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Design thinking: trends in education

Wednesday, 28 de December de 2022

Design thinking is a creative approach of development projects. Have you heard of it? In this article you will discover this moderna methodology, that has come to stay. Learn more about the stages on which is based, as well as the benefits they bring to the students during their learning process.

design thinking

What is design thinking?

¿Has oído hablar del design thinking? En este artículo descubrirás esta moderna metodología, importada del mundo diseño, que ha llegado a la educación para quedarse. ¡Quédate, te lo contamos todo!

El design thinking es una creative methodology de desarrollo de proyectos. Centrada en las necesidades de los usuarios, pone el foco en una gestión ágil, colaborativa y rápida. Se trata de una base sólida sobre la que solucionar retos, proponer mejoras e innovar. El design thinking, en ocasiones también traducido como pensamiento de diseño, implica proactividad. Su principal propósito es alcanzar nuevas soluciones a requisitos concretos, generando así un impacto positivo.

Despite the fact that the use of this term born at the end of the year 2000 de la mano de los profesores de la Universidad de Stanford David Kelley y Tim Brown, la metodología se fundamenta en la suma de las aportaciones de muchos profesionales adelantados a su tiempo. El design thinking tiene claras influencias de la Bauhaus y el diseño nórdico. Por tanto, cuenta con principios sólidos utilizados desde hace más de 100 años.

To know the phases of the process de design thinking es de utilidad para activar el pensamiento creativo. ¡Todas ellas tienen un fuerte componente de trabajo en equipo!

·Phase empathy

It is necessary to begin by understanding the needs that they seek to solve deep. It is crucial to understand perfectly the requirements.

·Definition phase

This stage is to filter the information collected above, and select the one that truly add value. It aims to identify the nuclear problems.

·Ideation phase

It is time to create the greatest number of ideas and alternatives to offer solutions. Is to go beyond the obvious.

·Prototyping phase

We landed those ideas to a plain tangible. It is for this reason that in this stage are built prototypes, collaborating to visualize the project as a whole.

·Test phase

Share the prototypes with the interested users. In this evaluation phase, we analyze in detail the results obtained and set actions for improvement.

How is design thinking incorporated into education?

En el ámbito educativo esta metodología también tiene una aplicación muy significativa. A través del design thinking, los alumnos aprenden a cope with the daily challenges that occur during the learning process. What is essential to moments later, in the work environment.

Develop a positive attitude towards the solution of problems with an analytical perspective is key. Through cooperation and respect for the ideas of others, the work group is part of the integration of design thinking in education. The role of the teachers lies a step beyond the transmission of knowledge. Mentees and guided at all times by teachers, is a learning action-oriented, to the implementation of the knowledge.

In this way, it stimulates the active participation and commitment of the educational community. It thus achieves a greater autonomy, and the incorporation of critical thinking and creative. The student is located in the center of learning and it is for this reason that, from the perspective of flexible, interact with their peers and discover new horizons.

The innovation in education es crucial para que los alumnos aprendan mejor; en definitiva, para que asimilen y sean capaces de aplicar los conocimientos. Estas competencias tienen un papel importante en todas las áreas profesionales y, en especial, recibe especial atención en la  Image and Sound TVET.

·Benefits of design thinking in education

As we said, in this process, the students become the protagonistas de su propio aprendizaje. Avanzan con sus propias herramientas y combinan diferentes fuentes de conocimiento. ¡Estas son otras de las acciones que se potencian!

  • – Communicate effectively
  • – Inspire reflection constant
  • – Pursue the process fun
  • – Encourage curiosity
  • – Promote humility
  • – Encourage to experiment

The challenge of design thinking in UNIVERSAE

Design thinking is built into the Method UNIVERSAE (. Fits in perfectly with our model of learning is disruptive, that includes the latest technology for awaken the dynamism among the students. Our teaching team implements this methodology internally, with the aim of expediting pedagogical processes. In addition, the design thinking is used geared toward getting to know the students, identifying their strengths and weaknesses as a individual. In UNIVERSAE (we are students able to adapt to change and enhancing their confianza creativa.

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