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Pathological anatomy: meaning, types, and treatments

Wednesday, 19 de July de 2023

When it comes to understanding in depth the functioning of the human body and diagnosing diseases, knowing what pathology is is essential. In this article, you will learn more about the meaning of this discipline, what its main branches and techniques are, as well as the key functions that are developed in a pathological study. If healthcare catches your attention and you want to dedicate yourself to this field, you can become a professional by taking our Higher Degree in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis. Keep reading!

Meaning of Pathological Anatomy

Through a detailed analysis of samples, the technical vocational education in pathology or, also called, anatomopatólogos collaborate in the determination of the nature of a disease and the possible implications for health. This discipline is not just limited to the study of the tissues, but also covers the analysis of cellular samples obtained from various body structures. - In this article you fill in what is pathological anatomy and its relevance in the study of diseases!

Thanks to the pathological anatomy can be detect malignant and benign lesions, as well as evaluating the patient's response to treatment. The information with which they work technicians can help physicians to make decisions more precise and personalized. In addition, with the remarkable technological advances, this discipline in constant evolution has a great impact in medical research, which helps significantly to improve the quality of life of the people.

The Advanced Vocational Training Course in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis es una opción de formación altamente especializada dentro de la FP Sanidad. Esta titulación oficial te brindará las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para convertirte en un profesional altamente capacitado. Nuestro equipo docente te guiará durante todo tu aprendizaje para que seas capaz de aplicar tus conocimientos en entornos reales. Como técnico de FP, muy pronto, estarás preparado para trabajar en laboratorios de Anatomía Patológica, hospitales, centros de investigación y clínicas especializadas. La demanda de estos profesionales está en constante crecimiento, ¡serás un eslabón clave en los equipos médicos!

What does Pathological Anatomy study: main branches

The pathological anatomy is responsible, primarily, to study and analyze the cells and tissues of the human body. The branches of this discipline include a broad spectrum of study and analysis. All of them are essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of various conditions. Explores what is pathological anatomy and its importance in the study of diseases. Please take note on how to contribute to the improvement of health!

  • – Histología. Explores the structure, organization and functions of biological tissues, with special focus on those who are affected by diseases. Compare normal and pathological tissues to obtain essential information.
  • – Citología. This branch is devoted to the study of the cells in a broader context, thus allowing for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases. Each cell reveals tracks, which is essential in the early detection of diseases, and its monitoring!
  • – Inmunología. Allows us to analyze structural alterations and cellular occur in tissues and cells, such as immune response or inflammatory. ¡In this way, unravel the mechanisms and the responses of the immune system!
  • – Biología Molecular. It is the exploration of the processes that occur at the molecular level in the human body. We're going in deep of DNA for analysis of specific genetic alterations!
  • – Microbiología. This branch plays a crucial role in the pathological anatomy to identify the microorganisms responsible for the alterations in tissues and cells. The early diagnosis of infections helps to focus on a treatment properly.

Techniques and most common tests of Pathological Anatomy

Las técnicas que aplican los graduados en FP son vitales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades. ¡Sigue leyendo para aprender qué es anatomía patológica y cuáles son las principales técnicas que se utilizan y hacen posible un análisis preciso!

  • – Fijación. After obtaining a sample of tissue, the fixation process is the determining factor. It is the first step to keep the sample! By applying special chemicals, preserving the structure and composition of the sample. In this way, it preserves and prevents it from being degraded, ensuring results are rigorous in the later stages of analysis.
  • – Procesamiento histológico. It involves a series of steps meticulous! Among them, highlighting the dehydration, paraffin inclusion and the implementation of cuts in extremely thin sections. That's the way to prepare the sample for analysis!
  • – Corte de secciones. When the samples have been processed, the technicians in pathological anatomy carry out cutting of sections. Using specialized instruments, such as the microtome, get sections is extremely thin to observe in the microscope.
  • – Tinciones histológicas. With this technique are highlighted and differentiate the different components of the tissues and cells. The contrasts of colors allow technicians to identify and classify cell types and histological patterns.
  • – Inmunohistoquímica. In this way, it enables you to detect specific proteins and to assess their distribution in the tissue analyzed. It is especially useful in the marking of biomarkers and in the characterization of tumors!
  • – Análisis molecular. Through techniques, such as PCR or sequencing, we explore the genetic code and are detected mutations. This is paramount in order to contribute to the development of personalised therapies.

Pathology study: key functions of technicians

The role of the anatomopatólogos is crucial in the implementation of various techniques, as we have just seen! From the collection and processing of samples to the analysis and interpretation of results, play a labor muy importante en el seguimiento y diagnóstico de enfermedades. ¿Qué se hace en anatomía patológica? ¡Conoce en detalle cómo intervienen en un estudio anatomopatológico!

  • – Recolección de muestras. The technicians of VET are responsible to ensure that samples are properly identified. His accuracy in the information of the patients is paramount to ensure the integrity of the data. The traceability of the process is extremely relevant!
  • – Procesamiento de muestras. In this phase so critical of the process applied by all his technical skills and experience. Have a key role in this process and apply the techniques that we have explained above. I transform the samples into valuable information!
  • – Análisis e interpretación. At this stage technicians provide an invaluable support to the pathologist. Using microscopes to identify the characteristics of the samples. It explores in detail the changes!
  • – Informe y diagnóstico. Also, in close collaboration with pathologists, VET technicians provide their experience in preliminary reports. Your dedication and precision ensure the delivery of reports are clear and concise. This support is essential in the clinical decision-making!
  • – Registro y gestión de datos. The data generated during the pathological study must be duly registered. The daily activity of a technician is not only limited to the analysis of samples, it also ensures traceability of the results obtained. I contribute to a solid foundation for future research!

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