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Artificial intelligence and Big Data

UNIVERSAE pone a tu alcance las herramientas profesionales imprescindibles y los métodos más novedosos e innovadores del mercado para una inmersión total en el mercado laboral actual.

Get trained in your professional vocation and work in what you have always dreamed of.

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Convocatoria abierta

Licenciatura en Ingeniería de Inteligencia Artificial y Big Data

Artificial intelligence and Big Data View Degrees Flecha Ver titulación
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Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and Big Data Próximamente

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Double Degree in Development of cross-Platform Applications + Web Application Development

IT and Communications

Get the skills to get into the labor market as a qualified professional in one of the most demanded computer fields of the moment.

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Bachelor of Engineering in cyber security


Cursando esta licenciatura adquirirás habilidades que te capacitan para trabajar en una amplia gama de entornos empresariales y tecnológicos, centrando su enfoque principalmente en la seguridad cibernética.

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Specific Master in Cybersecurity in Information Technology Environments


Obtain the specific skills to join the labor market as a qualified professional in one of the most demanded IT areas of the moment.

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