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Validate Vocational Education and Training subjects

One of the most considered advantages by the students when studying a TVET is the versatility it presents in terms of professional areas of study and the validation of subjects.

If you have one or several degrees through which you can validate subjects (other qualifications of TVET, university degree, etc), we will help you resolve all your doubts.

What is the validation of subjects?

The validation of subjects consists of the confirmation that a course to be taken has been completed with an approved course provided by the interested party, always with the aim of continuing studies in the educational system.

Process of validating subjects

The request for validation of subjects is presented to the management of the school in which the pupil is enrolled. The deadline for submission of applications for the recognition starts the day that begins the school year.


To request the validation of subjects, the student must submit the following documentation:


  1.  Application model established indicating the denomination of the subjects for which it is seeking validation.
  2.  Academic certification official stating the marks obtained in the subjects or the subjects studied.


*In the event that the student is requested to approve courses university studies placed, shall, in addition, provide the following documentation:


  1. Application model established indicating the denomination of the subjects for which it is seeking validation.
  2. Academic certification official stating the marks obtained in the subjects or the subjects studied.


**In the event that the student is requested to approve courses units of competence officially accredited, you must provide the following documentation:


  1. Official certification of the competent authorityif the units of competency have been acquired through a process of assessment and accreditation of professional competences established in the Royal Decree 1224/2009, of 17 July, the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience.
  2. Professional certificate issued by the authority competent Labour, obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, which regulates certificates of professionalism.

What is the qualification upon validating subjects?

Each subject validated acquire the grade obtained by the student in the subject studied (consisting previously in the academic documentation submitted), with the exception of the recognition of subjects providing university studies, which do not lead score assigned and are not counted for the purposes of the calculation of the grade point average.

What subjects have specific characteristics in the validation?

Subjects Training and career Counseling and Business and Entrepreneurship, included in the royal decrees that regulate the titles of Vocational Training approved in accordance with the regulation of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 may, of Education (LOE), is convalidarán with independence of mid-Grade or Higher to which they belong.


For those students who wish to validate the subject of Training and Employment Counseling and provide a certificate of notes of a training cycle derived from the Organic Law 1/1990 of October 3, General order in the Educational System (LOGSE), will be required for the accreditation of the training set for the performance of the functions of a basic level of preventive activity, issued in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997, de 17 January, by which approves the Regulation of Prevention Services, with express indication of the contents overcome. Certification of labor risk prevention at the basic level.


The subject of English or Foreign Language, always concerned of the same language, shall be subject to validation with subjects or certifications academic officers at an advanced level B2, for qualifications of Higher-Grade, intermediate-level B1 or higher degrees of Medium Grade, and qualifications for official university in Philology or Translation and Interpretation, of the same specialty to which the foreign language that you want to validate.


The professional experience and the non-formal training may not be provided for the validation of subjects of titles of Professional Training in the educational system, if they have not been the subject of recognition, through a procedure for the accreditation of professional competences.

UNIVERSAE puts at your disposal the best offer training in Vocational Education and Training of the market: more than 50 degrees of Medium Grade, Top Grade, Dual-Degree and Masters can fall in 13 professional areas.

Our team of academic advisors you will resolve all the questions you might have about all of the degrees and the validation of subjects.

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Contact us and discover why we are the Vocational Education and Training leader

Telephone: +34 919 033 434
E-mail: [email protected]

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