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Deep Web or Deep Internet: what it is, how it works and how to enter

Wednesday, 10 de May de 2023

If you are curious by nature, surely you have heard about the deep web or the internet is deep, but do you really know what it is? It is a place relatively hidden risks and benefits. Do you want to learn more about how it works, how to access and how to implement some of the recommendations? I read this article and find out what is the deep web!

deep web what is

What is the deep web?

The deep web is a world unknown to many. It is a part of the internet not accessible through conventional search engine. It is composed by information is not indexed and located in private networks, protected databases, and other content hidden. Have you ever wondered what is the most striking aspect of the deep web? It has come to represent more than 90 % of all websites!

The deep web also receives the name of the internet deep. Although it may be challenging, if the time comes that you decide to browse this site, you do so with caution. The deep web is like an iceberg in the midst of a vast cold ocean, where you only see the top. You have to inform yourself very well before venturing out in it!

How does the Deep Web?

The content of this part of the internet is not designed to be so public. On the one hand, the anonymity and lack of regulation in the deep web can attract people with malicious intentions, which increases the risk of being a victim of scams and cyber-attacks. On the other hand, it is important to note that not all the information available in the deep web is dangerous, as many might think of a first time. It is also a space that is used for research activities and privacy protection. Despite this, due to the potential risks that exist, caution is advised and safety awareness to explore it.

The structure of the deep web it is something different from the web that we all know, the conventional. What is the deep web and how does it work? It is a set of web pages, documents, and other contents that are not accessible by the usual means. It is formed by a series of interconnected private networks among themselves, designed to provide a high level of confidentiality. Your structure is therefore very complex!

What are the risks of the internet deep?

The deep web is located between the layer of the surface web (web visible conventional in that it has access to social networks and search engines later known), and the dark web (which contains information of an illegal, malware, etc.). The deep web presents significant risks. Take note!

  • – Estafas y fraudes
  • – Acceso a contenidos confidenciales
  • – Exposición a software malicioso
  • – Puesta en riesgo a terceros
  • – Violaciones de privacidad

How to enter the Deep Web?

To enter the deep web in a safe and responsible manner, it is important to have the adequate training in cyber security. Both the Specific Master in Strategic Management of Cybersecurity as the Master TVET in cyber security provide a solid basis to understand the dangers of the network and how to avoid them. These formations, among others, to identify and prevent potential threats, as well as to know what is the deep web and why is it so intriguing. Before entering the deep web, it is important to know the necessary tools and are essential to navigate it!

  • – Instalar una red privada virtual (VPN). So enmascararás your IP address and connect to a secure server.
  • – Descargar y configurar un navegador especializado. It is recommended to use TOR, since it has security measures that protect you, encrypting the traffic.
  • – Mantener el software de seguridad actualizado. It will help you to protect your computer against possible virus infections.
  • – Acceder a la Deep Web. Once you have configured all of the above you can go to this internet layer deeper. ¡Explórala with caution!
  • – Crear una máquina virtual. Use a software emulation of computers. In this way, it is possible to have a virtual computer within another physical.
  • – Acceder a la Deep Web. Once you have configured all of the above you can go to this internet layer deeper. ¡Explórala with caution!

·Tips and additional recommendations

Now that you know how is the deep web, if you have interest in it, you should consider these recommendations. Get ready to do it in the safest way!

  • – Conocimiento técnico. You need to have specific training on the operation, structure, encryption and operating systems, among others. Also, have contacts, and quality resources can be vital when it comes to venture into the deep web.
  • – Capacidad de investigación y mentalidad crítica. In the deep web is not easy to find information. It is for this reason that it is important to have skills of investigation and search to find it. Also, the mentality critical it is crucial to evaluate the accuracy of the content.
  • – Conciencia de los riesgos existentes. The deep web is a place in which you will find all kinds of information. It is critical that you are aware of the risks that exist and that you have access to the necessary tools to protect yourself.
  • – Conocimientos de idiomas. Much documentation is available in other languages that are not English. Therefore, it is key to have a basic knowledge of other languages to be able to understand the most relevant information.
  • – Motivación y curiosidad. Being a complex environment and diverse, it is necessary to possess a motivation and a real curiosity. It is essential to have a clear purpose and defined. It helps you focus your research!
  • – Paciencia y perseverancia. For technical reasons, the access to the web depth is slower than on the internet on the surface. It requires patience and perseverance to locate useful information and resources of value.

What the Deep Web is an opportunity or a threat?

A good understanding of what the internet is deep, it helps to take proactive measures. The question of whether the deep web is an opportunity or a threat depends on the intentions of each useras is the case with any technology. It is important to be clear that it is not good nor bad in and of itself, but that depends on your usage. Because of its mysteriousness and its potential for anonymity, you can generate controversy.

The deep web presents new opportunities; for example, you can provide access to information that is not available on the internet on the surface. Some of the documents are government databases, digital libraries or academic record. Can be useful for users concerned about privacy and cybersecurity. Also, it is a space for the development of communities and legitimate activities.

At the same time, the deep web provides new threats as exposure to harmful content and the possibility of becoming a victim of a computer virus. It can be an environment conducive to activities that involve the personal and financial information. It, also, makes it possible to lose the ability to distinguish between the legitimate content and the dangerous.

If you have a purpose that is lawful and take appropriate safety measures, the deep web can be a very useful tool. However, it is essential to take into account the potential risks and assess whether it is really necessary to have access. It is important to assess the pros and cons before entering!

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