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Virtual reality and augmented reality

Wednesday, 19 de October de 2022

What is virtual reality and augmented reality? Surely, you have heard talk about how these technologies will begin to apply in different areas. In UNIVERSAE (, we are pioneers incorporating these resources with a pedagogical view. In this way, our students learn as they experience with innovative tools. Get to know in this blog post the benefits of each and the differences between them!

difference between virtual and augmented reality

Virtual reality and augmented reality. At your fingertips in UNIVERSAE!

In UNIVERSAE (we offer an educational approach in tune with the latest technological advances. Virtual reality and augmented reality are integrated into our educational ecosystem virtual, with which we get our students to live a learning experience that had never been able to imagine. In this article we discover the benefits and differences of these advanced resources. ¡Quédate! You are sure to be amazed by the education of the future, which is already present in UNIVERSAE (.

·Benefits of virtual reality and augmented reality in education

We started with the contributions of the virtual reality and augmented reality, that will cause your education to the next level. These are some of the advantages differentiating that provide a disruptive approach compared to the more traditional training:

  • – Proporcionan un aprendizaje individualizado y adaptado a las necesidades de cada alumno
  • – They stimulate the retention of knowledge through gamification.
  • – It makes it easy to examine in detail the concepts and perceive a great amount of detail.
  • – Cause a greater degree of interaction and engagement.
  • – It encourages creativity and the development of critical thinking.
  • – Promote a learning versatile with empathy at the center.

Now that you know the points that both share digital resources, we started to know the difference between virtual and augmented reality. We keep on!

·Virtual reality, learn in a three-dimensional artificial environment

Seguimos profundizando en la realidad virtual y realidad aumentada. A continuación, nos centramos en la virtual reality as applied to educationthat presents , in a particular way, a myriad of benefits for the students. This technology immersive aims to offer the possibility of living a complete sensory experience in an artificial environment that appears to be real. With the help of a virtual glasses you'll isolate you from the environment and give a jump to a new three-dimensional environment.

  • – Aprenderás sin distracciones en el mundo paralelo en el que estarás inmerso. ¡Podrás explorar sin peligro, en un contexto totalmente controlado!
  • – ¡Identificamos el progreso y las necesidades de nuestro alumnado! La realidad virtual aporta datos con los que evaluar el avance formativo en tiempo real.
  • – Mediante esta tecnología se capta de forma lúdica la atención y la concentración. ¡Reforzamos los contenidos e incrementamos el nivel de compromiso de nuestros alumnos!

·Augmented reality, down to the smallest detail in the palm of your hand

¡La realidad virtual y aumentada son imprescindibles en UNIVERSAE! En concreto, la augmented reality it combines the real-world environment, thanks to the integration of different layers of visual elements. In this way, it is possible to supplement the real world with digital objects. To be able to enjoy this technology it is necessary to have the camera and the screen of a mobile device. This tool is very powerful and allows, in a very simple way, the students UNIVERSAE (can also encourage an individualized learning.

  • Obtendrás más detalles sobre lo que tienes entre manos. ¡Conseguimos así ofrecer una experiencia enriquecida!
  • –  ¡El uso es facilísimo! Tan solo enfocando a un marcador o a un objeto real se proyectará información complementaria. 
  • – Thanks to this technology, they represent a tangible and accurate many concepts, which are impossible to visualize otherwise. I understand in a simple way the complex reality!

·Differences between virtual and augmented reality

La realidad virtual y realidad aumentada suman aspectos digitales en el entorno educativo. La incorporación de elementos tecnológicos en el proceso de aprendizaje genera una experiencia que dista mucho de la más tradicional. Es por ello que es habitual que existan confusiones a la hora de comprender la aplicación de ambos términos, ya que son muy novedosos. A pesar de que ambos recursos se entrecruzan, each one has particularities with that, we encourage the assimilation of a multitude of knowledge.

Broadly speaking, we can summarize the differences in the use of virtual reality the predominant physical environment in front of the digital elements virtual. Meanwhile, during the use of virtual reality imposes a parallel world virtual al entorno real. De tal modo, la diferencia entre realidad virtual y aumentada también se puede orientar a la sensación que experimentan los alumnos y a los dispositivos que se requieren:

  • – En la realidad virtual our senses adapt immediately a new parallel environment, that is an illusion created with the highest technology. On the contrary, the virtual elements and informational augmented reality come to seem palpable with our hands in the physical environments.  
  • – On the one hand, to be able to enjoy an experience based on virtual reality is you need to use special devices such as goggles or helmets, among others. So, we get aislar visualmente y auditivamente a los usuarios. Por otro lado, la realidad aumentada solo precisa de un dispositivo que cuente con una cámara y una pantalla. El objetivo es conseguir la incorporation of digital content on a view of the real world.

Virtual and augmented reality have almost no limits

El potencial de la realidad virtual y aumentada es virtually infinite in UNIVERSAE (. The use of these resources applied to education provides a fun experience that achieves a greater impact. The levels of involvement of students through the use of these technologies are higher and this has a direct effect on their retention of significant teachings.

UNIVERSAE Method incluye ambas tecnologías. Desarrolladas por un equipo formado por expertos multidisciplinares, cada uno de estos recursos se adecúa a distintos objetivos curriculares. Las realidades inmersivas favorecen el aprendizaje basado en la experimentación. Por ejemplo, imagina poder teletransportarte a un gran almacén logístico en el salón de tu casa, mediante la realidad virtual, o poder colocar encima de tu mesa el motor de un automóvil, gracias a la realidad aumentada. It seems like science fiction, but in UNIVERSAE (it is possible!

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