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What is STEM and its advantages for education

Tuesday, 18 de April de 2023

STEM education prepares students for a professional future promising. Want to know what is STEM? Read this article, and also knows the main benefits of this educational approach. Get ready now to be a key part of the advances that are changing our way of interacting with the world!

what is STEM

Why you should know what is STEM education?

In an increasingly technological world, are generating advances that are changing the way we interact with our environment. STEM education is an unstoppable trend that offers múltiples beneficios en el entorno educativo actual de la FP. Se trata de aprender de forma interdisciplinaria, lo que propicia la adquisición de habilidades para el trabajo y la vida en el siglo XXI. ¡Esta integración prepara a los alumnos para tener éxito en cualquier campo laboral!

Do you want to know more about how STEM education is very useful to be ready to act in the present and in the future? Get reading! Get to the end of the article to see the infographic in the you know what STEM is and helps you understand your strong impact on everyday life.

·STEM, an unstoppable trend

The acronym STEM refers to the initials in English Science (science), Technology (technology), Engineering (engineering), and Mathematics (mathematics). Do you ever heard? This educational approach, uniting these four areas, with the aim of helping to understand how they work, the processes around you.

Learn what is STEM't about to be able to discover the challenges in many areas. You could say, that learning with the focus on STEM helps to build efficiently the puzzles that are presented in daily activity. It has become a herramienta fundamental para hacer frente a todo tipo de retos.

The STEM education is more than just a passing trend!It allows to understand how the world works in which we live. Through this prism of education, students on the science behind the technology and how to use it effectively.

What benefits STEM education?

STEM education from an early age it is presented as an essential factor that enables it to meet your needs for achievement. This translates, in addition, in job growth. Remember that it is never too late! Professional success is not a magic formula, but STEM education is one of the components that make a difference. To continue to elaborate on what is STEM, it will help you a lot to know what are the main benefits that give meaning to this educational approach. Discover some of the advantages of the most striking below!

  • – El uso constante del método científico promueve la curiosidad y la exploración del mundo
  • – Se activa la resolución eficaz de problemas, el pensamiento lógico y la toma de decisiones consciente
  • – Prepara a los alumnos en el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas altamente valoradas
  • – Promueve la independencia, la toma de riesgos y el aprendizaje en positivo a través de sus errores
  • – Se fomentan las soluciones creativas e innovadoras trabajando también en equipo
  • – Se estimula el interés por la ciencia y la tecnología, lo que puede llevar a descubrir nuevas vocaciones

In short, the STEM education prepares students for a futuro profesional prometedor. Fusionar habilidades blandas, técnicas y científicas proporciona una base firme con la que participar en todo tipo de proyectos increíbles.

Enroll in a TVET degree and get ready to boost your tech skills!

Students integrate STEM in your training will have the opportunity to contribute to the technological progress. The learning STEM can lead them to be a part of changes that will have a significant impact on the society. The adaptation is key in the rapidity of these advances!

In such a mode, the Computing TVET it is one of the branches of the most important of STEM education. Pursuing the degrees in this field will learn fundamental concepts in programming, databases, operating systems, etc, Also, the Building and Civil Works TVET prepares students to assimilate knowledge of design, construction and maintenance, among other subjects. In the Telecommunications Systems TVET you will also gain skills, in particular, about the types of networks, protocols, data transmission and telephony.

These are just a few of the most representative examples of STEM education. In any case, being an educational approach multidisciplinary, can be applied in all professional areas of TVET.

Why STEM education is the key to global competitiveness?

Teaching STEM promueve la autoconfianza. Este enfoque formativo hace que los alumnos se sientan más seguros de sí mismos y de sus capacidades. También, contribuye al development of the economy of any country. These skills are cross-cutting in a wide variety of fields, from medicine to food, through transportation. Students in STEM learn to apply their knowledge in the real world and to carry out innovative solutions. It is for this reason that, thanks to this power, also promueve la innovación. ¡Visualiza a simple vista en esta infografía cómo forma parte nuestra vida cotidiana! ¿Eras consciente?

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