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Web Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education distance learning

  • Modality
    From distance
  • Duration
    2000 hours
  • Price
    Desde 108€/mes
  • Convocatoria
  • Convalidación
    Hasta 2 años
DAW + Front End
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DAW + backend
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DAW + Full Stack
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¿Por qué matricularte en la FP en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web a distancia con UNIVERSAE?

Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and TVET

International recognition

Evolution of teaching based on edtech

E-learning model

Educational experts and active in the sector

OpenUNIVERSAE. Incubator for professionals and companies

Salidas Profesionales del Técnico Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web (DAW)

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Web developer

It is one of the most demanded jobs within the Web Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education distance learning. Is a professional in the field of information technology, which develops its activity by creating websites by using different programming languages, such as HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript. Performs the duties established by the entity for which you work. Takes care of the maintenance of the web, making sure that the navigation is simple, user-friendly and to work properly.

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Multimedia developer

To master knowledge in programming, design, and marketing will be needed for this job. You can take charge of functions such as schedule and develop websites and apps, support teams, SEO and SEM, or collaborate with designers UX for websites and apps. Esta forma de trabajar demanda profesionales transversales, por lo que sería necesario tener una titulación como la FP Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web a distancia.

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Developer of applications in web environments

Focuses its activity on the design, development and maintenance of applications and websites. You can work with a team in a company or independently. It is important to be up to date with market trends, analyzing if there are new programming languages or technologies. If you want to become one, the title of Technician in Development of Web Applications to distance learning is for you. 

Access requirements

To access to the Higher Degree you will have to meet at least one of the following requirements:

Be in possession of a Baccalaureate degree, BUP, COU or an equivalent or higher accreditation for academic purposes

Having passed the second year of any type of Experimental Baccalaureate

Be in possession of an Intermediate Vocational Training degree

Be in possession of a Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent degree for academic purposes

Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent

Having passed the University Orientation Course (COU)

Have passed the access test to Higher Degree (minimum age 19 years)

Having passed the entrance examination to the University for over 25 years

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Web Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education


2000 horas · 120 ECTS

Databases Development environments Computer systems Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad I Inglés profesional Markup language and information management systems Programming Módulo optativo I Web application deployment Web development in client environment Web interface design Web development in server environment Itinerario personal para la empleabilidad II Sostenibilidad aplicada al sistema productivo Digitalización aplicada al sistema productivo Módulo optativo II Proyecto intermodular


UNIVERSAE offers you the largest training offer on the market
Elige entre nuestros programas tecnológicos oficiales
Learn in a virtual educational ecosystem integrating immersive technology, gamified activities and 3D simulations.
100% digital and constantly updated content
Responding to the needs of the current labour market.
Educational technology | edtech
Enrichment and practical application of tools that help improve learning.
Disruptive educational model
Apply game dynamics to achieve your goals.
Expert and active educators
Train alongside the best professionals in the sector.
A space of more than 65,000 m2 distributed between Spain and Latin America, which contributes to promoting employment through experience.
International presence in Spain, USA and Latin America
UNIVERSAE has its own first-class facilities in the main cities of each country.
Labor insertion
Agreements with the most advanced companies in the international arena. Become one of the most demanded profiles by companies.

Web Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education FAQ's

What is Web Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education?

The FP Web Applications Development distance focuses on the development, maintenance and implementation of the functionality on different web environments. In addition, in UNIVERSAE (you'll be able to enhance your profile pursuing specializations DAW + Front End, DAW + Back End, or combine both with DAW + Full Stack

What does a Web Applications Development technician?

Among the functions that you can develop day-to-day, the Superior technician in Development of Web Applicationsare; take care of managing databases, create websites and develop web applications, among others. For this, you will need a profile creative, with a capacity of self-motivation and communication skills, as well as, be able to solve problems.

How much earns a Web Applications Developer per month?

This profile of the area Development of Web Applications could reach wages estimated at up to € 5,000 monthly gross, depending on the responsibilities and their career as professional. Currently, the average salary round around € 2,000 gross per month.

What has more job opportunities, DAM or DAW?

If we consider the industrial disputes between the FP Web Application Development and the FP Development of cross-Platform Applications, you should know that both options come with rates of job placement very high. Really the decision to opt for one or the other will depend on the interests and concerns of the students. In DAW you will learn to program in different programming languages like PHP, Python, or HTML, while in DAM you will strengthen the skills and knowledge to work as developer of applications for smartphone and multiple devices. If you still have doubts, remember that you may complete the double degree Development of cross-Platform Applications + Web Applications Development distance

Grados relacionados en Técnico Superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web

Multiplatform Applications Development Certificate of Higher Education

IT and Communications

Develop, implement, keep record and maintain cross-platform computer applications, using specific technological and developmental environments.

See Titration

Double Degree in Cross-platform Application Development + Web Applications Development

IT and Communications

Get the skills to get into the labor market as a qualified professional in one of the most demanded computer fields of the moment.

See Titration

Administration of Computer Network Systems Certificate of Higher Education

IT and Communications

Configure, manage and maintain computer systems, guaranteeing the functionality and integrity of resources and services with the required quality.

See Titration
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