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What is an API and what are they for?

Thursday, 11 de April de 2024

Do you know what is an API? Sure that at some point you've heard these acronyms, which are part of the context of computing and are indispensable in the present. In this article, you will learn in detail what is an API, what it is used for and the main types, according to different criteria.

what is an api

What is the meaning of API?

In the field of computing, the advanced integration of data in the present cannot be understood without the use of an API. Do you know what they refer to these acronyms? What is an API? Don't confuse it with the APP! The term API, which in English refers to ‘Application Programming Interface’, it can be considered as the computer functions that allow you to a few resources to access other. This is a set of definitions and protocols that are used to develop and integrate software applications. Thus, it is a software that communicates with the other to perform various functionalities. The integration of different systems allows you to work together by sharing data and agreeing to their corresponding features.

In this sense, APIS are a key component in the development of any application. Among its utilities main highlights that facilitates the use of libraries, so that reverts directly to speed up a multitude of tasks. Anyway, it is not a piece you have to perceive the user, it is a part of the programming for your consumption between channels. As you can imagine, the APIS are essential in the performance of the internet.

Think of an API as a gateway or intermediary that allows two different programs to communicate with each other. Imagine that you have a mobile application and a server. In this context, the API acts as the bridge that allows the application to send requests to the server and receive responses.

What are the API

¡We move forward in what is an API! Most of them are designed with the web standards, which favors the integration of all types of services and information at a distance. Obviously, this means that they are used in remote staying away from your computer or the server that makes the request.

Similarly, the API provides a standardized interface to access services and data, facilitating the development of applications that work on different platforms. With them is achieved customize the user experiencebecause they are incorporated outside services that are tailored to the individual needs and preferences. As mentioned above, an API streamlines the interconnection of systems. One of its strengths most prominent is that it allows the communication between different applications and systems, regardless of technology or platform.

In addition, the use of the API facilitates the collaboration between different teams development. They serve so that they can work together, using services and data offered through them. In the same way, urge the developers to create widgets or plug-ins that extend the functionality of an application or web site. In a nutshell, promote the technological innovation! The fact that open access to functionality and data encourages the creation of new applications and services based on existing ones.

All these concepts afianzarás with implementation of your skills as a future Systems technician Microinformáticos and Networks or Double Degree in cross-Platform Applications and Web, among other qualifications available official in UNIVERSAE (.

Types of APIS

APIS are the foundation on which is built a large part of the digital ecosystem modern. They're practically everywhere in the digital world today! Know below how you usually qualify for further in-depth what is an API:

According to his purpose

  • – Web API. Are those designed to be accessible over the internet using protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS.
  • – Local API. They are designed to be used in the same system or machine in which they are housed.

Depending on your architecture
  • – REST API. Uses HTTP to communicate and allows you to access and manipulate resources through standard operations.
  • – SOAP API. XML-based, it offers a more rigid structure for communication between systems using operations defined in a WSDL file.
  • – GraphQL API. Provides an efficient alternative to REST and SOAP, allowing customers to apply for and receive only the data needed by specific queries.

According to their accessibility
  • – Public APIS. They are accessible for any developer, and usually require a registration and authentication to use.
  • – API private. Are for internal use by an organization or to a specific set of developers that are authorized.

According to their scope of use
  • – Services API. Provide functionalities to interact with specific services, such as API, payment API, geolocation, etc
  • – System API. Expose the functionalities of the operating system or underlying hardware, such as file system APIS, APIS for memory management, etc

According to your nature data
  • – Data API. Allow the access to and manipulation of structured data, such as databases or files.
  • – API functions. Provide access to specific features or complex calculations without exposing the data directly.

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