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Business and Professional Incubator: what it is

Tuesday, 26 de July de 2022

The incubator of businesses and professionals UNIVERSAE has the objective to enable the highest potential of our students. In this post you will meet your operation, activities that are scheduled and the skills that are encouraged. ¡Promote your professional growth from your student!

Business incubator UNIVERSAE (

What is the UNIVERSAE business and professional incubator?

The incubator of businesses and professionals UNIVERSAE (intended to to enable the highest potential of our educational community. In this way, all of our campuses function as a meeting point between students and companies relevant to different sectors.

This initiative UNIVERSAE (only has access to the students enrolled in our degree programs. In small groupsenjoy privileges that will make your professional future. So, we offer more than 65,000 square meters distributed in Spain, Latin america and the united States. Be a student of UNIVERSAE (means to be a part of a international education. You can participate in the activities of all of our campus, and share knowledge and skills with other students!

The actions that make up our business incubator are designed with the goal of enhance the transversal competences. The also called soft skills do not depend solely on the knowledge that is acquired through the study. These are associated with interpersonal skills and behavior, cognitive abilities and other traits and specific personality.

Program of activities in our business and professional incubator

The facilities UNIVERSAE (possess technology of the latest generation. They are equipped with all the necessary resources to supplement the training of the students. Our incubator of businesses and professionals with a varied program of activities. So, your organization is developed with the purpose of boosting the professionalism from his time as a student. Among the most common include:

·Masterclasses y charlas con expertos

The students will have the opportunity to interact face-to-face with professionals with extensive experience. On the one hand, will be able to share their concerns, consult your curiosities and experience very close to the reality of work of specialists. On the other hand, the alliance of companies with TVET UNIVERSAE focuses on improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the institutions by putting at your fingertips access to profiles and highly qualified.

·Visitas exclusivas a las instalaciones

According to the degree the student is pursuing a degree, you have access to your media needs. We have the largest vocational education programmes on the market, so that the resources of the business incubator are very diverse in accordance with the professional family to which it belongs.

·Reuniones entre alumnos

Strengthen links with the network of peers who share your interests is a determining factor in the career path. On the campus of UNIVERSAE (organize meetings between the students. Consequently, the network of contacts that are involved in this type of activities will have more cohesion and career prospects.

·Lugar de estudio

In the context of our campus as an incubator for businesses and professionals, students can go to study in the centers. We have classrooms in which they can focus and go deeper into the subjects that they are studying.

We accompany you in your professional growth. Success guarantee!

We continue delving into what is a business incubator in the environment UNIVERSAE (. Another of the purposes of this initiative is to promote soft skills, which is working in parallel in our educational ecosystem virtual. In this sense, the classroom provides a plus differentiator, which in UNIVERSAE (offer to facilitate a distinctive character. In this way, students continue to deepen their motivation and their commitment together.

The promotion of critical thinking, emotional intelligence, the ability of adaptation, the creation of professional connections... In short, a predisposition participatory along with an entrepreneurial attitude are the seeds necessary for the achievement of ambitious. In UNIVERSAE (we equip students with the necessary tools to destaquen en su futuro profesional.

These skills are essential for degrees as the Administration and Finance Certificate of Higher Education distance learning, in which the humane treatment is essential. However, to develop the soft skills, in general, allows people to integrate successfully in the work environment. It is for this reason that you should not neglect this aspect during the stage of the student and continue working on it to move forward in your career.

We accompany you in your professional growth. It's a guarantee of success!

Our incubator companies and professionals is a unique concept that brings trust and security to the students. It is a format that aims to strengthen the links between companies and future professionals. In UNIVERSAE (we accompany the students to enhance their talent. We provide as well the success, and enhance its positioning in the labour market.

In our incubator companies and professionals impactamos positively on the personal and the professional. It is a great learning experience in which you will discover your strengths and you will strengthen the next level. We support the professionals who are about to be born. It is a whole pride!

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