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Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Álex Corretja, Javier Clemente, Felipe Reyes and Lydia Valentin, in the sixth edition of the Costa Cálida Sports Business

From UNIVERSAE (sponsored by us, and we name the VI Awards the Sporting Spirit, encompassed within this event, that will count with the participation of more than 3,000 attendees. Among them, important figures of the first level of the national sport. Get to know all the details of this charity event!

The sixth edition of the Costa Cálida Sports Business will bring the next 9 November at the Teatro Circo de Murcia leading figures in the sport such as Álex Corretja, Felipe Reyes, Lydia Valentín, or that was the national coach of football and coach of Real Murcia, Javier Clemente.

According to the organizers, more than 3000 attendees will be able to enjoy a program that will feature round table discussions, interviews and presentations.

A schedule that will be completed with a ‘networking’ in the Real Casino de Murcia for both sports enthusiasts, professionals, and entrepreneurs are able to generate links that may generate future business niches to regional and national level.

The minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, Carmen Conesa, highlighted in the presentation of the congress that this event has established itself as the “main event” of the sport and business of the Region of Murcia and that will count with the presence of athletes and leading companies of first level.

The congress will host in this edition, two round tables that will focus on the sports industry. The first will address the sport as a tool for tourism promotion and the second will address the technological innovations in the sports sector. The day will be enlivened by the company of music and performing arts Belter Souls.

On the day of the afternoon, the event will move on to the Real Casino de Murcia, where you will proceed to the delivery of the Prizes to the Sporting Spirit Universae (- Sport Business World, that aim to put a value on the path, milestones and recent contributions of certain figures and entities in any sports discipline.

Tickets can be purchased at the event's website Costa Calida Sport Business at a price of 30 euros. The organization of the congress will allocate the proceeds from the sale of tickets, in full, to the Fundación Aladina, to support its project of the construction of a new gymnasium for children and teens in the hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca of Murcia.

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