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How to make a Europass cv?

Wednesday, 4 de October de 2023

Do you want to learn how to create your own CV Europass? In this article we guide you step-by-step. To have your own cv up to date on this format, standardised across the European Union, it will help you to access jobs and opportunities to study abroad with ease. 

cv europass

What is the Europass CV?

The Europass CV is a curriculum vitae standardized that highlights your experience and skills in a way recognizable in all of Europe. Almost two decades ago, the European Union launched this initiative to simplify the process of creating resumes with the main objective to facilitate the mobility of labour in all its countries. Through this format, uniform, and recognised, the people may be looking for career opportunities or education abroad. The purpose is to provide a clear vision and complete the path of the candidates, in a way that is understandable and comparable. ¡Prepare your resume is one of the most important steps to position yourself in the top of the selection processes!

We could also name the Europass CV as if it were a common template that allows you to show off your achievements to connect with employers from different cultures and sectors. Thus, if you have an account with the Top Grade International Trade, as Top grade Transport and Logistics at a distance, or any other of our more than 55 degrees officers FP, this article is a must have for you. It does not matter if you are in Spain, France, Germany or any other european country; with the Europass CV will ensure that your experience is present in a correct and effective. In this post we tell you more, so you know to create yours and stand out as a candidate. Get reading!

How to make CV Europass?

The template of the Europass CV is divided into five major main blocks. All fields are optional, it is not necessary to complete them all. It is in your hand to customize it! Aunque este modelo de curriculum vitae europeo tiene un formato estándar, también ofrece cierta flexibilidad para que lo adaptes a tus necesidades, en las que deberás resaltar, sobre todo, tus puntos fuertes. ¡Sigue las pautas de estructura para proporcionar una presentación uniforme de los datos!

·Personal information

It begins with your personal data, such as your first name, last name, date of birth, nationality, contact form, direction, etc., it Is important that this information is accurate, as this is where you show the specific details used by employers to communicate.

·Professional objective

Set your professional expectations by describing your skills and your personal values. This statement of objectives does not depend on your level of work, or background. It is necessary for you to express yourself concisely and adjusted to the position you applying for that, adding how contribuirías to fill such vacancy.

·Work experience

In this section you should highlight the jobs that you have played previously. It is recommended that the list begins with the last experience that you've had or are having in that moment. Includes the name of the company, the location, the start and end dates, as well as a description of your main activities and responsibilities. Also, you can get more information by incorporating details about the sector, the department, the company website or any link that you think is relevant to show your performance.

·Education and training

Demonstrate your knowledge and your commitment to the ongoing training by listing your educational success. Any type of learning experience adds value to your profile at any selection process.

·Personal skills

On the one hand, the knowledge of other languages is especially valuable in the european context. The key is to define what is your native language, and if you talk about others, also include. Ideally, you should indicate your level of proficiency according to the common European Framework of Reference for Languages. On the other hand, in this section it is also necessary that you share skills, with a focus on the digital and technical skills, and soft.

In addition to the above sections, which are the main in any CV Europass, you can also integrate the following sections:

  • – Social and political activities
  • – Hobbies and interests
  • – Letters of recommendation
  • – Managerial skills and management
  • – Interpersonal skills and communication
  • – Skills organizational
  • – Conferences and seminars
  • – Creative works
  • – Driving licence
  • – Awards and distinctions
  • – Projects
  • – Publications
  • – Networks and affiliations
  • – Volunteering
  • – Other
How to make a CV Europass requires you to follow a series of steps established. Keep in mind that you can start building your resume with the standardized online tools official. From all across the web Europass you can create your step-by-step!

Formats of model curriculum vitae european

From the format to the more classical, up to versions a little more creative with your CV Europass use it as a full card submission of your candidate profile. A clean design and it seriously is perfect for the posts more traditional. In contrast, with a more free, within the margins set by the model, destacarás among the other candidates. So, give him a touch more original!

– You can create your own template or download another, choosing between several predefined layouts, in which you can include your details individual. The downloadable format your Europass CV can be available in pdf thus facilitating the security of the information, ensuring that it displays properly on different devices. Also, if you prefer, you can also create your curriculum vitae in format Word, pero considéralo muy bien antes de enviarlo de esta forma, ya que puede ser modificado con mayor facilidad que en pdf. Recuerda que resulta de mucha utilidad en la fase de creación, pero es preferible no enviarlo de tal forma.

– In this sense, the format online easy access through internet connection. The changes you apply will be changed at the moment! The portal Europass you enable this mode, with which you can generate a direct link to your profile.

– At times, even though nowadays it is less common, the printed format it is also required. To submit a paper copy of quality can provide greater visibility. In certain contexts, to hand deliver the curriculum is considered an added value, since it allows you to know the environment in person and provides you with an opportunity to interact face-to-face with your team.

Tips for creating your Europass CV

Despite the fact that not all jobs require this format to enter the selection process, it is a tool that helps you plan your personal and professional development. Have a Europass CV updated will be useful always to provide information in contexts officers. One of our main recommendations is to have an extended version in which you include a complete, all the relevant information of your career. In this way, you'll group all the details in an orderly manner, and you will be able to adapt quickly if the opportunity arises to introduce you as a candidate. We'll give you more tips below!

  • – Tailor your CV to the job that you're going to apply
  • – Highlights your accomplishments and measurable results
  • – Check out the writing, you use keywords and action verbs
  • – Be consistent and honest with the information
  • – Take care of your presentation down to the smallest detail
  • – Keep it updated at all times
  • – Sipping a cover letter

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