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Tips for studying: 10 essential tips

Monday, 28 March 2022

Date of update: Wednesday, 3 May, 2023

Follow some tips for studying will allow you to improve your study method and your productivity. Have a clear goal, a good planning and a good night's sleep are among the 10 essential tips to study. Here we have more to improve your learning!

Tips for studying

In most cases, each student uses their own methods of study according to their habits and routines. However, to know the tips for study will help you fix or improve your technique learning and better optimize your study time.

Apply tips for studying in your day-to-day will help you to get good results.

10 tips for studying

·1. Give yourself a goal

One of the keys of a study is to have a clear goal. Look out for a goal will make it much easier organization of your learning and it will help you optimize your time. For example, “this afternoon study two issues of this matter” or “I want to get my degree in x time”.

On the other hand, it is important to know that it is just as important to mark a challenging goal as real and achievable. This latter mode, the study will be much more motivating and satisfying.

With the educational model of UNIVERSAE you can propose to aim to obtain your official title TVET, either Average Grade (Technical)Higher Grade (Senior Technician)Dual Degree (Double Degree Higher) or Master's Degrees.

·2. Learn in a good educational platform

One of the biggest advantages that exist in education, especially if it is distance education, it is a good educational platform. This facilitates the learning of the students and their development, since that is the place in which to interact with the materials and education center.

The educational platform of UNIVERSAE receives the name of UNIVERSAE360and it goes beyond the platforms of joint learning. This is an educational ecosystem virtual offers the best educational methodologies through-the-art technology, resulting in a learning immersive and real.

·3. Plan your study times

Create a study routine according to your requirements or other activities. Having a good planning is one of the tips to study more important. Either weekly, monthly, or in the exams period a good curriculum will facilitate the distribution and the optimization of your time. Also, plan will help you to concentrate in advance, and then this will be reflected in the results.
With UNIVERSAE you'll be able to create a study routine tailored to your needs thanks to its model of distance learning flexible: you choose when, where and how.

·4. It uses a method of study

There are several techniques of study that can encourage and help your learning. For example, the pomodoro technique, the method of Cornell, mind maps, summaries, outlines, etc

UNIVERSAE provides its students a method of learning in which they/them/ace interact directly with the knowledge, so that their internalization is much faster and more practical. Among them are: agendas specialized quality with reinforcement graphic to promote the learning and profesores180, which facilitate classes recorded with components 3D and augmented reality. You won't be able to resist to this model of education!

·5. Practice what you learned

Practice constantly learned helps your retention. A way to practice what they have learned is the self-assessment or conducting mock exam on the matter in question. This will help you to detect faults, measure your progress and, in addition, go more prepared for the real exam.

In the educational platform of UNIVERSAE put in practice the knowledge through technology immersive (VR and AR) and simulators 3D. You can repeat activities as many times as you want. In this way, you will study the subjects and to put into practice simultaneously, with feedback automatically through a counter of notes in real-time. This will help to keep your motivation high and, in addition, will have a positive impact on your performance.

·6. Make breaks

The rest is a matter as important as the study itself. Within your daily goal should also be moments in which to rest the mind, back, and the view. Experts recommend a 10-minute break every 50 minutes of studying. In this way, you'll avoid the stress, the tiredness, the saturation and the muscle pain to be some time in the same position. These small pieces of rest will give up more in your study.

·7. Don't push the issue amounts

Give yourself goals, daily or weekly, but will not impose an amount of study time. All days are not as productive, or our state of mind always behaves in a linear way. By way of tip, poses objectives qualitative rather than quantitative. That is to say, objectives measured in topics instead of hours, for example. As you can occupy 2 hours or 4 in the study of a subject, depending on your level of concentration in that day.

·8. Sleeping the appropriate times

This is another one of the tips to study more important. It is demonstrated that sleep affects the performance and, therefore, the effectiveness of the study. A break spot affects negatively on cognitive skills and productivity of the student. It is for this reason that it is recommended to create a study schedule that includes 7 or 8 hours of sleep, to the concentration and effectiveness is optimal.

·9. Keep away distractions

A tip to study productively is to condition the space of work. Prepare the material before you start your day and, from that moment, keep away all the distractions unrelated to the study. The goal is to optimize the performance of learning while studying.

·10. Combines your studies with other activities

¡Disconnect to reconnect! All the people we need moments of disconnection in which to enjoy the activities we love, our family, friends, partner... Look for free time to do what you love. For example, going out to play sports, go to cinema, meet with friends or take a walk with your pet. It will be much more productive when you come back to connect with the studio!

Other recommendations for study

As you can see, the improvement of the study process is a continuous activity. For this reason, we invite you to keep an eye out for the following recommendations of the study complementary and on-trend that will make getting to the top. IEach person has a different learning styleincorporates the most suited to your day-to-day!

·Develop emotional skills

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and those of others. To empathize, and work in a team it will help you to grow personally and professionally. To develop these skills are very useful to improve the learning, whether that allow you to manage the stress, anxiety, and other emotions that may infer your progress. For example, include breathing and meditation techniques in your routine and will significantly improve the concentration.

·Build your own learning network

Study in a group increases the retention of information and motivation. Looking for companions and organized study sessions joint on a frequent basis. In this way, you will share ideas, plantearás doubts and you will help each otherwith the aim to better understand the more complex concepts. It is important that you create your own network, through forums or social networks, for example. The current learning has become a global process, and collaborative. Please take note of this tip to study!

·Learn to prioritize

Instead of studying all of the content at the same time, you learn to prioritize tasks. Put the focus on what's important or what they required more time. Get a full list reflecting all the pending tasks, analyzes its relevance and difficulty. ¡Calendariza when you have to finish them, so your productivity will be increased! In such a way, you will make use of your study time. This will have a positive impact on your grades!

·Uses the tools of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can help you to customize your learning process. The instant feedback and detailed will make you progress in your skills critical thinking and powers your strengths. Your use conscious and balanced has countless challenges and benefits. Explore the responsible use of this tip to study!

Follow these study tips will help you optimize your time, concentrate better and increase your productivity. The UNIVERSAE educational method te facilita el cumplimiento de todos ellos mientras estudias tu titulación oficial en Formación Profesional, a la que puedes acceder con la ayuda de las VT Scholarships.

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