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Why is environmental sustainability important?

Monday, 11 December 2023

Find out what is the environmental sustainability, their characteristics, and examples. The local actions have global impact! Go in this article and find out why it is so important for the present and future generations. Every step counts!

environmental sustainability

What is environmental sustainability?

The planet has limited resources. Take care of them and reduce the dependence that we have of non-renewable energy sources, for example, is key to environmental sustainability. It consists in adopting a pan-focus that includes, mainly, areas such as ecology, economics and ethics. The efficient management of resources natural is the center of all the strategies!

In short, the environmental sustainability seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our daily decisions have a significant impact on everything around us. We must, therefore, have a greater awareness of our systems and processes. It is a matter of finding the point of balance!

Sustainability seeks to stop seeing the environment as a resource exploitable without any consideration. This perspective is presented as an opportunity to innovate and find ways that we can face all sorts of challenges. Implement practices in the day-to-day, you can start with the simple fact that you choose a particular product or service, contributing to adopt a lifestyle more respectful. The small individual actions are constructed of a whole community. This is how it is implemented in a solid form a significant change.

Features of environmental sustainability

There are plenty of elements that give us clues so as not to compromise the availability of resources for future generations. ¡We highlight below the most relevant aspects to get it!

·Transparency and accountability

Make these contributions of active, open, and interactive taking into account possible requests, it is key. Having access to this type of information is an indicator of the quality that facilitates a greater understanding of the processes. Similarly, to promote the awareness of consumers has a direct influence on corporate practices.

·Long-term planning

Have a schedule that provides for the central aspects for an extended period of time allows you to set the direction in terms of organization. Thus, it reduces the uncertainty at the same time that enables the innovation and fostering cooperation. This type of planning is oriented in a strategic way, it avoids redundancy and optimizes resources, accordingly.

·Consideration of social aspects

Although the concept of environmental sustainability makes us connect directly with the improvement of the environment, we must take into account that also has an impact on social aspects. We could say that caring for people rolled back positively on the communities and cultures. It is for this reason that incorporate certain habits into our day, we about to responsible practices and inclusive.

·Global collaboration

To be really effective changes requires that agents from different backgrounds and sectors to undertake. The global collaboration allows you to create a line of trust. In an increasingly interconnected world, the environmental sustainability with a global perspective is essential to address the challenges to large-scale.

·Assessment of the full life-cycle

The one-off measures are insufficient in environmental sustainability! It is for this reason that it is necessary to cover the entire life cycle of a product or service, with the aim of promoting sustainable processes and conscious.

Certificate of environmental sustainability

In this sense, we find awards that are granted mainly to companies, organizations or projects that demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. Then, what is meant by sustainability certification? Are norms and standards evaluated by external entities that are engaged to ensure different specific criteria, such as can be a multitude of ISO certificates.

It deserves special mention that obtaining a certificate is not an end in itself, but a starting point for the continuous improvement. These awards directly drive the constant search for ways to minimize the environmental impact. The entities that have these certificates explore new technologies and processes for, in addition to complying with the requirements, further position themselves as agents that adopt sustainable practices. All of this becomes a key differentiator in all the sectors, so that it can be considered as strategic asset.

In fact, at present, the EU legislation forces all great companies and all the companies listed on the stock exchange (except for the micro-listed) to disclose information on what they consider the risks and opportunities arising from social and environmental issues, and the impact of their activities on people and the environment. In this context, emerging new standards on the sustainability reports of the companies. So, this year came into force the Directive on reports of corporate sustainability. In this way, a broader set of large enterprises as well as SMES that are publicly traded, they will be required to report on sustainability. In the year 2024 will be when you are applying for the first time!

Examples of environmental sustainability

The small gestures are the ones that make the change! In the FP Safety and Environment, the future professionals not only acquire skills related to the security, but also effectively control how their actions affect the environment. For this reason, in the Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection Certificate of Higher Education we offer a comprehensive approach to our students. Protect the lives of others, and environmental sustainability are the pieces that are inseparable in the management of critical situations.

Thus, the Sustainable Development goals (SDGS) chase reconcile economic growth, environmental balance and social progress. The following examples can improve many areas of them. Take note!

– Management and good use of waste
– Improving the conservation of ecosystems
– Promoting the responsible consumption and production ecological
– Promotion of sustainable agriculture
– Development of building projects green
– Reduce emissions through sustainable mobility

In what of these actions do you think you can contribute your grain of sand locally? ¡The higher the number, the greater will be the global impact! It is essential to think of, and that we continue to make progress in the preservation of the planet.

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