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Documentation and Sanitary Administration Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

  • Modality
    From distance
  • Duration
    2000 hours
  • Price
    Desde 80€/mes*
  • Convocatoria
  • Convalidación
    Hasta 2 años*

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¿Por qué matricularte en la FP Documentación Sanitaria a distancia en UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and TVET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts and active in the sector

OpenUNIVERSAE. Incubator for professionals and companies

Salidas profesionales del Técnico Superior en Documentación y Administración Sanitarias

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Technical manager of health care information systems

It requires a profile inadequately trained to work in the health field. In your day-to-day, performs tasks related to categorize the medical reports, export, and validate data bases, always ensuring compliance with the data protection legislation. If you want to become one, the FP Documentation remote Health it is for you.

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Technician of Health documents

Is responsible for the receipt and management of patients and all functions related to customer service that will roll into a health centre. In your daily activity, highlights the registration data, management of appointments and maintenance of the documents of the patients the day, and organization of the file. 

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Responsible for technical management processes-administrative-clinical

As a senior Technical Documentation, is trained to perform functions such as organizing and storing the information and documentation clinic, a health centre, taking into account that they are compliant with the regulations that apply to your organization.

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Technical manager of codification of health documentation and file of clinical records

This profile, formed with the degree of FP Documentation and Management Health distance, is responsible for one of the most essential of the information system of the National Health System, which is the encoding of health. So who is in charge of providing data comparable and comparable on health.

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Technical manager of health document treatment and design

Skills office automation and information technology will be needed for this job. Features may be required as to organize the file of the case histories, design documents, health, or schedule, cancel and reschedule appointments. As an expert in the Cycle Training Documentation for remote Health, to comply with the administrative and patient care in the health centre for the work.

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Wizard of computers in biomedical research

Works under the direction of head of research. His role focuses on making the most of experimental tasks and data collection, labeling display, clean and sterilize materials and use computers to record and study the results of the experiments. 

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Secretary of health services

Among its tasks are to include some as processing medical texts, archive and retrieve patient records, schedule appointments, make a work of reception and care of telephone consultations. The Higher degree of Documentation and Administration Health-distance it is necessary to have access to this output and labor.

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Responsible for technical management of units, departments or health centres

Have previous experience will be a requirement to take into account in order to access this job. Among its tasks are to include some as supervise the work of the equipment it is to control, as well as coordinate the seasonal activities, and posters that you find in the health centre for the work.

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Technical manager of evaluation and quality control of health care

To practice in this position is required to have a degree as the Cycle Training Documentation for remote Health. This profile prepares and processes the documentation health, to the health center, such as managing the income and the high of the patients, the allocation of beds and the provision of any type of health service.

Access requirements

To access to the Higher Degree you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

Imagen que acompaña al componente 'Requisitos'


Documentation and Sanitary Administration Certificate of Higher Education


2000 horas · 120 ECTS

Office automation and information processing Management of patients Terminology and clinical pathology File and documentation health Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad I Inglés profesional Extraction of diagnoses and procedures Information systems and classification health Módulo optativo I Catalán Profesional Coding health Psychosocial care of the patient/user Validation and exploitation of data Health administrative management Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad II Digitalización aplicada al sistema productivo Sostenibilidad aplicada al sistema productivo Módulo optativo II Proyecto intermodular


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training offer on the market
Elige entre nuestros programas tecnológicos oficiales
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem integrating immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and constantly updated content
Responding to the needs of the current labour market.
Educational technology | edtech
Enrichment and practical application of tools that help improve learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply game dynamics to achieve your goals.
Expert and active educators
Train alongside the best professionals in the sector.
A space of more than 65,000 m2 distributed between Spain and Latin America, which contributes to promoting employment through experience.
International presence in Spain, USA and Latin America
UNIVERSAE has its own first-class facilities in the main cities of each country.
Labor insertion
Agreements with the most advanced companies in the international arena. Become one of the most demanded profiles by companies.

Documentation and Sanitary Administration FAQ's

What is Documentation and Sanitary Administration Certificate of Higher Education ?

It is a qualification in which you will acquire the skills necessary to prepare,organize and process information and clinical documentation. In this way, you'll be able to work in any administrative area of the health sector.

What does a Documentation and Sanitary Administration technician?

Works aimed at the public at the counter of any health center. All kinds of efforts of health documents, ensuring the care of patients effectively and safely. 

How much does a Documentation and Sanitary Administration technician earn?

At the beginning of your work experience, the salary of a Technician of Health documents can be between 800 and 1,300 euros gross per month. However, after a few years of experience, the salary can reach up to 1,700 euros gross per month. 

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