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Tuesday, 18 de October de 2022

UNIVERSAE deepens sti commitment to the values of sport

¡Hemos participado en la IV Carrera de Empresas de La Verdad! Esta noticia refleja lo especial que ha sido para el equipo de UNIVERSAE formar parte de este encuentro deportivo. El compañerismo, compromiso y espíritu deportivo ha estado muy presente en este evento, que se ha desarrollado dentro de nuestro plan de acciones de RSC. Inundamos de azul y de buenas vibraciones cada metro recorrido. ¡Fue todo un éxito!

The employees of the higher institute of FP enjoyed the fourth Race of the Companies of The Truth, with the aim of fostering the spirit and team work and the good atmosphere among colleagues UNIVERSAE continues its firm commitment to the sport as an essential pillar for the transmission of core values in a society, such as the spirit and work as a team and the good atmosphere among colleagues.

In this way, through their participation in the fourth Race of the Companies of The Truth, the employees of the higher institute of FP enjoyed a different activity, where the daily chores were replaced by the good atmosphere and the laughter between peers.

The test was developed in the surroundings of the Palace of Sports of Murcia and consisted of two forms: the short distance of about 5 kilometers, and in the long run, of about 10 kilometres.

The inclusion as an active contributor to UNIVERSAE in the race is an example of the close link that exists between the institute and the sport, which strengthens with each presence in events of this nature.

All of the workers who participated actively in it, manifested at the end of the rewarding than had been the experience, which they would not hesitate to repeat.

UNIVERSAE is fully convinced and aware of that education and sport are not two separate elements but rather two of the lead actors and, inevitably, united in the process of training of students and workers.

For this reason, the higher institute of FP will continue advocating, collaborating, and participating actively in those sporting events that contribute to closer ties between workers, students and businesses.

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