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What is orthodontics?

Wednesday, 24 de January de 2024

We're going to explain what is orthodontic treatment in addition to speak also of the invisible orthodontics. It comes in this article and find out everything you didn't know about orthodontics!

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a specialty dentistry that deals with the correction of teeth and bones, in order to improve the balance of morphological and functional of the mouth. So, mainly, corrects and prevents the different alterations of the teeth placed in a bad position and they don't bite properly.

Our students of the FP Healthin particular, the Oral Hygiene Certificate of Higher Education distance learningbecome the expert that accompany dentists and orthodontists, among others, with a perspective up-to-date and focused on the patient to which the treatments to be effective. Our students are from the hand of professional prestige throughout the world!

Have an alignment dental natural and perfect is something that not all people have. In fact, for example, it is relatively common to experience certain difficulties in the bite or spaces between the different parts. The objectives that is expected to achieve with the orthodontic treatment they are very varied. One of the most common is the correction of the bite and occlusion. Properly align the teeth and adjust the position of the jaw reduces possible problems in the future. The use of orthodontic treatment is also recommended in cases in which the need to improve the respiratory function, as well as the ability of pronunciation and phonetics, especially in young people who begin their language development. Also, the influence of the orthodontic treatment is extended to the emotional well-beingimproving your self-esteem and confidence. I keep reading this article to learn more about what is orthodontics and resolve the questions more common on this topic!

Main benefits of using orthodontics

Many patients believe that orthodontic treatment is aimed at children and adolescents, and that this is only an aesthetic issue. As we advance previously, this last aspect is one of the reasons for resorting to this treatment, but not the only one. In terms of age, we can affirm that provides solutions for a wide variety of needsnot only focused on the stages of growth. It is a very valuable tool to improve the oral health!

What is orthodontics and how it can positively influence your health? These are 5 of the reasons more popular that it is advisable to:

– Facilitates dental hygiene
– Reduces and even eliminates pain caused by a bad bite, as can occur in the neck or head
– An improvement in the ingestion and digestion of food
– Reduces the risk of tooth wear, and even tooth loss
– To prevent future problems, such as reducing the risk of trauma, alleviating pressure on the joint, etc

The use of orthodontics improves the quality of life in general. Not only is it a transformation of your smile, but also reverses the well-being of the patients. They are aware of what is involved in this treatment and its direct benefits, it is essential. It is a work of the top technical on Oral Hygiene! Remind patients precise indications, in which stands a care routine constant it is essential.

What is the invisible orthodontics?

There are various techniques for the correction of the placement of teeth. This is a field of expertise that has different modes that cater to specific factors! We can split the rankings in two major categories, from the most traditional (fixed orthodontic), up to the transparent or removable (also called invisible braces or invisible braces). Each treatment should be chosen according to the specific needs of each patient!

While it is true, in addition to the more classic, currently receives special attention to the mode removable. Want to know what is an invisible orthodontics? This form of intervention that uses latest generation technology is very accurate and completely customized for each case. This system is based on digital models 3D with the design of liners, or splints alineadoras accurate that apply gradual pressure on the teeth, moving them to the desired position. It is an effective process that allows for the detailed planning of each step of the treatment.

Unlike the traditional methods, which tend to use brackets and metal wires with sharp edges, these aligners avoid certain discomfort, by providing a more pleasant experience. Anyway, the future professionals of the oral health that are formed in UNIVERSAE (, understood in depth the process and move the information required for the treatment, in any case, be as comfortable as possible for patients. Before the use of invisible braces aesthetically attractive and comfortable, patients are typically viewed through a custom animation from the first query, how will be the evolution of treatment.

What advantages and disadvantages do invisible braces have?

I understand what is orthodontic treatment is the first step to a smile more healthy! In the situations for which to opt for an invisible orthodontics, also known under the term of ‘invisible braces’, patients receive accurate information about the full course of treatment. It will have advantages and disadvantages that you need to make before starting with the process!


  • Comfort and less irritation. The design smooth and without sharp edges minimizes the discomfort and provides a more comfortable experience for the patient.
  • Ease of cleaning, and versatility. The removability of the sleeves alineadoras helps to maintain optimal hygiene during the treatment, reducing the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
  • Fewer visits to the query. In comparison with other systems, invisible orthodontics requires fewer visits to the query, which provides independence in the treatment. It is usual to follow-up in a remote process.
  • Treatment potentially shorter. The precision of technology employed can reach speed up the alignment process in certain situations.


  • Demand a discipline on the part of the patient. To get effective results, invisible Braces should be used in a continuous manner following the guidelines provided. The lack of commitment may affect the efficacy.
  • Greater potential cost.The customization and the technology used can result in an initial cost higher.
  • Increases the risk of loss or damage. Also, in comparison with the treatments that are fixed, may be susceptible to increase the risk of rupture and loss. If the splints are not stored properly, can occur situations like these.
  • Limitations in complex cases. Although invisible orthodontics is effective in a large number of cases, there are some complexities concrete in which other systems may be more suitable.

In general terms, it is essential that patients reflect openly about their expectations and concerns during the consultation. The choice between invisible braces and traditional will depend on individual preferences, the clinical case and the specific goals of treatment. The oral health is essential to overall well-being, influencing our daily quality of life!

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