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What are the Building and Civil Works profesional opportunities

Wednesday, 12 de April de 2023

Find out how in the Top Grade in Construction Projects will be made to be part of innovative projects that transform the world. In this post you'll find tips to start your professional career in this sector and learn more about the outputs of construction and civil work. Very soon you'll be part of an industry in constant growth!

building and civil works outputs

Learn about the outputs of in Building and Civil Works TVET. Get trained to build the world!

Do you want to be part of an industry that builds the world and always looking to innovate and improve? Find out how the Building and Civil Works TVET you can prepare to lead construction projects that transform the environment. In this article you will read tips to stand out in this sector with a huge demand for professionals. Also, you will know what are the professional prospects of building and civil works. What are you waiting for to start your way into an industry that continues to grow?

Start your career in the building and civil works

Plan your future in the sector of construction and civil work begins with the selection of your educational program. The training as Building Projects Certificate of Higher Education distance learning it is an excellent option. In this Top Grade you'll get the knowledge needed to be successful and to open the doors to the outputs of construction and civil work! Take note of the following recommendations with which to build a stable future and with a lot of projection. Don't wait any longer to start your professional career in this area!

·Adaptability to new needs of the sector

The outputs of building and civil works are very diverse! Delves into the sector and knows the current trends. In comparison with the profiles more experts, you have the opportunity to adapt to the new needs. A creative mind and innovative to propose new solutions. These are some of the aspects that are located in the center of attention:

  • Take into account the digitalization and the implementation of advanced technologies of construction. Notable among them is the Building Information Modeling (BIM), the artificial intelligence or 3D printing, as well as the use of drones and robots.
  • – Llevar a cabo una construcción sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. The commitment to reducing the environmental impact through energy efficiency is key. Thus, the use of renewable energies, promote the construction of buildings echo.
  • – El sector también está experimentando un aumento de la demanda de las construcciones modulares prefabricadas. This trend requires specialized technical knowledge. In this way, it provides flexibility in design, as well as savings in time and in the economic, improving the quality of the construction process.
  • – La mejora y rehabilitación de las estructuras ya existentes con el objetivo de aumentar su vida útil. In this type of projects it is necessary to work with a wide range of materials and techniques. The efforts to renew and maintain the existing buildings are pursuing to improve its functionality and to adapt to the new regulations and requirements.
  • – Garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores en el entorno de trabajo es obligatorio. The graduates must be familiar with the prevention of occupational risks, as it is crucial to prevent accidents. ¡Comply with the rules and regulations is vital!

·Take advantage of the opportunities your practices FCT

Pursuing the Degree in Construction Projects you will gain practical experience. On the one hand, day after day, your training is oriented to projects and activities that simulate real-life situations. On the other hand, you live in first person the performance of professionals in the business context. This combination is essential for jump into the job market with confidence y habilidades demostradas! De esta forma, estarás mucho más cerca de acceder a las salidas de edificación y obra civil.

·Create your portfolio and showcase your projects

Collect and submit form of organised your work in a portfolio is essential. It is a tool with which to show your progress and capabilities in the development of projects. Includes drawings, sketches, plans, photographs, descriptions,... So, candidates will demonstrate your ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practical situations. ¡In addition, you can share it on your social networks, increasing your visibility as a professional future!

·Learn how to use your network of professional contacts

Establecer contactos con otros profesionales es muy beneficioso para descubrir oportunidades laborales. No olvides asistir a eventos relacionados con el sector. En este sentido, presta atención a las actividades que organizamos en OpenUNIVERSAE, donde podrás ir dándole forma a tu propia red de contactos. No dudes tampoco en pedir ayuda al equipo docente, que estará dispuesto a orientarte ante cualquier cuestión.

·Keep your eyes on your goals

I persevering and proactive. This industry can be very competitive and it is necessary that you maintain a positive attitude and open to continuous improvement. This will also allow you to confront the challenges that are to come and to go even further in your career.

Building and civil works outputs: a career field with a promising future

Building and civil works offers a wide range of employment opportunities. The outputs professionals of Construction and Civil Work are very varied. Ranging from the construction of buildings, real estate development, to project management and the supervision of works. In this sense, these are some puestos de trabajo más convencionales: ayudante de jefe de oficina técnica, maquetista de construcción, especialista en replanteo, delineante proyectista de edificación, etc.

In addition, as we said, there are possibilities of specialization. Please take note of the following innovative jobs and emerging!

  • – Tener en cuenta la digitalización y la implementación de tecnologías avanzadas de construcción. Notable among them is the Building Information Modeling (BIM), the artificial intelligence or 3D printing, as well as the use of drones and robots.
  • – Llevar a cabo una construcción sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. The commitment to reducing the environmental impact through energy efficiency is key. Thus, the use of renewable energies, promote the construction of buildings echo.
  • – El sector también está experimentando un aumento de la demanda de las construcciones modulares prefabricadas. This trend requires specialized technical knowledge. In this way, it provides flexibility in design, as well as savings in time and in the economic, improving the quality of the construction process.
  • – La mejora y rehabilitación de las estructuras ya existentes con el objetivo de aumentar su vida útil. In this type of projects it is necessary to work with a wide range of materials and techniques. The efforts to renew and maintain the existing buildings are pursuing to improve its functionality and to adapt to the new regulations and requirements.
  • – Garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores en el entorno de trabajo es obligatorio. The graduates must be familiar with the prevention of occupational risks, as it is crucial to prevent accidents. ¡Comply with the rules and regulations is vital!
  • – Técnico asistente en construcción modular
  • – Ayudante en diseño y construcción de edificios inteligentes
  • – Especialista en modelado de información de construcción (BIM)
  • – Ayudante en paisajismo urbano
  • – Asistente en diseño de fachadas
  • – Técnico asistente en eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad
  • – Ayudante en seguridad y salud en el trabajo en el sector de la construcción

If you are looking for jobs with more outputs in 2023, es recomendable explorar las opciones que brinda el sector de la construcción. ¡Tu lugar de trabajo puede ser muy heterogéneo! Puedes formar parte de empresas constructoras, estudios de arquitectura, consultorías o auditorías, entre otros. Puedes ejercer profesionalmente en empresas pequeñas y medianas, hasta en grandes corporaciones. También puedes trabajar en empresas de servicios públicos o en organismos de la administración pública. ¡Contemplar la posibilidad de emprender tu propio negocio es otra opción viable!

Now you know how to start leading transformative construction projects!

In summary, if you want to be part of this sector in constant growth and build the world, the Building and civil Works TVET is the best option to start your career. Remember that it is necessary to have the adequate training and a creative mind and innovative. Also, we recommend that you adjust to the trends to impact projects that transform the environment in which we live. Keep your goals in mind and starts from today to create your portfolio!

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