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Machine learning: types and application practice

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Discover in this article what it is and how it works the machine learning! You know what is the main classification and the progress that is presented thanks to this branch of Artificial Intelligence. This is only the beginning of the transformation that results in the analysis of data and decision making. I read this article to know more about this technology that is changing the digital future!

machine learning

Machine learning, the technology that is transforming the digital future

The practical applications of machine learning have a place in the daily life, such as in professional environments pointers. So only we are in the early stages of use of this type of artificial intelligence! In the next few years, the productivity in the different tissues of business you will see intensified considerably thanks to this branch of AI.

Know in this article, the main types that exist, how is it used in multiple areas and benefits in education. This technology is changing as the digital future! Learn more about how it is changing the game, continue reading this article!

What is machine learning? Introduction to the concept and classification

Do you know define the concept of machine learning? What are you what we have! It is a discipline of artificial intelligence which allows computers to learn from data without being programmed explicitly. In this way, through a large volume of data is achieved, identify patterns and make predictions. Adding this fact to the machine learning is based on algorithms that are optimized with the time, is a branch of knowledge that is already revolutionizing many industries. These technologies can identify trends that humans are not detected. Which may result in significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy all types of activities.

In machine learning there are three major classifications. Notable among them is the machine learning supervised, which is trained with a set of labeled data, which can include a wide range of detail. The machine learning not supervised, which is used when you do not have labeled data and find the patterns autonomously. Also, the machine learning reinforced learn from the results of the decisions that are made, which facilitates the fit of the model.

You need experts who train these machines to learn from data, to derive conclusions and correct possible errors. The major innovation lies in the fact that the machines to learn without being programmed.

How this branch of Artificial Intelligence is transforming the world of work?

The machine learning has many practical applications in the world of work. These technologies help companies to process large amounts of data, which streamlines the stages of the decision making. It is changing the way we proceed in the most innovative companies!.

For example, in the health sector it is of great utility for early diagnosis and precise, so as to provide more effective treatments. In the scope of the security, we used these techniques to prevent fraud and detect all kinds of malicious activities. In this sense, in the creative industrythanks to these techniques of artificial intelligence, you can explore new ways of production of works of art. From a commercial perspective, you get to have an in-depth analysis of the profiles of the customers, which facilitates the customization of offers. With respect to the sustainabilityfavors the resolution of environmental problems, the energy optimization, etc

·Progress of machine learning applicable in education

Aware of the great benefits of machine learning in a wide variety of fields, in UNIVERSAE (applied in the field of education. Systems machine learning they are elementary to analyze a large volume of information education on students. This reverses positively on their performance, as well as personalized recommendations, among other factors. The machine learning helps teachers to develop curriculum materials even more advanced. Get potentiate lthe form in which it is taught and learned!

The machine learning improving the assessment of student learning and feedback to the students. In this way, it speeds up the shipping comments accurate, which increases the interaction and understanding of the students. These actions cause the figures drop to decrease and that levels of academic success increase. 

The great interest in these techniques makes that have been created a new niche professional. Formal training and from the experts is the basis of everything. So, you can also highlight the machine learning it is an essential skill for students of the Double Certificate of Higher Education: Multiplatform Application Development + Web Application Development distance learning. Developers should be able to integrate these technologies to improve the functionality and quality of the applications. In the case of the students of Higher Degree in Administration of Network and Computer Systems, learn how to use the machine learningin particular, to improve the security and identify threats in real time.

The algorithms that do not stop!

The trends and developments in the machine learning have a quick evolution. As we have seen, this optimization algorithms opens up many opportunities that are applied in different sectors. Decision making focuses on another form with this technology, which involves new ways to solve problems.

We hope that this post has inspired you to learn more about this discipline disruptive. It is a powerful tool for the future workforce! It is never too late to learn something new. The machine learning has come to stay!

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