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Early Childhood Education Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

  • Modality
    From distance
  • Duration
    2000 hours
  • Price
    Desde 80€/mes*
  • Convocatoria
  • Convalidación
    Hasta 2 años*
Early Childhood Education + Montessori Methodology

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Why enroll in Early Childhood Education Certificate of Higher Education distance learning with UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and TVET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts and active in the sector

OpenUNIVERSAE. Incubator for professionals and companies

Professional outings of Early Childhood Education Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

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Child Educator in the first cycle of early childhood education (ages 0 to 3)

It requires a profile with the ability to organize games and educational activities, designed to strengthen and promote the development of physical, mental, and social behavior of children between the ages of 0 and 3 years. If you want to enhance your professional profile in this area, the Cycle Higher Education distance is your VET.

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Educator in programs or activities of leisure and free time for children under the age of 0 to 6 years

Have prior experience may be a requirement to take into account the time for ease of access to this job. You need a profile responsible, with good communication skills, able to motivate, have patience and have creative skills to encourage the learning of the little ones. The FP Childhood Education distance learning is an excellent choice to develop these skills.

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Access to higher studies or official university degree courses related to the sociocultural field

At the end of the FP Childhood Education distance you can continue completing your studies, taking the Degree in Social Integration, or the Degree in Mediation of Communication. Both degrees allow you to expand your knowledge and enhance your profile in the area of Cultural Services and the Community. At the end of any of these qualifications you will be able to in addition to step-up to the training college.

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Educator in institutions and/or specific programs of work with children (0-6 years) in situations of social risk, or the means of family support

The role of this professional education is very important for the integration of the population under age at risk of social exclusion. That is why it is one of the outputs most popular Cycle Higher Education is distance. Among its most remarkable features, this expert set actions and intervention protocols that serve as a guide to children, providing them with the tools necessary for their development. In addition, you must have a broad knowledge of the institutional environment, social, cultural and legal, that locate their professional activity.

Access requirements

To access to the Higher Degree you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

Imagen que acompaña al componente 'Requisitos'


Early Childhood Education Certificate of Higher Education


2000 horas · 120 ECTS

Personal autonomy and child health Teaching children education First aid Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad I Inglés profesional The children's game and its methodology Cognitive development and motor Módulo optativo I Catalán profesional Social and emotional development Social skills Intervención con las familias y atención a menores en riesgo social Expression and communication Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad II Digitalización aplicada al sistema productivo Sostenibilidad aplicada al sistema productivo Módulo optativo II Proyecto intermodular


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training offer on the market
Elige entre nuestros programas tecnológicos oficiales
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem integrating immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and constantly updated content
Responding to the needs of the current labour market.
Educational technology | edtech
Enrichment and practical application of tools that help improve learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply game dynamics to achieve your goals.
Expert and active educators
Train alongside the best professionals in the sector.
A space of more than 65,000 m2 distributed between Spain and Latin America, which contributes to promoting employment through experience.
International presence in Spain, USA and Latin America
UNIVERSAE has its own first-class facilities in the main cities of each country.
Labor insertion
Agreements with the most advanced companies in the international arena. Become one of the most demanded profiles by companies.

Early Childhood Education Certificate of Higher Education FAQ's

What do you need to be a Specialist in early Childhood Education?

To become a Specialist in early Childhood Education it is necessary to have a degree as a VET Childhood Education distance learning. To access this training you should have at least one of the following qualifications: Title of Training Professional grade, Medium Grade, high school diploma or University Degree or equivalent.

How much does an Early Childhood Education technician earn?

El salario medio de un Técnico Superior Educación Infantil ronda los 19.200 € brutos anuales. This salary can exceed 30,000 € gross per year, depending on factors such as previous experience and skills as a teacher.

How do ICTs influence early childhood education?

The incorporation of ICT in early childhood education is an indispensable resource that promotes autonomy in young children from an early age. The goal of this practice is to facilitate children's understanding of educational concepts, adapting to your capabilities through technology, and helping them to receive stimuli that promote a learning truly effective.

Degrees related to Early Childhood Education Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

Communication Mediation Certificate of Higher Education

Socio-cultural and Community Services

Become a key player in the development of people with communication, language and speech difficulties, developing social integration programs.

See Titration

Social Integration Certificate of Higher Education

Socio-cultural and Community Services

Develop your vocation while improving the quality of life of the people who need it most in a sector of high demand in today's society.

See Titration

Attention to People in Situation of Dependency VET

Socio-cultural and Community Services

Develop your vocation while improving the quality of life of the people who need it most in a sector of high demand in today's society.

See Titration
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