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Tuesday, 18 de October de 2022

UNIVERSAE launches to cybersecurity training laboratory

En UNIVERSAE Cybersecurity Lab, los alumnos recibirán formación con las técnicas más novedosas de ciberseguridad ofensiva y defensiva adaptándose a las continuas actualizaciones que surgen en el mundo digital. Lo harán utilizando los softwares más avanzados y un conjunto de herramientas de última generación únicas en España. De forma práctica y en un entorno totalmente realista, ¡seguimos revolucionando el sector de la formación en ciberseguridad! Lee este artículo para conocer más detalles.

UNIVERSAE, education center professional training, has created UNIVERSAE Security Laban incubator is unique in Spain due to its size and number of technological tools that allow students to practise all the possible scenarios that could be found in a cyber attack is real.

Las instalaciones, situadas en la sede de UNIVERSAE en San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid), equipped with 400 m2, distributed in two rooms differentiated. On the one hand, the forensic laboratory, in which the students will be able to investigate and analyze all kinds of real-life scenarios amenable to be created before a cyber-attack, and a room hacking en la que los estudiantes viven de manera simulada ataques cibernéticos en tiempo real. Así, de una manera práctica y en un environment 100 % realisticstudents are trained with the latest techniques of cyber security offensive and defensive, to adapt to the continuous updates that arise in the digital world, while making use of the software are more advanced and a set of tools of the latest generation unique in Spain.

Andrés Soriano, director of the cyber security department of Universae (, points out that “Universae (Cybersecurity Lab is a project disruptive and unique that will revolutionize the field of training in cyber security. Currently in Spain there is an initiative that brings together the level of innovation, the variety of technological tools and the possibility to practice in real-world environments simulated in case of cyber attack that offers Universae (Cybersecurity Lab”.

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