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What is a customs?

Wednesday, 27 de December de 2023

In this article, you will discover what are the customs, a customs agent, what purpose they serve and the types of customs there is. Known for their key roles in the efficiency of the dynamism and efficiency of the world economy.

what is a customs

What is a customs agent?

The international trade becomes more developed. This is a engine of economic growth generator of employment in many sectors! The figures of exports and, consequently, imports in other destinations have an ever-magnitude increasingly significant.

In this context, a customs agent is an expert essential in the process of logistics and transportation. This profile is specialized in the intricacies of the customs formalities. From the tariff classification to the management of documents, to facilitate fluid exchange of goods. They are professionals that directly contribute to the dynamics of the world economy! Your job is located, usually, in the border control is located at seaports, and airports.

In this sense, the students of the Medium Grade Commercial Activities, as well as Double degree in International Trade + Transport and Logistics have a professional future promising. This qualification, which is complemented by a high knowledge in languages, it will be helpful, since in their day-to-day need to communicate with people from different countries. In this article you will learn what is a customs and their importance in the commercial control of the property. Get reading!

What does a customs agent?

The functions of a customs agent, are many and varied. They are in charge of issuing statements in his name or the name of the customers, to issue certificates of origin, advise by the laws and foreign trade, as well as request controls health, among others. Act as intermediaries experts in the complex network of custom regulations, facilitating the efficient passage of goods across borders. In addition, they have to develop tasks that involve skills such as the following:

Negotiation and coordination efficient. In this specific framework, it is essential to the ability to close deals favorable in all kinds of business situations. Relationship management facilitates the cooperation between all the parties involved in the logistics chain.

Flexibility and ability to adapt to changes. Likewise, it is necessary to have the skills to adjust to the changes in customs regulations. It is a mandatory requirement to ensure compliance with the regulations!

Strategic vision. Customs operations are optimized by anticipating the trends and the evolution of the markets. Make decisions with a view to long, allows you to adapt the strategies ensuring an efficient management and sustainable over time

Proficiency in the use of technology. Among the highlights, these profiles have mastered the customs systems electronics, use automation tools, to manage data tools... In short, they have to show a great adaptability to the technological updates.

What are the customs?

Immersed in the world of foreign trade, we propose the following key question: “What is a customs and what is it?”. Take note! The customs are public offices, government you are responsible for the inspection of imports and exports. These organisms are placed in strategic locations, generating statistics, and exercising the functions that force the regulations. The collection of this data is useful for companies, analysts, and researchers that seek to understand the dynamics of the global market.

Customs serve as check point crucial to ensure compliance with regulations, proper documentation of the goods and the control of the collection of the taxes. To play a fundamental role in national security, preventing illegal activities such as smuggling and ensuring the integrity of the chain, international logistics. They are much more than administrative boundaries! Are identified as the basis for the orderly functioning of the foreign trade.

Types of customs

The types of customs are classified primarily according to their function and geographic location. What are you what we have!

According to their function. Let's focus on the core functions of customs. A customs office of entry it is the arrival gate to the goods you receive a country. Carry out processes of review and control to ensure compliance with the customs regulations and the safety. In addition, they apply duties and taxes. The exit customs are oriented to monitor and verify that the goods leaving the country to comply with all the regulations. This includes the validation of the export documentation and control to prevent the smuggling.

Depending on your location. Customs are also classified according to their geographical location, to play specific roles to regulate the flow of goods in different environments. The customs terrestrial it operates in places such as borders and steps customs, to be responsible for regulating the entry and exit of goods by land route. Strategically located at international airports and other points of entry and exit, the customs air regulates the goods that are transported on flights both import and export. The maritime customs it is located in ports and freight terminals, regulating the goods arriving or departing on board ships.

The combination of these categories gives rise to a customs management integral. You will be sure that you have already clear what is a customs!

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