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Assistant manager: what he does and his functions

Tuesday, 4 de October de 2022

An assistant to the director you have knowledge in the areas of protocol, organization, finance, marketing and languages, mainly. Transparency and trust in this position is essential to create close links with the heads of the companies. In this post we highlight what are the essential functions and what are the most important skills to stand out as a candidate.

assistant manager

What is an assistant manager?

Es muy probable que hayas visto recientemente ofertas de trabajo en las que se requería cubrir puestos como asistente a la dirección. ¿Tan solo leyendo el título habrías sabido decir qué funciones desempeñan estos profesionales? ¡En esta entrada del blog saldrás de dudas! Te contamos todo sobre una de las professions most demanded in the present day.

Un asistente a la dirección cuenta con conocimientos en áreas de protocol, organization, finance, marketing and languages, mainly. All of this training can be found on the Management Assistance Certificate of Higher Education distance learning. Actualmente, existe una alta demanda de esta titulación oficial, ya que sus competencias están presentes en cualquier sector económico.

The profiles of the attendees of the address are versatile and proactive. In this way, in addition, you can develop your career in a multitude of professional fields. In this sense, being a methodical person, and mastering multiple languages makes this place receives a lot more importance. Thus, the high demand for this type of profile is very interesting in multinational corporations.

·As assistant manager you will be the right hand of senior executives

Al ocupar el puesto de asistente a la dirección te convertirás en la mano derecha de los altos cargos de las compañías. Dependiendo del tamaño de la organización en la que desempeñes tu trabajo, trabajarás muy de cerca de uno o de varios directivos de diversos departamentos. Es por ello por lo que la transparency and trust in this position it is essential to create close ties with the heads of the company of which you are part.

The intervention of an assistant to the director is essential for the proper functioning of any company. His work usually takes place in the offices. With your participation, you get cohesion and facilitates the decision makingwith fluency.

Functions of the assistant manager

In the previous lines we set out the versatility that has to develop the profile of assistant to the director. To be the person, of maximum confidence for the high offices of the companies, has to carry out its functions with extreme detail and discretion. Among others, his efforts have been to focus on addressing the information cautious. The main functions of an assistant to the director are the following:

·Agenda organization

One of the functions of wizard of top management, the more relevant is the keep up to date agenda of the positions that offer coverage. Travel, meetings, visits, among many other activities, are the ones who will have to coordinate in order to avoid overlaps. Another function is to filter the e-mails more important, as well as to attend some calls. It is key to have a very close relationship with the higher charge in order to have a precise control of the strategic timing, building on a daily basis.

·File documents

Collect the information in an organized and accessible at the time it is a task of utility in the present and in the future of any company. In this way, it highlights the digitization of documents, a review of the content, as well as their classification. You'll be in contact with various materialsas can be dossiers, contracts, agreements, collaboration agreements, invoices, etc, This is another of the functions of assistant executive direction more determinants.

·Apoyo en la aplicación del protocolo empresarial

The areas of intervention, in terms of protocol in business are varied. So, as an assistant to the address, you can participate in any action related to the customer, internal communication and public events, among others. As the charge in putting his trust positions of responsibility in the company, you have to be knowledgeable of the different fases de los procesos establecidos.

·Promote public relations activities and events

Update lists of media, to participate in brainstorming sessions, organize events, keep in touch with various organizations, to collaborate in the organization of press conferences, visits, etc This is a brief listing of the activities in which an assistant to the director brings tactical value and cohesion corporate. In this sense, it is key to have a good command of foreign languages, being essential to the management of the English.

The above functions encompass the vast majority of daily tasks faced by these professionals. Furthermore, it is vital to have a great spirit of collaboration and will keep up to date to fulfil all these functions effectively and adapted to the new technological media.

What are the skills of an assistant manager?

Our official degree in Assistance to the Address falls in the professional area FP Administration. ¡Finalizándola you will become a candidate for multi-purpose! In UNIVERSAE (we will develop your skills so that you become an assistant to the director of 10.

  • – Great handling of languages
  • – Demonstrate proactivity
  • – High level of autonomy and team-work
  • – Emotional intelligence and confidentiality
  • – Accuracy and meeting deadlines
  • – Good communicator

Cuando completes este Grado Superior contarás con todas las competencias necesarias para destacar como asistente a la dirección. ¡Tu work will be indispensable to enhance the results of corporations that have a positive impact in your industry!

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