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Automotive Certificate of Higher Education

  • Modality
    Blended learning
  • Duration
    2000 hours
  • Price
    Desde 247€/mes*
  • Convocatoria
  • Convalidación
    Hasta 2 años*

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Proyectos de nuestros alumnos

¡Las puertas del mundo del motor se abren ante nuestros alumnos!

Conoce algunos de los proyectos más exclusivos en los que han participado los alumnos del Electromechanics of Automobile Vehicles VET and Grado Superior en Automoción de UNIVERSAE.

  • Visita a Ferrari

    Flecha que separa el título del elemento del propio contenido

    Visitar el Concesionario Oficial de Ferrari en Madrid es una oportunidad única que nuestros alumnos sólo podrían vivir de la mano de UNIVERSAE. Por segunda vez, todos ellos conocieron, desde dentro, el trabajo diario de la firma italiana. Comprobaron algunos de los procesos mecánicos estudiados en nuestros talleres: montaje, desmontaje, ensamblaje, reparación y, sobre todo, el cuidado de sus superdeportivos.

  • Masterclass de Pedro Acosta

    Flecha que separa el título del elemento del propio contenido

    Revive la visita de Pedro Acosta, bicampeón mundial de Moto2 y Moto3, a nuestro campus de Murcia. Cómo lograr el éxito en el sector, cómo formarse, cómo gestionar las relaciones de equipo y la importancia de contar con un buen equipo de mecánicos, son algunos de los consejos que dio el piloto de MotoGP en nuestras instalaciones. Los alumnos de UNIVERSAE aprendieron, de la mano del doble campeón del mundo, todo lo relacionado con el ámbito del motociclismo.

  • Proyecto coche de George Smith

    Flecha que separa el título del elemento del propio contenido

    El conocido creador de contenido de automoción, George Smith Good, visitó a nuestros alumnos en los talleres de UNIVERSAE para proponerles un proyecto único: modificar y poner a punto su coche para correr en circuito. Una colaboración que no sólo impulsó la formación práctica de los futuros profesionales del sector, sino que fue toda una experiencia sobre la importancia de la formación en vehículos automóviles.

Why enroll in Automotive Certificate of Higher Education blended learning with UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and TVET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts and active in the sector

OpenUNIVERSAE. Incubator for professionals and companies

Professional outings of Automotive Certificate of Higher Education

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Head of the electromechanical area

Cumple funciones establecidas por el responsable de taller. Su actividad se centra en tareas de reparación, montaje de máquinas, asistencia a averías, mantenimiento, y todo lo que tenga que ver tanto a nivel mecánico como eléctrico de cualquier tipo de vehículo. Para aprender todas las habilidades necesarias a desempeñar en este puesto de trabajo, es interesante tener un title as a Technician in the Automotive industry.

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It is the most responsible of the technical inspection of vehicles of a workshop on ITV. Their most important function is to verify that the vehicle is fit for the movement through a series of specific checks. In addition, you must possess good communication skills, because that is the intermediary between the client and the company. The Top Grade in the Automotive industry you are training them to be able to access this job. 

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Customer in automotive

It is a job that requires skills and social communicative skills, because it depends largely on the image of the company in which you work. This profile functions for making the link between the technical part of the workshop and the customer. Is in charge of collecting the requests of each client, applying them in the workshop to which these needs are met. It is a professional highly demanded by the importance given to ensure a shopping experience excellent.

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Expert appraiser of vehicles

As a professional in the area, it requires a profile-trained and formed, with a degree similar to that of the FP Automotive. Is responsible for assessing the technical conditions, mechanical and aesthetic of the vehicle, expressed in a report the monetary value of the vehicle in the market. You can develop your self-employed or working for a company dedicated to the automotive sector.

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Head of workshop of motor vehicles

Is the maximum responsible for the operation of a workshop. Ensures that all repairs are carried out efficiently with the goal that the customer is satisfied. This job is linked to a formation as the Higher degree in Automotive industry. 

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Spare parts area manager

Applied processes and guidelines established for their area of work. Among its features, this profile will be responsible for carrying out the orders, receiving, inventory, sales and returns of all the parts that are necessary for the operation of a mechanical workshop. It is essential to a good organization, along with the rest of the team so that all processes are met correctly.

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Receptionist vehicles

It is one of the key positions within the operation of any car company. Must have knowledge as Técnico Superior en Automoción, para ofrecer un servicio de calidad y asegurar que el cliente queda satisfecho. Desarrolla su trabajo como primer contacto directo con este, generando posibles ventas adicionales y garantizando el seguimiento y control de los vehículos. También el seguimiento de la información al cliente sobre el vehículo que desee comprar.

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Head of area dimensions: sheet metal and paint

Is responsible for coordinating the work of all the team that forms part of a bodyshop. Ensures the correct execution of each job, ensuring the fulfillment of the needs of each client. Works with the head of workshop, and can sometimes perform the same function. It requires knowledge in the area of bodywork, so having the FP in Automotive Blended learning it would be necessary to perform this position.

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Charge of the commercial area of the equipment related to vehicles

Have previous experience will be a requirement to have in mind when accessing to this job, like to possess a title as a Technician in the Automotive industry. Este perfil puede cumplir funciones como responsable del área comercial de la empresa. Desarrolla su actividad en la toma de decisiones que tienen que ver con la flota de vehículos, así como su distribución, en base a los objetivos de la empresa para la que trabaje.

Where? Murcia, Spain

Where? Murcia, Spain

Icono ubicación de color verde Avenida Principal, Polígono Industrial Oeste, 30196, San Ginés, Murcia

Te invitamos a conocer nuestro Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional en Murcia.

  • Flecha verde doble

    Más de 7,000 m2 de instalaciones dedicadas a la preparación práctica de nuestros alumnos.

  • Flecha verde doble

    En ellas contarás con novedosas aulas y talleres de última generación, totalmente equipados con todos los materiales necesarios para que desarrolles tu ciclo formativo en la realidad de lo que será tu futuro profesional.

Access requirements

To access to the Higher Degree you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

Imagen que acompaña al componente 'Requisitos'


Advanced Vocational Training Course in Automobile


2000 hours

Electrical systems, and safety and comfort Heat engines and their auxiliary systems Structures of the vehicle Inglés profesional Módulo optativo Removable and fixed non-structural elements Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad I Treatment and coating of surfaces Systems of power transmission and running gear Logistics and management of the maintenance of vehicles Techniques of communication and relationships Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad II Digitalización aplicada al sistema productivo Sostenibilidad aplicada al sistema productivo Proyecto intermodular


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training offer on the market
Elige entre nuestros programas tecnológicos oficiales
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem integrating immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and constantly updated content
Responding to the needs of the current labour market.
Educational technology | edtech
Enrichment and practical application of tools that help improve learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply game dynamics to achieve your goals.
Expert and active educators
Train alongside the best professionals in the sector.
A space of more than 65,000 m2 distributed between Spain and Latin America, which contributes to promoting employment through experience.
International presence in Spain, USA and Latin America
UNIVERSAE has its own first-class facilities in the main cities of each country.
Labor insertion
Agreements with the most advanced companies in the international arena. Become one of the most demanded profiles by companies.

Automotive FAQ's

How much earns an Automotive Technician?

The salary as a Technician in the Automotive industry stands at around 21,000 € gross per year. The amount varies depending on the requirements of each job, which enters the previous experience and knowledge in the profession.

Does Automotive Certificate of Higher Education prepare you to work with electric vehicles (EV) and hybrids?

Within the educational plan of the Top Grade in the Automotive industry there are several subjects in the work with this knowledge. In this way, the students develop the necessary tools that enable them to deal with electric and hybrid vehicles.

Will Automotive Certificate of Higher Education teach me how to work with OTA vehicles?

Thanks to the educational method UNIVERSAE (the students can enjoy the latest technological tools with which they can develop for updates on automobiles. This is the case of the updates OTA (Over The Air by its acronym in English), which automate the software of the car without the need of going to the workshop for that specific reason.

Grados relacionados en FP Automoción

Electromechanics of Automobile Vehicles VET

Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance

Perform maintenance, assembly of accessories and transformations in mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics and electricity of the automotive sector.

See Titration

Automation and Industrial Robotics Certificate of Higher Education

Electricity and Electronics

Learn to develop and manage assembly and automation projects, maintaining automatic facilities measurement, regulation and process control.

See Titration

Electronic and Automated Systems Certificate of Higher Education

Electricity and Electronics

Develop, manage and supervise the assembly and maintenance of electrotechnical installations, within the scope of the electrotechnical regulation for low voltage.

See Titration
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