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Plan your future in Emergencies and Civil Protection with our Official TVET degrees

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Training in Emergencies and Civil Protection is essential to respond appropriately to crisis situations. Emergency prevention and civil protection are as important as response and recovery. Choose your Official FP at UNIVERSAE! Very soon you will become an essential asset capable of facing all kinds of challenges.

Emergencies and Civil Protection

Discover our qualifications in Emergencies and Civil Protection. What Official TVET does UNIVERSAE offer?

In the professional area Security and environment we provide comprehensive training in a sector in constant evolution. In UNIVERSAE (our students apply their knowledge in real-life situations in a security context that is supervised by professionals with extensive backgrounds. Our academic team ensures that they reflect best practices, appropriate to the latest trends. From the first day, our students receive guidance, it is indispensable to achieve their goals in education and employment.

The official title of Emergency and Civil Protection TVET provides a solid foundation for future professionals to develop roles, operational and support in crisis situations. It is essential for those who want to start their career in this field! Among other skills, stand out the first-aid techniques, the operative intervention in the activities of the salvage and rescue, as well as effective communication in emergency situations. The access profiles to this Middle Grade tend to have a great ability to follow procedures and protocols in high-pressure situations. Also, have natural leadership skills and team work.

The Emergency Coordination and Civil Protection Certificate of Higher Education it is aimed at people who wish to deepen in the knowledge and management of critical situations. Thus, they acquire mainly a complete understanding about sustainability, risk assessment, and preventive measures, as well as planning in emergencies and civil protection. The students of this degree have a strong work ethic and great troubleshooting ability in dynamic environments. Usually, after the end of the Middle Grade, this FP Officer is presented as an ideal choice in which to continue to develop.

Know the career opportunities that await you in an Emergency and Civil Protection

In the field of Emergencies and Civil Protection, there is countless job opportunities. Your title of FP allows you to start a professional career in government organizations, private companies, or in specialized consultants, for example. The positions that can be assumed these graduates are varied. From roles operating on the ground to strategic positions of management and coordination. In UNIVERSAE (train the students so that the students are prepared to face all kinds of challenges. Our students will have a fundamental role in rescue of people, in the handling of equipment security and risk management.

In the case of the TVETour students will be able to serve as firefighters in different environments, vigilant fire or technical emergencies. Graduates of the Higher Degrees have access to positions of co-ordination on forest fires, emergencies, ordinary and extraordinary, in addition to technical management in civil protection and emergencies.

Also, these qualifications are an asset meaningful to those who seek to also get involved in processes of oppositions in the field of public safety. Serve as a merit for different positions in the body of firefighters or police officers, among others. You have a competitive advantage by demonstrating their specific training in critical areas!

Practical approach to prepare for emergency situations of the real world. Total immersion!

Our students have access to resources differentiators is the key to their integration into the labor market. We offer a large volume of extra-curricular activities, creating an atmosphere of teaching and learning only. We enrich the whole process allowing them to participate in real world experiences and exclusive.

  • – Practical in real-world environments. Students are trained in drills of all kinds, designed to recreate realistic scenarios. Fires, earthquakes, traffic accidents, rescue... These are just a few examples that allow students to practice response protocols, and make decisions under pressure. In this mode, operate specialized equipment to familiarize yourself with the tools that will be used in emergency operations.
  • – Tours and technical visits. We organize activities in collaboration with different institutions, leading our students to scenarios in which they can learn about the work of highly trained professionals. Stand out meetings with specialized units, such as the eod team; tours of military facilities and practices in natural environments, such as on the coast.
  • – Field practices exclusive. In more than 7.000 m2, our students in the area of Safety and Environment develop all their skills. Experience situations such as those that they will face after completing their training. This environment has a structure of three floors, a 25-metre swimming pool, a helicopter, tunnel, etc In each one of these stations, they can apply their knowledge in a controlled context, performing the exercises that are an essential part of our educational methodology, away from the traditional.

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