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Digital skills desired by the companies

Wednesday, 30 de March de 2022

In the last few years, each time has become more central to the digitization of businesses. However, with the arrival of the global pandemic of Covid-19, the exposure of companies in the digital environment has increased and more and more digital skills demanded in the job interviews.

Digital skills desired by the companies

Within the digital environment that we live in, connected and ever-changing, ever charge more weight the digital competences of employees in the professional field.

The term digital competence refers to the skills and knowledge that a person has to respond to a task or activity in the digital environment.

Types of digital competences

·1. Information

Refers to the ability of search, filter and identify information, data, and content in the digital environment. So we will do a correct evaluation and proper storage.

·2. Communication

Related to the interaction and communication with other people properly through the digital picture frame.

·3. Creation

Corresponds to the design capability new digital content. For example, writing or editing pictures.

·4. Security

Linked to the protección de dispositivos y personas, adoptando medidas de seguridad y un uso responsable de la tecnología.

·5. Resolution

Bound to the capacity of troubleshooting using the digital medium.

On the other hand, in the scope of the company, you demand digital skills that combine hard skills and soft skills in the employees.

The first reference to the digital knowledge to perform a task in a correct way. Soft skills refer to the social and interpersonal skills as communication skills, leadership, flexibility and empathy. Currently, these are the skills most in demand by the companies.

8 digital skills demanded by companies

·1. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the set of procedures and tools that ensure the security and protection of computers and your information. According to recent data from the EU, in the next few years will be multiplied by the demand in positions of cyber security in companies. Every time there are more threats digital like malware or cyber criminals, making information theft, scams, computer or phishing. The hackers are on a continuous search of security breaches in the areas of both personal and professional. Therefore, the risk of cyber attacks is one of the major concerns of the companies. Own this digital competence to protect the digital security is a value highly recognized and valued by the companies.

·2. Information management and Big Data

In the professional field, the management of the information relates to the search, identification and transfer or generation of information of interest to the company. In the digital environment each day there is a greater volume of information available. Therefore, the ability of to get information from relevant sources and valid conclusions, and profitable the organization is one of the digital skills basic, more in-demand.

Related to the management of the information is the Big Data. The large volumes of data that drives companies require professionals to be able to manage, organize, classify, and protect information through tools or automated processes. These data serve for decision making way back. For example, the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of a company may request users ' data to the responsible person of Big Data to implement a marketing strategy that is best and related to their potential customers.

·3. Web management and e-commerce

The management of web pages and e-commerce is also among the digital skills most desired by companies. After the pandemic caused by the Covid-19, small and medium-sized companies were in the need of reaching out to customers online or, at least, to have a web presence. Some of the knowledge of the web management and e-commerce is the creation, administration and management of a website or online store. For example, the management of web content, the incorporation of new products and managing orders online.

·4. SEO and SEM

Next to the competition earlier, is situated the position of the company in search engines. Professionals with skills SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are in charge of posicionar a la empresa en buscadores de forma orgánica, de acuerdo a palabras clave relacionadas con su negocio. El SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is closely related to the above. However, this is more linked to the area of advertising and payment, looking for the best opportunities for promotion in the search engines through the cost-per-click, or PPC (Pay-Per-Click).

·5. Online customer service

Knowing how to give support to online customers through chat, email or social media profiles is another of the basic computer literacy more important. Provide solutions and achieve their satisfaction in the digital area, it is very important to the reputation and online image of the company. This requires skills in employees capable of solve your doubts or issues in the most optimal and assertive.

·6. User experience

Provide a good user experience on the website it may be the key to achieving a sale. Some examples in order to improve the online experience of the users can be the monitoring of the life cycle of the client or the creation of strategies customer experience.

·7. Digital Marketing

In a current environment of digitalization business are increasingly present the tools of online promotion, uptake of users, loyalty and interaction with social networks. The importance of knowledge in digital marketing is key for lograr estrategias digitales que ayuden a la consecución de los objetivos de la empresa.

·8. Image editing, video and sound

The handling of editing tools image, video or sound is becoming more and more demanded in the digital use. Knowing how to communicate in a visual way, respect the corporate identity, get a content that causes printing and, in turn, differentiate from the competition, is a skill linked to the digital communication is essential in any company.

A constant actualización y formación en las últimas demandas y tendencias digitales, resulta imprescindible si se desea acceder a un abanico de oportunidades laborales más amplio. Asimismo, en el top 10 de las TVET with more oportunities in the last year, are present qualifications related to the field of technology and digital. Another fact that adds to the importance that welcomes increasingly digital age.

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