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Ethical Hacking: what it is and how it works

Wednesday, 16 de November de 2022

Before the rise of the cyber incident in the whole world, the practice of ethical hacking is an activity that is increasingly in demand in the world of work. As pointed out by its own name, its objective is not to cause any kind of a threat, but to focus their activity in preventive actions. Did you know, you've heard this concept before? In this article you'll be able to discover more about the main targets of the hackers ethical and why is it important roles in the companies. Also, you will know more details about the skills and knowledge you'll need to acquire to become a professional. In UNIVERSAE (you can develop all your potential!

ethical hacking

Do you know what is ethical hacking? What are you what we have!

The field of cybersecurity is filled with concepts that can be confusing. It is a discipline that relatively recent and this means that there is a lot of curiosity about it. Do you want to know more? In this article we are going to address qué implica ser un hacker ético!

Es probable que, de primeras, hayas vinculado directamente este término con el de un pirata informático o un ciberdelincuente. ¡Pero, en este caso, nada más alejado de la realidad! En las actividades de hacking ético sucede todo lo contrario, se persigue, precisamente, contrarrestar las acciones delictivas que pueden afectar a todo tipo de compañías.

·Different hats in the world hacker

When we speak of a hacker white hat, with the common use of this term in English, is aimed at sombrero blanco wearing a figurative way this type of hackers. These experts tend to perform attacks with the goal of improving computer security. As it is evident, in contrast, we find black hats. This is the stereotype of a hacker that most people have in mind. They are specialists in violate computer security for personal gain. Also highlighted in this classification, the gray hat, hackers that may violate any ethical precept, but do not develop actions with the intentions that characterize a black hat.

·The main purpose of the ethical hacking

In short, a professional ethical hacking is a computer expert that uses their knowledge with the purpose of finding vulnerabilities in a system in order to solve them and ensure their safety. A hacker ethical behaves as would a cybercriminal, with the major difference being that his purposes are not taking advantage of the possible circumstances of vulnerability, but to inform their customers for take action before those potential threats of whom were not aware. Make a powerful exercise through which they get to put themselves in the place of individuals who may try to attack, for example, to servers from different companies.

What is the focus for a hacker ethical in a business?

The daily activity of a hacker ethics is in analyzing scenarios on the practical level. Detect weak points in the cybersecurity of a company involves preventive work with the focus on close possible routes of entry to cyber incident.

Between the functions more relevant to the day-to-day of a hacker ethical highlighted the following:

  • – Protect software, and networks of customers, partners and employees
  • – Grade security systems
  • – Know the current regulations and to carry it out
  • – Document information related to the vulnerabilities
  • – Raise awareness among users of possible incidents

Localizar debilidades en los sistemas de seguridad a través de distintos procesos, es el centro de las acciones que se desarrollan en el hacking ético. La importancia de la elaboración de informes de mejora detallados es clave para to avoid potential cyber threats.

Why is it important to the ethical hacking?

El hacking ético proporciona múltiples y variados beneficios en el entorno empresarial. Está demostrado que es una de las most effective ways to protect a company from unexpected attacks.

The role of the professional ethical hacking is key and it brings benefits very useful. These are some of them:

  • – Avoid the misuse of computer equipment
  • – Create production processes that are more fluid
  • – Reduce the levels of risks
  • – To prevent potential catastrophes public for being the victim of attacks
  • – Reduce time and efforts to deal with adverse circumstances

You can be hacker ethical!

Taking into account the recent news on that Google will open in 2023 in Málaga his third school of safety engineering in Europe, reaffirms that this sector continues to take even more force if it is to be in the present. On this space of research, Kent Walker, the president of Global Affairs at Google, spoke out on Twitter showing his enthusiasm. In this sense, in UNIVERSAE (we align with the large technology companies, and we introduce ourselves as an educational institution international the industry of cybersecurity is waiting for you.

Thus, through ethical hacking is still bringing great value to the field of cybersecurity. Companies are more aware of the real importance that has to apply security protocols in their systems. Therefore, la demanda de talento en ciberseguridad no hace nada más que crecer. ¡La formación es imprescindible para avanzar profesionalmente!

To get started in ethical hacking is key to tackling drills for offense and defense in testing environments. In the Master in Strategic Management in cyber security of UNIVERSAE (you will learn together the leading experts in the cyber security sector. I'll go with an approach focused on real cases!

Kent Walker Twitter ethical Hacking

In UNIVERSAE (you'll be able to develop all your potential

The technical skills son indispensables para avanzar como hacker ético de forma eficaz. Por ejemplo, controlar diferentes lenguajes de programación, construcción web y creación de scripts son algunas de las capacidades que más se requieren. Es por ello por lo que cursar una Computing TVET it is also presented as a great choice to begin to venture into this field.

Not only is it essential to have technical knowledge, but also work on other soft skills. So, it is vital to have a great ability of time management, attention to detail, a good strategist, creativity, simultaneous management of multiple projects, good communicator, ability to solve problems, etc ..

In UNIVERSAE (accompany you to all of our students to meet their employment goals and personal. You can live a educational experience innovative, up-to-date and fully adapted to the needs of the labour market!

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