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How do I know what I want to study?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Choose what to study is an important decision in your life. You can directly influence your career and in your personal satisfaction in the long run! In this article we will guide you to reflect and discover your vocation, the one that most suits your interests and skills.

How to know what I want to study

Steps to discover your vocation

What activities make you lose track of time? What topics interest you enough to investigate or learn more about them on your own? These are just a couple of questions on which you can reflect in order to know what to study. Get a introspective analysis! Identify your interests, do it thinking about what activities you could do it for mere fun. See if there is any link between them. This will help you detect the areas of study that can correspond with your vocation. Why and for what you matricularías in this titration? The first question responds to the causes and the second to the purpose.

At any time you can also get to ask for advice family, friends, and teachers. Your prospects about your skills and strengths can offer a point of view that perhaps you hadn't considered before. Despite this, it is recommended to get carried away by what you like really and you are good in a natural way. Learn more about the reality of work in the sector that you call the attention; in particular, for the professional opportunities that you can adapt to your lifestyle. Trust and believe in yourself! 

To zoom in a little closer to what you want to study it is convenient to immerse themselves in a process of self-knowledge. Our test of vocational guidance, UNIVERSAE Vocationto help you decide. Complete it in a few minutes, and analyzes the results. It will help you increase your motivation, and develop your talent! This free tool developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts prepares you to make a decision aligned with your interests and skills.

Available options in Vocational education and Training

The question “how do you know what I want to study?” is the starting point to design your academic and professional future. In UNIVERSAE (we have the biggest offer of titles of FP on the market. Our educational programs stand out for its close relationship with the practical activity. Being in tune with the needs of the labour market, current and future, we collaborate with leading companies and with specialists with extensive experience. In addition, our training officer is constantly adapting to the changing demands of the different sectors. This is essential for the incorporation of students into the real world, to which add value from day one.

The FP encompasses a wide range of professional areas, which corresponds to an infinite variety of interests and skills. Some of the middle Grades and Upper Grades most popular are in the following areas:

– Administration and Managementwhere is cover aspects of leadership, management of a wide variety of industries, accounting, etc

– Health, an area in which our students develop their vocation by taking care of the health of the people.

– Commerce and Marketingwith qualifications to boost your creative skills and analytical, at the same time.

– Hospitality and Tourismfor those with a passion for the hotel management, for travel, for all kinds of events....

– Computing and Communications, scope, perfect for those who have a great interest in technology, digitalization, applications, etc

In addition, through the specialization courses our students develop the knowledge of a single subject within a grade. Don't miss out of sight!

Plan your professional future

Take into account the values that you move is key to understanding how to know what you want to study. Plan your professional future, not only involves choosing your degree, but also to establish clear objectives. To achieve them it is imperative that traces a plan of action in which you identify the steps needed to achieve your goals. It is important that you segment the goals into small tasks! Remember, that the key is to be SMART. This is, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and in a defined time. So you'll stay motivated and focused on your goals.

As you advance in your career training, it is essential to be open to adjust your plan as necessary. Be clear about your needs and expectations. Demonstrate proactivity in the whole process. Make a decision that is going to make many years requires time. Search, inquires and question all the doubts that you may have. This will help you to know what you want to dedicate. Another method that will help you to choose is discard those professions don't feel identified. Another sign that you're in the right direction is to ask yourself if realizarías hypothetically a professional activity free. This reflects the real interest beyond a possible retribution, which means that it is a field that really catches your attention. Remember that our academic advisors they can assist you.

Important! Your choice is personal. You can feel the support, celebrate your achievements together with your surroundings, but the perseverance and commitment are individual. It is therefore paramount to have clear objectives and concise. ¡Plan and don't be in such a hurry! Remember that you can always return to recalculate the route of your training.

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