may be of your interest.

Category interested: Students.
Purpose of treatment: Management of students for pre-registration, registration, access to and participation in vocational education and training. Administrative procedures arising, including transfers of data to third entities that collaborate for professional development. To facilitate our offerings of products and services that may be of your interest.

Category interested: Providers.
Purpose of treatment: Manage the commercial relationship and/or professional that binds us to the provider.

Category interested: Candidates.
Purpose of treatment: Manage the process of personnel selection and nominations.

Category interested: Employees.
Purpose of treatment: Managing the employment relationship and the obligations arising out of the same.

Category interestedAs collaborators.
Purpose of treatment: Manage the obligations arising from the business relationship/professional.

Category interested: Web users.
Purpose of treatment: Offer web services. Analytical data of the navigation and connection, if so authorised. Attend to queries. To facilitate offers of our services and/or products that may be of interest to you.


The legal basis that allows us to treat your personal data also depends on the purpose for which we treat them, in this way we will find different legal bases by virtue of the following purposes:

Reservation of registration, enrolment and other services

El tratamiento de sus datos es necesario para la ejecución del contrato de compraventa que nos vincula con usted, o la aplicación de medidas precontractuales solicitadas por el interesado. Conlleva cuestiones administrativas, legales y fiscales derivadas de la reserva de matrícula y la matriculación posterior.  Entendemos que el tratamiento de estos datos resulta positivo para todas las partes que intervienen cuando se produce el pago de una compra y en particular para usted ya que nos permite instaurar las medidas adecuadas con el fin de protegerle contra intentos de fraude realizados por terceros. Prestación de servicios.

Customer care

We believe that we have a legitimate interest to respond to any requests or queries that you submit through the various means of existing contact. We understand that the processing of these data is also beneficial for you as it allows us to be able to assist you properly and resolve any queries raised. When you contact us, in particular, for the management of incidents related to the product you have purchased through the Platform, the treatment is necessary for the execution of the contract of sale. When your query is related to the exercise of the rights on which we inform you below, or claims related to our products or services, so that we are legitimated to treat your data is the fulfillment of legal obligations on our part.

Para su registro en la página web y miembro de Campus Virtual

La base de legitimación es la prestación de su consentimiento cuando se registra en nuestra página web, así como el cumplimiento de un contrato en el cual usted es parte, o aplicación de medidas precontractuales, en el caso de inscripción en el Campus Virtual en relación al servicio formativo ofertado por Grupo Universae.


La base de legitimación para el tratamiento de sus datos personales relacionados con su candidatura, incluidos los datos contenidos en su curriculum y/o documentos adjuntos, es la ejecución de medidas precontractuales a petición del interesado.


La base legítima para tratar sus datos con finalidades de marketing es el consentimiento que usted presta. A modo de ejemplo, cuando acepta recibir información personalizada a través de diversos medios, cuando autoriza el envío de newsletter, o cuando acepta las bases legales para participar en una acción promocional.

Con el fin de mostrarle información personalizada, consideramos que tenemos un interés legítimo para realizar un perfilado con la información que tenemos sobre usted (Navegación que realiza, preferencias o histórico de compras) y los datos personales que nos has facilitado como rango de edad o idioma, ya que entendemos que el tratamiento de estos datos también resulta beneficioso para usted porque le permite mejorar su experiencia como usuario y acceder a información de acuerdo con sus preferencias.

Analysis of usability and quality

We consider that we have a legitimate interest in analyzing the usability of the Platform and the degree of user satisfaction, since we understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial for you because the purpose is to improve the user experience and offer a higher quality service. .


Reservation of registration, enrolment and other services

We will treat your data for the time necessary to manage the purchase of products or services you have purchased, and later the legally established deadlines for the fulfillment of our tax obligations. In some cases, only process some of the data up until the moment that you decide, as is the case of the payment data (bank card) you have requested to store for possible future purchases.

Customer care

We will treat your data for as long as necessary to meet your request or request.

Para su registro en la página web y miembro de Campus Virtual
Trataremos sus datos durante el tiempo en que mantenga la condición de usuario registrado (es decir, hasta que decida darse de baja) o mientras mantenga la condición de alumno/a, y usted no retire el consentimiento, siempre atendiendo a las obligaciones legales atribuidas al Responsable de tratamiento, y el interés legítimo del mismo.


Your personal data will be retained for a maximum period of one year, counting from the delivery of your candidacy. No decisions will be taken in an automated manner. Also, we inform you of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, suppression or neglect, limitation, opposition, portability and to withdraw the given consent. To do this you can send an e-mail to the e-mail address [email protected].


We will treat your data until you request the low or cancel your subscription to the newsletter. If you participate in promotional activities we will retain your data for a period of 6 months from the end of the action. Regardless of which process your data for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose concerned, we will retain the same subsequently duly stored and protected during the time that could arise responsibilities arising from the treatment, in compliance with the regulations in force in each moment. Once prescribed the possible actions in each case, we will proceed to the deletion of personal data.


To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, it is necessary that we give access to your personal data to third parties that provide us with support in the services that we offer and that we detail below:

  • – Suppliers of technological services that give us support.
  • – Collaborating institutions for the professional development of students.
  • – Entidades financieras, para la gestión de los pagos. El usuario que haya elegido la forma de pago ofrecida por Aplazame acepta que todos sus datos de carácter personal sean íntegramente cedidos a esta última desde el momento que haya iniciado la contratación de dicho servicio de pago aplazado. Esta aceptación se extiende a terceras entidades que tuvieran que acceder a los ficheros para el buen fin del contrato.
  • – Suppliers and partners of logistics services, transportation, and delivery.
  • – WhatsApp:
  • – Group companies Universae (on the legal basis of legitimate interest and compliance with obligations arising from the contractual relationship, such as administrative tasks.
In addition, we inform you that we are present in the following social networks.: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Twitch and TikTok to keep our followers informed on news and services of the Group UNIVERSAE (.

You can access these social networks on a voluntary basis and through the links available on the website or accessed directly and for its own account from the browser or app installed.

You should know that this site is not responsible for the use of the data that these social networks can be performed. However, when these data are generated in the social network and arising from an interaction with our official account, we will be co-responsible of the treatment along with the social network.

The creation of an account in a social network, it does not mean that you need to consent to the treatment of the data without informed previously of the scope of this.

To be able to consent to our transfer from this web site and the treatment of your data, you must read carefully the privacy policy of the social network that you want to access:

In this way, before clicking on the logos of social networks present on our website, you can learn and perform a redirect with prior knowledge of the processing of your data and on a voluntary basis.


We are committed to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of your rights. You may exercise these rights at no cost by sending us an e-mail to our address [email protected], simply indicating the reason for your request and the right you want to exercise.

In the event that we consider it necessary to be able to identify you, we may request a copy of a document proving your identity. In particular, regardless of the purpose or legal basis under which we process your data, you have the right to:

  • – Ask us for access to your personal data that we have.
  • – Pedirnos que rectifiquemos los datos de los que ya disponemos. Tenga en cuenta que, al facilitarnos activamente sus datos personales por cualquier vía, garantiza que son ciertos y exactos y se compromete a notificarnos cualquier cambio o modificación de los mismos.
  • – Ask us to delete your data to the extent that it is no longer needed for the purposes for which we may need to treat them as we have informed before, or in that because we do not have standing to do so.
  • – Ask us to restrict the processing of your data, which means that in certain cases you can ask us to suspend temporarily the treatment of the data, or keep beyond the necessary time when you may need it. If you have provided your consent to the processing of their data for any purpose, you also have the right to withdraw it at any time.
  • – Receive the personal data relevant and you have provided us with in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading and to transmit it to another controller.

On the other hand, when the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interest, you also have the right to oppose the processing of their data.

Finally, we inform you of your right to file a claim with the control authority in the area of relevant data protection, in particular, with the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data


De conformidad con lo establecido en artículo 26 del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (en adelante RGPD), se ha acordado conjuntamente los objetivos y los medios del tratamiento de datos personales.

En este sentido, se informa a los Usuarios que las principales implicaciones de la relación corresponsabilidad son las siguientes:

  • –  Los Corresponsables han suscrito un acuerdo que establece la colaboración entre las empresas indicadas en el apartado primero, en las actividades que impliquen el tratamiento de datos personales para satisfacer las finalidades mencionadas en la presente Política;
  • – Las operaciones y actividades del tratamiento de los datos personales tendrán las mismas finalidades, base de legitimación y destinatarios para cada uno de los Corresponsables.
  • – Asimismo, los Corresponsables otorgarán a todos los interesados los mismos derechos en materia de privacidad y protección de datos.
  • – Establecimiento de un punto de contacto centralizado para el ejercicio de derechos de los interesados, brechas de seguridad y cumplimiento de esta Política;
  • – Los Corresponsables han implementado protocolos y procedimientos específicos en materia de protección de datos. En particular, se han implementado protocolos específicos para la coordinación conjunta de los siguientes aspectos: (i) brechas de seguridad, (ii) ejercicio de derechos, (iii) conservación de datos y (iv) medidas de seguridad.
  • – La modificación del régimen de corresponsabilidad o de cualquier actividad u operación del tratamiento de los datos personales requerirá el acuerdo de los Corresponsables y será debidamente notificada a los Usuarios, en la medida en la que afecte al tratamiento de sus datos personales.


It is possible that we amend the information contained in this Privacy Policy when we deem it convenient. In the event that we do, we will notify you by different pathways through the Platform, or even communicate it to your e-mail address when the change in question is significant to your privacy, so you can review the changes, value them and, where appropriate, oppose or unsubscribe to any service or functionality.


We use cookies and similar devices to facilitate your browsing in the Platform, understand how you interact with us and, in certain cases, be able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits. Please, read our Cookies policy to learn more about the cookies and similar devices we use, their purpose and other information of interest.

Data processing in the platform UNIVERSAE (

Interested: Students, teachers.

Purpose of the treatment: Management of your participation as a user in the platform of online training Universae (.

Basis of legitimacy: Art. 6.1.a) RGPD. the person concerned gave their consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes. Art. 6.1.(b) RGPD the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the application at the request of the measures pre-contractual. Art. 6.1.c) RGPD. The processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the controller.

Assignments/data communications: Your data may be disclosed to other entities of the Group Universae (for the provision of services and management of applications, grants and scholarships. Your data may be communicated to public authorities and partner organizations and other providers of electronic services and computer support.

Categories of data: Treat identifying personal data, personal characteristics, data professionals and academics, data, details of employment. We will treat your personal data, image and voice, and text on your participation as a student or teacher, in the environment of the training platform and training sessions Universae (.

International transfers: Can be carried to term international transfers of your data with the additional guarantees relevant. We require measures of technical and organizational security to our suppliers.

Retention schedule: Your data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, and during the period prescribed by the implementing regulations.

Exercise of rights: You can exercise your rights recognized in the european and national rules on data protection, through the e-mail address of the Data Protection officer of Universae (in the direction [email protected]. European citizens of the EEA may submit a claim to the supervisory Authority, in Spain, the AEPD


In attention to the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, which covers general provisions for the protection of personal data, as well as the provisions of the Decree 1377 of 2013, shows that I have been informed by the Responsible of the Treatment, Higher Education, SL, a Spanish company with CIF number B16833287, (hereinafter Universae (), the following information concerning the processing of personal data:

Universae (acts as the Responsible for the Processing of personal data of which I am owner and who, jointly with other entities of the Group Universae ((including Higher Education in Colombia, S. A. S.), may collect, use and process my personal data in accordance with the general provisions of data treatment Group Universae (as well as the Policy of Processing of Personal Data from Universae (Colombia, available through the Group's web Universae (.

We inform you of the purpose of processing your personal data, which consists of the processing of their data for the management of your pre-registration and/or enrollment and participation as a student in the courses and training provided by Universae (as well as administrative tasks arising..

Please note that it is optional, the answer to questions related to the processing of data on sensitive personal data by the regulations in force, or personal data on minors. The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent, and the execution of measures pre-contractual and/or execution of a contract, as well as compliance with legal obligations.

Also, we inform you of the existence of cross-border transfers of data to entities of the Group Universae (located in Spain, a country with an adequate level of compliance in terms of data protection. The transfer is necessary for the optimal provision of the service and the execution of a contract to which you are a party. In view of the Decree 1377, they have subscribed, in your case, agreements for the transfer of relevant information between the Responsible and the

Manager, and have identified the same in the National Register of Databases.

You can exercise your rights of access, updating, rectification, cancellation, revocation of consent and authorization, through the channels provided for this purpose, in particular, in the e-mail to the responsible data protection Universae (in the direction [email protected]. You can get more information about the processing of your data in the Policy of Processing of Personal Data from Universae (ready on the website indicated above.

Universae (ensures that treatment is confidential, secure and accurate at the flow of personal data, reserving the right to modify its Policy on the Processing of Personal Data at any time. Any changes will be posted on the web page. The information provided for this treatment of their personal data have been provided voluntarily and is true and correct.

You voluntary, previous, explicit, informed and unequivocal has been authorized to Universae (to treat their personal data, in accordance with the information provided herein and for purposes connected with its object and purposes of legal, contractual, and of the principles set out in the Policy on the Processing of Personal Data.


In attention to the Fifth Supplement to the Official Registry 459 of may 26, 2021, which approved the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data, shows that I have been informed by the Responsible of the Treatment, Higher Education, SL, a Spanish company with CIF number B16833287, (hereinafter Universae (), the following information concerning the processing of personal data:

Universae (acts as the controller of the data of which I am owner and who, jointly with other entities of the Group Universae ((including Higher Education Ecuador, S. A. S.), may collect, use and process my personal data. The data have been communicated by you or authorized person.

Please note that the purpose of the processing of your personal data is to manage your pre-registration and/or enrollment and participation as a student in the courses and training provided by Universae (as well as administrative tasks arising. The legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent, and the execution of measures pre-contractual and/or execution of a contract, as well as compliance with legal obligations. Not carried out the elaboration of profiles, it is not carried out evaluations, and/or automated decisions.

We inform you of the existence of international transfers of data to entities of the Group Universae (located in Spain, a country with an adequate level of compliance in terms of data protection. Have been established security measures, technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. The transfer is necessary for the optimal provision of the service and the execution of a contract to which you are a party. In your case, you are adhering to the agreements for the transfer of relevant information between the Responsible and in Charge.

We inform you that you may exercise their rights of access, deletion, rectification and updating, opposition, cancellation, limitation of treatment, portability, right to consultation on the national register of protection of personal data, and not to be subject to a decision based solely on assessments that are automated, the email of the Data Protection officer, [email protected].