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EdTech: what it is and what are its advantages

Monday, 7th March, 2022

Just ten years ago it was rare to find digital sceneries in the educational context. Today, the EdTech serves improves teaching and dedication to students necessary skills for your future career. Find out what is the EdTech and what are its advantages below.

What is EdTech

Educational Technology: what it is

Just ten years ago it was rare to find digital sceneries in the educational context. Studying was always in the paper, the exercises that sent the teacher for a pen, tests to the hand, and the classes in front of a blackboard. However, over the past few years, there has been a push toward an education disruptive: the edtech, an abbreviation of “Educational Technology”, which means technology for education or educational technology.

The global pandemic of Covid-19 has led to educational changes are substantial, including the migration to virtual scenarios of learning. It is here where we find a turning point in education and where they start to take a force exponentially the EdTech. Teachers, almost unexpected, they had to face the task to meet a variety of needs to ensure educational continuity for students: digital classes, exams, online, change in the model of evaluation, etc On the other hand, also had to do it the students, to adapt to this drastic change in their learning and study methodology.

This change is not expected and it is for this reason that in that moment it felt like a threat caused by a pandemic, rather than as an opportunity. However it is true that, both in the context of education and at work, technology “it has come to stay,” and we provides facilities and many other benefits.

The EdTech is characterized by the set of tools that enhance the learning process and their application in practice. Depending on your application, there are two branches: the academic and the practice.

  •           1. EdTech as an academic branch: Makes it possible to study, analyze, or review the teaching and learning processes from a technological perspective.
  •           2. EdTech as a branch practice: It has to do with the technology ready, or used in educational contexts, that is to say, all the tools or technology services to improve learning.

Examples of EdTech

  • – Educational Videos
  • – Gamification and simulation 3D: virtual learning Environments gamificados that simulate a job
  • – Virtual reality and environments 360: Recreation work settings by promoting a learning immersion
  • – Augmented reality: Encourages the ability of investigation and inquiry of the student
  • – Artificial intelligence

EdTech and its advantages

– Facilitates the learning and retention of knowledge thanks to the involvement of the student in it.
– Generates learning environments aligned with the labour demand current, making the immersion digital.
– It allows an personalized teaching, adapted to the pace and conditions of each student.
– Provides more flexibility and accessibility. Facilitates an education without geographical barriers and access to more complete information and diverse.
– Increases the motivation and allows the immediate detection of areas for improvement.
– About the student to the skills demanded in the labour market.
– To enable training immersive more experimental and practice-based.

Why is EdTech important?

As a conclusion, the EdTech aims to improve the teaching and give pupils skills needed for the future. In addition to finding his reason in all the advantages of its application in education, also what is the future employment of students. The EdTech da response to the digital skills demanded by companies. Therefore, in addition to facilitating the learning process, it is also important for its practical implementation and its adaptation to the labour market.
Years ago, we could only imagine scenarios like: “Learn a subject from the armchair home or on the way to the bus stop”, “to Repeat the explanation of a subject in the times that we need to understand”, “to See with our own eyes how will be our future career through virtual reality or augmented”, or “to Approve courses and pass the level by overcoming challenges and performing activities gamificadas as if from a video game in it were”. This was before technology and a vision of the future, it is now a reality thanks to UNIVERSAE.

We invite you to learn more about innovation in education in the UNIVERSAE blog.

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