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Difference between dietitian and nutritionist

Thursday, 4 de May de 2023

Do you know what is the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist? Although sometimes these terms are used as synonyms, they are two different professions. Both experts have trajectories training and different approaches. Keep reading to discover how they can help get their patients to incorporate new healthy habits, what are your skills that are most important and how you can shape your career, starting with your official degree of TVET in UNIVERSAE.

difference between dietitian and nutritionist

Los términos “nutricionista” y “dietista” a menudo se usan indistintamente y hay algunas diferencias importantes entre ambos. ¿Las conocías? ¡Te las contamos a continuación! Recuerda que las dos profesiones te permitirán intervenir en la vida de las personas y ayudarlas en su alimentación y salud. ¡Toma nota de la diferencia entre dietista y nutricionista!

What is a dietitian

A dietitian or higher diploma in Dietetics, has received an eminently practical training. In particular, you have completed the official bachelor's Degree in Dietetics, which has a duration of two years. These professionals in the health area are dedicated to improving the eating habits of personal or family nuclei. Are in continuous contact with people who want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain it. Inform, promote health, give advice... Can be exercised in consultation face-to-face and online being self-employed or freelance workers. For example, they lead in the way of those interested in following a vegan diet in the right way. Can work in sports centers, in day care centres, colleges, etc.

What is a nutritionist

Meanwhile, a nutritionist has to complete the undergraduate degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. It is a degree that is completed in four years and has an agenda very broad, in that it delves into what happens in the body when you eat. A nutritionist is, therefore, the specialist in nourishing the body and has the focus on the nutrients that are required to consume. Performs the same tasks a dietitian and, in addition, you can engage in clinical nutrition in hospitals. This means that patients with pathologies that require confinement in a hospital receive the assistance of these professionals to the nutritional guidelines are appropriate to their circumstances and nutritional status.

What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist

The skills of both professionals can be differentaccording to the environment in which exercise professionally and the geographic location in which to carry out their day-to-day. So keep in mind that depending on the country, each one of them can practice some functions or other! Both professionals are the only ones that pueden elaborar legalmente dietas. ¡Las dos titulaciones son habilitantes para ese propósito! Los dos profesionales pueden asesorar y colaborar directamente en el ámbito educativo, en marketing, en hostelería, en investigación… De igual modo, ambos pueden trabajar en la sanidad pública y comparten habitualmente espacio en equipos colaborativos y en ámbitos divulgativos. ¡Uno no funciona sin el otro! Es importante tener en cuenta que ninguno de ellos puede recetar medicamentos.

Why is it important to the intervention of experts in the power supply?

Despite the fact that there are differences between dietitian and nutritionist, both professionals have a critical role in health. A proper diet and balanced prevents against a variety of diseases. Among them stand out from the obesity and diabetes, passing from cardiovascular disease, even cancer, for example.

Receive expert guidance based on the scientific evidence it is of great help to achieve health goals. As specialists, they are able to identify the possible nutritional deficiencies existing in their patients. In his quest to optimize the power, in order to enjoy a better quality of life, they also have ethical responsibilities and legal in terms of their prescription food. Designing meal plans customized to suit the style and dietary preferences of the patients, it is essential to continue taking steps to improve health.

There are numerous myths deeply rooted on food. Another of the purposes of the dieticians and nutritionists is to remove them. The main objective is to progress in the acquisition of new habits, that are healthy!

These are some of the skills you must develop to be top-level professionals. Please take note for note!

  • – Conocimiento profundo sobre los principios de la alimentación
  • Research skills and critical analysis of information
  • Planning and organization detailed
  • – Carácter empático y gran capacidad de motivación
  • – Capacidad de escucha y vocación por ayudar a los demás

Keep in mind, that both nutritionists as dietitians, can work in collaboration with other health professionals. The intention is to ensure a the comprehensive care of patients!

Access to the university with the TVET in Dietetics

Complete the degree Dietetics distance TVET in UNIVERSAE turns you into an expert trained to improve the eating habits of your patients. Keep in mind that if you want to continue to deepen in this exciting sector, you can do it. Thanks to the mobility between VET and university, having completed your Degree in Dietetics, you will have multiple competitive advantages. I'll have specific preparation in the professional area of Health! On the one hand, your job prospects will increaseas in the TVET acquire specific knowledge and practical. On the other hand, your network of networking will be more completesince you have access to all events with professionals Campus23. If you want to continue studying at the university, you will be able to validate subjects, which will save you time and resources!

If you come any question, do not hesitate to contact our academic advisors. They will give you a hint for you to develop your potential!

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