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Big Data in Education: disruptive TVET

Tuesday, 11 de October de 2022

The application of big data in education is a challenge. Take advantage of the data that is collected constantly provides us with the ability to actively change and improve the future of education. In UNIVERSAE (we have powerful software tools with which we tailor our educational model. In this post, you know its advantages, and you'll know more about how to implement big data in our Instituto Superior de FP!

big data in education

¿Qué es el big data en educación? Primera aproximación

To delve into the topic that we will address in this article, it is necessary to deepen the first in the meaning of big data and what is its origin. You're going to discover with us how to get bring to another level the concept of education with the use of tools, analytical software. In this way, we managed to extract the most performance to the massive amount of data generated in the context of education. It started!

In the sense in which we know it today, the term “big data” as used for the first time Erik Larson in 1989. Used it in an article about marketing. He did, in fact, at the time, began to become popular business intelligence tools to analyze the business activity and the performance of the operations.

It is known as big data is the process of collection and processing of large volumes of datathat would be impossible to achieve by means of statistical tools conventional. These figures are analyzed in depth so that the decision making is cimente on concrete evidence.

Now that we have advanced in the concept, we come to know what is big data in education!

The application of big data in education

Analysis of the data is essential when implementing new educational strategies. Según manejemos un mayor volumen de información, incrementaremos el rendimiento durante todo el proceso de enseñanza. Por tanto, el objetivo principal del big data en educación is to obtain a collection of data with which to make decisions to improve the learning processes of the students. In this analysis we must not forget that it is also studying data relating to the teachers. They are some of the other main actors involved in the educational process.

The use of big data serves to diagnose by means of figures and information specific and truthful. Thus, we identify key aspects involved in the training stage and that might otherwise go unnoticed. The analysis of massive data of the students provides clarity on the environment and their needs, as well as the computer's own teaching.

·Benefits of big data in education

Take advantage of the data that is collected constantly provides us with the ability of power actively change and improve the future of education. Estas potentes herramientas de monitorización nos ayudan a generar las claves con las que adaptar los programas y las intervenciones didácticas. Pero, ¿cuáles son las funciones más destacadas del big data en la educación? ¡Las compartimos a continuación!

·Real-time Feedback

Big data allows you to read constantly and instantaneously the needs and problems that present students to a particular activity or material. This real-time feedback establishing gives many advantages. Among them, stands out not only to take the right decisions, but to do so in advance. So, it prevents the emergence of new problems. This function also facilitates the implementation of actions and respond quickly and adapt the tactics educational.

·Adaptive learning

Thanks to the use of big data, the training offers each student can customized. So, you learn so much more precise and accurate, so there is what is known as adaptive learning. You can design curricula and customized itineraries that contribute to increase motivation. Thus, it poses a unique way which resources are the most appropriate to develop the skills of a degree to the student specifically.

·Optimization of the available resources

The collection and analysis of data in education optimizes the resources available and the different methods of training. Before the emergence of the big data the classrooms were considered as a whole and the majority of the actions were always to the whole class. In this sense, in UNIVERSAE we have in mind de forma individualizada las necesidades que requiere cada uno de los alumnos. They all form part of our educational model is disruptive! Know what is a virtual classroom it is essential to understand how to adapt the resources to further their learning.

Big data and education in UNIVERSAE

As you can see, the main functions of big data in education are varied and all have the following common purpose. Impulsar la adquisición de conocimientos y fomentar su retención de forma duradera y significativa. In UNIVERSAE (we use big data to get to the core. With the collection of these data in our virtual learning platform we get to know down to the smallest detail. Accordingly, we are implementing pedagogical techniques that every second, we improve the educational practice, in accordance with the particular needs of our students.

·So we use big data in UNIVERSAE

In UNIVERSAE (we have programas adaptados, gracias al uso de metodologías inmersivas. Estas son algunas de las aportaciones más relevantes del big data en nuestro Instituto Superior de FP:

– Generamos modelos predictivos con los que tomamos decisiones sólidas como institución educativa.

– Ponemos a disposición del alumnado el campus virtual más disruptivo del sector de la educación, incluyendo metodologías innovadoras como la realidad virtual, realidad aumentada y simuladores, entre otras.

– Analizamos el rendimiento de los alumnos en la utilización de cada uno de los recursos educativos. Lo hacemos de forma instantánea.

– También, analizamos el rendimiento de los estudiantes teniendo en cuenta los resultados de sus exámenes y tareas.

– Captamos y recopilamos el número de veces que cada alumno interacciona con un determinado elemento formativo. ¡Así conocemos más sobre su asimilación!

– Conseguimos aumentar la implicación en las evaluaciones y, además, logramos disminuir la tasa de abandono.

– Elaboramos contenidos con un enfoque orientado al alumno, gracias a las habilidades centradas en el pensamiento analítico de nuestro equipo multidisciplinar.

– Tenemos la capacidad de guiar profesionalmente a nuestros alumnos teniendo su evolución y objetivo laboral.

The implementation of big data is a challenge!

Incorporar el big data en educación it is a challengefor that, there are few institutions that implement it. In UNIVERSAE (we are at the forefront of innovation to allow students to develop personally and professionally. We adapt to the needs of training to maximize your skills!

Si leer este artículo además te ha motivado a querer profesionalizarte en el ámbito del big data, recuerda que puedes conocerlo desde dentro y desarrollarte laboralmente cursando tu FP computing. It will accompany you throughout the whole process!

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