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Tuesday, 18 de October de 2022

UNIVERSAE Cybersecurity Lab is born, a space for training in cyber risk

La ciberseguridad se ha convertido en una de las principales prioridades tanto para empresas como instituciones. Solo en 2021, el Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad gestionó más de 109.000 incidentes de ciberseguridad. Ante esta realidad UNIVERSAE ha creado UNIVERSAE Cybersecurity Lab, donde nuestro alumnado practicará técnicas de defensa en situaciones similares a las que se encontrarán en la era digital. ¡Es la forma perfecta para que se conviertan en profesionales! A continuación, puedes leer la noticia completa.

Located in San Sebastián de los Reyes, offers students of Universae a forensic laboratory and a room of ‘hacking’.

The technology industry faces a shortfall of dangerous talent. Companies and analysts agree that the current needs of employment may not be covered as they should because there are people trained in the latest trends.

One of the areas most affected is that of security, which in addition to seen how the criminals will increase their attacks.

The vocational training center Universae want to contribute to reversing this situation. To do this has announced the incubator Universae Security Labthat will work as a space for training in ciberriesgo.

“It is a project disruptive and unique that will revolutionize the field of training in cybersecurity”, promises to Andres Soriano, director of the cyber security department of UNIVERSAE (.

“Now in Spain there is an initiative that brings together the level of innovation, the variety of technological tools and the possibility to practice in real-world environments simulated in case of cyber attack that offers Universae (Cybersecurity Lab,” he says.

Located at the headquarters of UNIVERSAE in San Sebastián de los ReyesMadrid, this project has 400 m2 distributed in two rooms. The first works as a forensic laboratory in the analysis of scenarios that could be created in the outside world. The other is a room hacking that simulates attacks and allows you to live in direct.
This means that students will be able to practice techniques of defense in similar situations to the ones that we, as professionals, will find themselves in the digital age.

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