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Thursday, 13 de April de 2023

176 medals and 400 victories: a record year for Hankuk

The Hankuk taekwondo team's numbers speak for themselves. During the presentation of last season's results, which took place at UNIVERSAE, the main figures that have made this year spectacular were shown. The main logs are sensational! Congratulations on having achieved 176 medals and 400 victories. The director of institutional relations at UNIVERSAE, Manuel Gazapo, highlighted: “The team is a great example on a sporting and human level. UNIVERSAE has strong values, including a commitment to education and innovation, but it also promotes perseverance and effort, values that the Hankuk team represents perfectly.” We are proud to be the official sponsors of this world-renowned team!

Jesús Ramal y Suvi Mikkonen, junto a varias de sus deportistas, presentan los resultados del 2022 en el Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional Universae.

The Hankuk is not just another gym. The taekwondo school, directed by Jesús Ramal, coach, and Suvi Mikkonen, president, offers comprehensive training to its athletes, whose growth is focused holistically, taking into account the particularities of everyday life. “We adapt to how they feel, what has happened to them… The intensity of the work is always high and that requires very specific care. They have to be well recovered and well cared for. We have a physical trainer, several physiotherapists, etc.,” Ramal details during the presentation of the results for the year 2022, at the Universae Higher Institute of Professional Training, the team's sponsor. Located in San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), the center has become a world reference for the aforementioned martial art.

“We go to the competitions and win gold against powers like China or Korea,” Ramal emphasized at the event, held this Thursday. With him, in addition to Mikkonen, was the mayor of San Sebastián de los Reyes, Narciso Romero, the director of institutional relations at Universae, Manuel Gazapo, and several of the members of the Hankuk team. 

Among them, Adriana Cerezo. “We are all giving 200% to achieve our goals and dreams, not only individually, but also as a team. Having the support of entities that trust us makes us see that we are on the right path. We are very sure that we are going to achieve it,” the Olympic runner-up in Tokyo valued and thanked.

The numbers speak. Last season, Hankuk surpassed all its records. In total, 176 medals were collected, 100 of which were gold. In terms of victories, the number rises to 400 in 511 fights. Almost 80% success. Simpler: in 2022, the team won 8 out of 10 matchups. In 2023, the pre-Olympic year, the medals have not been long in coming. In the Spanish Championships, held in February, five golds, three silvers and two bronzes were achieved. Previously, Adriana and Laura Rodríguez had already reached the top of the podium in the President's Cup, which took place in Istanbul. The Marton twins, Luana and Viviana, also won silver and bronze in said competition, respectively. This same month, Cerezo won silver in the Wuxi Grand Slam and the team, which is also growing in its men's categories, has qualified for the European Games, which will be held in Krakow from July 21 to 2. These are just a few examples from an endless list.

Distinctive values

“The team is a great example on a sporting and human level. Universae has strong values, including a commitment to education and innovation, but it also promotes perseverance and effort, values that the Hankuk team represents perfectly,” Gazapo praised during the event. “We are a team of young, ambitious girls with very big goals. Being able to have sponsors like Universae that support and accompany us on this path is very important for us,” Mikkonen thanked him. One of the fundamental pillars of Hankuk is found in the well-being of its athletes, moving away from the mantra of no pain, no gain. You train a lot, but well, with a technical and medical team that considers aspects such as rest, nutrition or the specific contexts of each athlete. A different way to win... a lot.

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