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The EBAU to detail. Don't miss it!

Wednesday, 29 de May de 2024

In this article, you'll learn how to tackle the proof of access to the university (EBAU) with confidence. Also, we will advise you on the possible scenarios that may arise and how a Higher Degree of FP can open doors in your future career. Find a complete guide in this post!


What is selectivity and what is it for?

Do you need more information about selectivity? In this article you will find everything you need to know. It started! Although commonly are still receiving this name, selectivity, the official name of this test access to the university may change, depending on the autonomous community in which to perform. This assessment is critical to determine admission to the different university degrees, since these academic institutions use the score obtained in order to select their future students.

Thus, it is intended primarily to students who have completed a Baccalaureate degree or a Higher Degree of FP and seek to improve their access to college. In short, it is a key test in the Spanish education system, which serves as a criterion for access to higher education. Despite the fact that there are differences in nomenclature, the aim and structure of the test are similar in all the regions:

– EvAU: Community of Madrid, Aragón, Castilla La Mancha and Navarra.
– EBAU: La Rioja, Asturias, Extremadura, Cantabria, Castile and León, the Region of Murcia.
– PEvAU: In andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla.
– PAU: Catalonia, Valencia, the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.
– ABAU: Galicia.
– UAE: Basque Country.

Usually, it is celebrated in two calls annual: an ordinary in June and the other extraordinary in July. Depending on the autonomous community in which you make, the exact dates vary each year, so it is important to consult the specific calendar.

·Essential tips to pass the EBAU

To cope with the EBAU with success, we recommend that you exams of previous years to familiarize yourself and manage your time during the test. In addition, it is essential that you set a regular hours of studydefining achievable goals in the short and long term. Identify your weak points and refuérzalos. Don't neglect any subject!

Keep a positive attitude and trust in your abilities, with determination and perseverance you can achieve it! Do not hesitate to ask help your professors, tutors, peers, or family members. You will receive the support and guidance needed to be accompanied throughout the process. During the the day of the exam, read the instructions carefully and try to keep calm and concentration. It moves towards your academic and career goals!

How does the EBAU work? Step by step!

Oh, the first thing you have to do is to consult the specifications your province to prepare for it properly! Although the format is similar in all autonomous communities, there are nuances that differentiate them.

In broad terms, the general phase it is compulsory and consists of four exams: Spanish Language and Literature, Spanish History, or the History of Philosophy, a foreign language (usually English) and a matter of modality of the second year of high school. The specific phase it is voluntary and is used to help students improve their note of admission, appearing up to a maximum of four courses related to the career you wish to study.

The note admission to the university, accessed through the EBAU, is calculated by combining the scores of the phases of general and specific:

– Is obtained by adding 60% of the average grade of Baccalaureate and 40% of the note of the overall phase. It requires a minimum score of 4 in the general phase and an average of at least 5 when combined with the note of high school. This rating can be improved with the marks obtained in the specific phase. The two best scores of this stage is multiplied by the coefficient of 0.1 or 0.2, depending on the university.

– In the case of a TVET Higher Degreethe note of admission is the result of adding to the note half the Official Title of the weighting that results from multiplying by 0.1 or 0.2 in the specific subjects tested. In UNIVERSAE (you can access to the university without EBAU. Keep in mind that it is not obligatory to perform the specific phase, but may be recommended depending on the note of the court of the degree to which you want to access.

What to do if you don't reach the desired note in the EBAU?

If you do not reach the needed note to access the career you had in mind, it does not mean that your career in the university to be finished. There are options!

You can start by requesting a review your test. If you believe that there has been an error in the correction, it may be a possibility. Note that you must be aware of the deadlines and required documentation. If it is the case that you do not get the grade you want in the ordinary callyou can try again on the extraordinary or even in the next academic year. Also, you can pre-register on the career you want to study, and in the process of reallocation of seatsyou can get to find yours.

Titles Higher Degrees they are an excellent alternative in enrolling more students to acquire practical skills in a specific area. Learn more advantages to pursue a Higher Degree to improve your note in the EBAU!

In your Upper Grade te centrarás in a branch of knowledge a practical way. It offers a more specialized training and oriented to the world of work, which can open up new professional opportunities.

In regards to academics, some universities offer the possibility of recognize credits placed in the Top Grade, which would reduce the duration of your university studies. When you finish the FP Top, usually about two years after, a viable option is introduce yourself again to the EBAU to improve your note. However, as we have indicated, it is not mandatory for access to the university, as your rating of your Official Title of FP you can get to register.

What to do if you do not approve the EBAU?

Do not exceed the EBAU at first it may seem like an obstacle, but there are more ways to continue to learn and develop. This proof of access is not the only route of entry to the university, nor is it the only option to continue with your training. If, despite such request for review or test your knowledge in another new call, your grade is not higher than 5, you have the doors open to enter a TVET Higher Degree, also called a Technician. I've already mentioned that this is one of the best options in the it optimizes the time! It presents itself as an ideal way to continue to mature personally, lay knowledge and specialize professionally.

If you want to insist on spending by the entire process from EBAU, consider signing up at a prep academy specialized to receive additional support outside of the routine of your institute in the cursabas high school. Similarly, you can contemplate studying in foreign universitiesthat may have admission requirements different. Investigate the options of international studies can also open up new opportunities, such as programs of bachelor's degree in English or in other languages. To do this, the key is to comply with the terms and conditions of access, highly variable depending on the country and the host university. A time of reflection it is also one of the alternatives that you can consider. In those weeks or months can clarify ideas or get involved in volunteering activities, for example. This experience allows you to hone skills that are relevant and discover new interests.

·Transform this challenge into an opportunity with your FP Grado Superior

The interesting part of the whole process after failing to overcome the EBAU is to increase your level of self-knowledge. An experience you can learn a lot about your strengths and improve your weaknesses. It does not mean that your educational aspirations have finished, on the contrary! Keep a open-minded and put in a balance the benefits of each of the options that you consider. Each person has their own way and all the options are valid! Have you considered the possibility of to obtain a degree from a Higher Technical? In UNIVERSAE (you will become a professional.

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