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The prevention of occupational risks or PRL

Wednesday, 20 de December de 2023

In this article we will tell you what is the prevention of occupational risks or PRL. Also, you will learn more about the basic principles of preventive action! It must not be forgotten that workers have rights and obligations. I learn it all here!

What is LRP?

Prevention is the best way to prevent incidents or lessen their possible consequences. It may seem obvious, but the reality is that many times is overlooked! In particular, the set of actions that are developed in the professional field in order to avoid any mishap within the place of work is known as ‘the prevention of occupational risks’ or by its acronym PRL. Are all measures that are taken with the aim of anticipating any physical or psychological injury, caused by the existing hazards of a job. In this way, it seeks to ensure the safety, health and well-being of workers in their professional activity. Through a series of regulations, the main purpose is to preserve the physical and mental integrity of those who contribute to the functioning of any kind of entity.

The proactive approach of prevention of occupational risks get that anticipation is an essential tool with which to create a safe environment. The concept of risk, in this context, stands out mainly for its preventability. Prevention is presented as a system of social protection that contributes not only to the productivity, but also to job satisfaction and retention of talent.

It is important to know what are the types of occupational hazards! Training is key in PRL, so that all workers have the necessary skills to identify and control the risks is essential. Among the qualifications of FP more related, highlight the Intermediate Degree Administrative Management, the Management and Finance Certificate of Higher Education and Top grade of Building Projects. I continue reading, we will tell you more details!

What is the prevention of occupational risks

It is the duty of all entities to implement measures to integrate the prevention of occupational risks. Incorporate them in the the operation of any work environment it is necessary to conform to the requirements legal. In the same way, it is a key factor that favors the positive reputation and profitability of any organization in the long term.

The basic principles of preventive action pursue, among others, to combat the risks at source, put the protection collective to the individual, evaluating the risks which cannot be avoided, to replace the dangerous and pose little or no danger, as well as provide the appropriate instructions to the workers. The effectiveness of the prevention of occupational risks is evaluated taking into account their ability to evolve and adapt constantly. The proactivity it is very important, as organizations grow and are transformed. To be a dynamic process, which requires a constant improvement, periodic review is necessary. The technology it should be noted in order to simulate the possible risks and predict how rigorous their consequences.

It must not be forgotten that the workers have rights as the following: training in detail, on the plan of PRL, review of the state of health in function of their position-specific protection measures, etc, Also, the workers are obligations to comply, how to make a proper use of work materials, to properly use safety devices or to inform you about any situation that involves a possible risk, among others. Now that you know a lot more about what is the prevention of occupational risks, we proceed to detail two working environments relevant in this regard.

Occupational hazards in an office

Despite the fact that the office may seem like an environment free of incidents in terms of PRL, is one of the environments in which we need to develop a solid preventative management. Office workers can be involved in a multitude of risks. These are some of them:

Ergonomics and posture proper. It is crucial to have furniture that allows to avoid potential musculoskeletal problems.

Risk of fire and evacuation. Develop evacuation plans clear, having points-accessible fire extinguishers are elements relevant to emergency situations.

Correct lighting conditions. A lighting wrong can affect eye health, and job performance.

Mental fatigue. Stress is another of the risks in the workplace. It is for this reason that implement support strategies, spaces of rest and consolidation of a corporate culture balanced is presented as essential.

Falls to the same level. The lack of order and cleanliness can generate trips with obstacles that cause accidents.

Long-term exposure to screens. To prevent tension headaches and vision problems in the long term, you have to implement frequent rest breaks and the right settings on the screens.

Constant noise. To help mitigate the negative effects of environmental noise constant reverts directly in concentration and a better communication between colleagues.

These are some of the occupational hazards in an office most common! There are many more risks at work that we can get to think. Although it plays a job most of the time sitting it is important to have a work environment that is appropriate. Don't take it lightly!

Occupational hazards in the construction

The nature of the construction sector presents complexities specific to PRL. It is characterized for being in the top of the list of accidents. Take note!

Heights and the risk of falls at a different level. It is necessary to use fall protection systems and provide training on safety at height. This will reduce serious accidents due to the instability of the structures.

Adverse weather conditions. Heat stroke and dehydration occur when working in extreme environments. It is necessary to monitor schedules and adjust them to avoid exposure to heat or cold.

Accumulated fatigue and overexertion. The long days of physical and intense in the field of construction require recovery time. It is essential to respect and to promote the periodic rest to regain energy.

Blows and cuts. When using hand tools, it is often give this type of situations. Heavy machinery introduces, in addition to, risks of trappings. Training in its use is essential.

Projection of particles or fragments. Establish standards of performance and to have the protection of the individual, such as a helmet or safety glasses, prevents injuries mainly in exposed areas such as the eyes.

Electrical hazards. It is essential to wear safety gloves to ensure a correct isolation when working with facilities, which must be in accordance with the regulations in force.

As can be seen, the occupational hazards in the construction are varied. The measures of safety and health can reduce them! In this industry is one of the biggest concerns and awareness of operators to work with is the first step.

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