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UNIVERSAE-specific Master in Strategic Management of Cybersecurity

  • Modality
    From distance
  • Duration
    720 horas
  • Convocatoria
  • Convalidación
    Hasta 2 años*

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Why enroll in UNIVERSAE-specific Master in cyber security?

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Learning methodology “learning-by-doing” learn through training in real-life scenarios

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Get ready to get the most important certifications related to the Direction of cybersecurity, as are the CISA and CISM ISACA

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Access solid agreements with companies and consultants relevant in the field of cybersecurity at the international level

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Learning and participates with real cases in UNIVERSAE Cybersecurity Lab

Salidas Profesionales del Máster en Gestión Estratégica de la Ciberseguridad

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Perfil del estudiante de Ciberseguridad

The Master in Strategic Management of Cybersecurity is designed to train professionals in the management and governance of cybersecurity. For those who aspire to lead technical teams in all areas of information security, to the beat of the business development and business strategy.
This Master in Management of Ciberserguridad it is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, flexible, and eminently practical, which will allow the student to perform your training at any time and from any place. To do this, the student will always be accompanied at all times by our teaching team, which will complement your training, not only at a technical level, but also through case studies and real situations.

It is aimed at students, professionals in the field of technology, business, marketing or communication. Also, members of the Security Forces or the Armed Forces. In short, this degree is aimed at people wishing to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that will enable them to align cybersecurity with the business objectives of a company, along with the development of leadership skills, management, strategy and business management.

Requirements access to a Master's degree FP

To access the Master's degree in Strategic Management of Cybersecurity, you'll need to meet at least one of the following requirements:
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be in possession of a university degree, bachelor's degree, master's degree or an equivalent accreditation or superior academic accreditation.
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be in possession of the Master's degree of specialization in FP in Cybersecurity Environments Information Technology.
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be in possession of a Title of a Technician in the area of information technology and Communications.
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be part of the Security Forces and Bodies.
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be part of the Armed Forces.
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be a professional in the sector of the computing and telecommunications that proves the performance of 2 years of employment in the sector.
  • Icono checklist - Requisito Be a professional in the sector of the computing and telecommunications that do not meet the above requirements, pass a personal interview.

UNIVERSAE-specific master in Strategic Management of Cybersecurity FAQ's

What are the functions of a CIO, Chief Information Officer?

It is one of the professions most prominent in the field of Cybersecurity. Among its functions we can find to provide for and to identify the technologies needed for the processes of the company running as smoothly as possible. Acting as responsible for the systems and the technologies of the information of a company.

And what about the functions of the CISO, Chief Information Security Officer?

The profile of CISO is one of the most demanded in the corporate sector. Is the person in charge to ensure, and to ensure the cybersecurity of a company. You will assume the functions of control and protection of the data against potential cyber-attacks. The Master in Management in cyber security UNIVERSAE (it is essential to opt-out of this type of work.

How much charges a CIO in Spain?

The estimated salary for a CIO in Spain is among the 50,000 € gross per year. This profile can have a degree related to the degrees DAM or DAW, therefore, to study the Master in Management of Cybersecurity could help show a more qualified in this salary range.

What is the salary of a CISO in Spain?

The profile of CISO in Spain is found in a salary that exceeds 60,000 € gross per year. This is because of the high responsibility that you can become a CISO in a company, which is a figure that is at the level of the general management of any organization.

What is the salary of a Director of cyber security?

Different factors influence when evaluating a salary of a Director of cyber security. Among them, the previous experience, the requirements for each job, or also, the fulfillment of Master's-specific as is the case of the Master in Management of cyber security. The salary of this profile can vary between the 33,000 - € 55.000 € gross per year.

What are the functions of a Director of cyber security?

The Director of Cybersecurity is the head of the private security of any company or entity. May perform duties of risk control, organizational security plans, and in case of a cyber attack, assess the emergency, and to develop a report on the situation of risks.

How much do you charge a Risk Analyst?

This profession is highly sought-after in the current market. This figure is of vital importance for the sectors that are dedicated its activity to the financial transactions. Salary estimated from a Risk Analyst oscillates around 40,000 euros gross per year. Amount that could grow taking into account factors such as previous experience and knowledge demonstrable.

What are the functions of a Risk Analyst?

It develops its activity in the financial markets or banking. Their profile can be oriented to financial transactions. You can specialize in areas of safe environments. This professional is responsible for analyzing and quantifying the risks to which they are exposed of the companies and entities to perform financial activities.

Degrees related to UNIVERSAE-specific master in Strategic Management of Cybersecurity

Multiplatform Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education

IT and Communications

Develop, implement, keep record and maintain cross-platform computer applications, using specific technological and developmental environments.

See Titration

Web Application Development (DAW) Certificate of Higher Education

IT and Communications

Learn how to master the key aspects of a web environment, their computer systems and accessibility, as well as the usability of a page w

See Titration

Administration of Computer Network Systems Certificate of Higher Education

IT and Communications

Configure, manage and maintain computer systems, guaranteeing the functionality and integrity of resources and services with the required quality.

See Titration
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