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Cloud Computing, what is it and how does it work?

Wednesday, 8 de May de 2024

The cloud computing is on almost all sides, what you have noticed? In this article, you'll learn more about cloud computing, or computing in the cloud, what it is and how it works. Provides flexibility, speed and connectivity, as some of their main advantages. What are you what we have in this post! 

cloud computing

What is Cloud Computing?

The term ‘cloud computing’ or ‘cloud computing’ refers to the execution of actions in virtual environments, also known as ‘cloud’. These software services are accessible remotely via the internet, which prevents the need to install programs on devices. They can be different, from public to private, or hybrid, and eliminate the need for the use of local infrastructure. Cloud computing facilitates the flexibility and scalability to the use of computing resources.

The cloud offers a wide range of services. This means that almost all of the computing resources may be utilized through the internet, adapting to the needs of any user or company. Does Netflix, Spotify, Google Drive? Watch a movie on the first shelf, listening to your favorite playlist or edit any Google doc in the online version are three of the most popular examples that reflect that cloud computing is the order of the day. As a minimum, you only need to use a browser and connect to the network!

The speed of execution of processes facilitates a greater level of adaptation to the changing needs of the users. As a result, the cloud computing drives the innovation and collaboration of the teams. All of this happens in a secure environment, protecting the information appropriately to cyber threats internal and external. ¡Later, we will clarify in more detail the main advantages!

How does Cloud Computing?

The implementation and use of cloud computing requires a combination of software and hardware. So, it uses a network of remote servers located in different parts of the world for storing and managing data. These servers are interconnected through the internet and will give shape to the concept of the cloud, of which we spoke before. Now, what does the user do in this process? Access the service in the cloud by connecting to these servers, which will allow you to perform various operations.

This process is divided into two main parts, do you know means what? On the one hand, the front end focuses on the interface with which the user interacts with the services in the cloud; it is found as well in the computer or the computer network of the user and the program that you use to enter to the cloud. On the other hand, the back end it guides your activity to servers and storage systems, all managed by a central server that coordinates the operations. If you want to begin your training in this area with a steady growth to the upside, the FP in Administration of Network and Computer Systems or FP in Development of cross-Platform Applications are two options that are very in-demand. Our academic advisors will guide you through the whole process!

I continue to deepen! According to the property leveldistinguish three main types of cloud computing. Choose one or the other will depend on factors, such as the availability of certain technical resources, or the expected performance. Thus, we find services public, which offer free access to storage; meanwhile, we found the environments private, which provide greater control and customization. The hybridfor its part , combine features of the previous two.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Despite the fact that the cloud computing has its origins decades ago, the technology not to reinvent themselves and this is impossible to understand without the cloud. All modern systems are connected to the internet and the cloud makes it easy to improve your processes, increase your flexibility and mobility of their services.

Cloud computing enables an array of resources that can significantly reduce the physical infrastructure. This facilitates the rapid adaptation to the demands of the market and the changes in the industry. Similarly, there is a growing broad set of providers and cloud services available, offering solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of the customers. Keep updated this operation, in accordance with the latest technology, the benefits to the end users. In addition, host information encrypted in the cloud, the use of authentication processes, as well as the automation of backups are measures that minimize the risks partners. The objective is to ensure the integrity, data loss due to hardware failure, human errors, malicious attacks...

To stay competitive in the digital context, gives freedom to the users. The release of physical limitations, accessing from any place and at any time, without compromising the stability of the different operations on different devices. So, it drives the connection between peopleit encourages team work!

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