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Articles about Current News

The section of Current news of UNIVERSAE puts at your disposal all kinds of information relevant and up-to-date on the sector of vocational training with a multitude of articles about trends, important news, curiosities from the fp and much more.


The importance of food security

Have you ever stopped to think about what it means exactly to food security? It is a concept that encompasses a complex network of factors that have a direct impact on our quality of life. - Keep reading to learn more!

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Find out all about Agrotourism

El agroturismo capta, sobre todo, la atención de los viajeros que quieren conectar con la naturaleza de forma activa. Si piensas que es lo mismo que el turismo rural, te contamos en qué se diferencian. ¡Fórmate para ser también un experto en crear experiencias únicas alejadas de la ciudad!

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Analysis CAME, what is it and how is it done?

The analysis CAME aims to help companies transform data into real-life strategies that are tangible. Did you know that after the SWOT analysis is usually to develop the CMEA? If you are interested in the world of strategy and analysis, we tell you what referred to by this term and how it is launched.

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What is DEFI or decentralized finance?

In this article we explain what are the DeFi and how you can invest in this type of finance. It is an ecosystem with decentralized eliminate intermediaries to operate in a direct way. So keep in mind that the training is necessary to make decisions with discretion!

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TVET of the future: hybrid professions

The FP of the future evolves in accordance with the new realities of the organizations present in all sectors. The increase of this complexity leads to a new configuration and versatility in the profiles. Therefore, the professions hybrid will become increasingly prominent.

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Innovation in education

If you no longer work as before, and if the knowledge and skills demanded by the market have changed, do you think we should study and learn differently? Discover UNIVERSAE and its commitment to innovation in the field of education through technological tools.

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