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Technological trends in education 2023

Thursday, 2 de February de 2023

This year will continue to consolidate the use of innovative resources that enhance the interaction with the learning content. It is one of the most powerful ways to assimilate the learning! Read this article to know in detail the predictions in relation to the technological trends in education. What do you think will be the one that will leave most ecological footprint? Go for a 2023 with more training than ever!

Technology trends in education

Discover the technology trends in education that will set the 2023

This year promises to be full of new developments and technological trends in education. It is a fact that the technology is allowing access to a wide variety of resources that promote a more efficient acquisition of knowledge. Both teachers and students are making it a habit gradually to use this type of tools, which can significantly improve the process of teaching. It is evident that technology has a positive impact on our daily activity, which is reflected in the optimización de todo tipo de tareas.

In short, the edtech (the abbreviation of “Educational Technology”, which means technology for education or educational technology) aims to improve the teaching and providing students with skills needed for the future. In this article we share the eight technology trends in education to come treading stronger in 2023. ¡Discover them all!

·Personalized learning: training customized to your needs

The use of techniques of artificial intelligence is key to customize the agenda. So, identify the needs and abilities of each individual student and, consequently, the pace of learning. So we analyze the different patterns in the acquisition of knowledge! With the personalized learning based on the analysis of data the aim is to improve the academic performance.

·Robotics and programming: engine of logical thinking

Educational robotics is focused on the resolution of problems and the project approach in a simple way and fun. The gamification spurs entrepreneurship, creativity, and imagination. In short, the based training in robotics and programming potencia las habilidades de la educación STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta es otra de las tendencias tecnológicas en la educación que se presenta como más atractiva para 2023.

·Blockchain: education with warranties

The use of the technology blockchain it serves, among other functions, to ensure the security and transparency in the educational process. For example, it is particularly useful in the management of the documentation of the students, the intellectual property, the creation of academic certificates, etc., Between others, in the field of education, focuses its usefulness to the maintenance of records, storage of education records and to the facilitation of processes of verification. This has a direct impact on the security and scalability of the content.

·Biometric identification: personalization and security

The facial recognition and voice son otras de las tendencias tecnológicas en la educación que siguen avanzando sólidamente. Con estas tecnologías el proceso de aprendizaje resulta ser más interactivo y personalizado. De igual forma, refuerza la seguridad en los accesos de forma no intrusiva.

·Collaborative technologies: new forms of participation

This educational methodology aims for the students to work together sharing common goals. To complete it, is to contribute in team projects in real-time. In this sense, the collaborative technologies allow you to share documents and messages between students and teachers.

·Annotation tools: layers of extra information

The annotations for multimedia documents, presentations, or videos, for example, enrich the content greatly. Incluir nuevas capas de información permite a los docentes romper la unidireccionalidad de los recursos, interactuando de forma más directa con los alumnos. Esta es otra de las tendencias tecnológicas en la educación que facilitan la accesibilidad.

·Mixed reality: merging of the physical and digital world

Mixed reality is the result of the union of the virtual reality and augmented reality. It is an experience in which the students can interact with virtual objects that seamlessly integrate with real in the same scenario. In this way, it offers an experience very realistic, which strengthens the connections between concepts.

·Microlearning: pills with specific content

The microlearning it is an educational strategy that facilitates the study of the content through pills of knowledge fragmented. This formula is presented as a different way of acquiring skills through short videos on topics that are very specific and adaptable to any type of mobile devices. This causes that the attention is renewed constantly and reduces cognitive overload!

We are part of the most relevant events on the technology trends in education

The technology allows human beings to face new challenges with powerful tools. As we've seen in the previous technology trends in education, the common denominator is to create teaching content-oriented interaction. To enhance the dialogue on pedagogical improvement in academic performance and increases the levels of empathy. In UNIVERSAE (, our students have access to a learning model only! In our educational ecosystem virtual opens up a new world of possibilities to provide the educational experience more satisfying and motivating.

En UNIVERSAE tenemos en cuenta la importancia de estar al día con las tendencias tecnológicas en educación. Por eso, participamos activamente en ferias, congresos y eventos especializados en la materia. Integrated Systems Europe (Barcelona), Aula (Madrid) o Saló de l’Enseyament (Barcelona), son algunas de las dating more relevant to which we turn. Formar parte de este tipo de reuniones nos permite conectar con otros especialistas y establecer nuevas colaboraciones. Implementar las tendencias más disruptivas es posible gracias a la visión experta de nuestro equipo multidisciplinar.

Tenemos un sólido compromiso con los miles de alumnos que integran nuestra comunidad educativa: marcar un antes y un después en su desarrollo profesional y personal.

Learn in UNIVERSAE with the latest technological trends in education

The alliance between education and technology is an essential need. In fact, the degree in Strategic management of Cybersecurity created to promote professionalism in all areas of information. In an increasingly interconnected world, the training should be aligned with the management of resources more disruptive. The technology increases access to training programs from anywhere, which means a greater number of opportunities for learning. The impact of technology in education promotes the development of critical sense, initiative and creativity. The UNIVERSAE method includes tools of the latest generation, which facilitate the understanding, promote the optimization of time and increase motivation. ¡These are some of the main features that will make you forget that you can not learn that it is possible!

The educational innovation contributes to the increase the performance of the students. With technology it is possible to measure and analyze results in real time, which speeds up the process of learning. The role of technology in education is evolving day after day. In UNIVERSAE we create educational value updated in over 55 degrees Professional Training!

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