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How to do a planning study and to improve your performance

Wednesday, 3 de July de 2024

In this article you will learn what is a planning study and how to use it to enhance your training. You know its main advantages, and how to make it to optimize your time and performance. Also, you will know more about what tools to use to customize yours.

planning study

The planning and the commitment are some of the key features needed to develop a schedule of study. It is possible that you have been able to overcome the early stages of your academic life without being aware of the importance of developing your own. The dynamics of learning daily will surely have helped to create an organization in a natural way.

What is a schedule of study?

A schedule of study is a tool with that structure the time available effectively. It consists of a detailed planning for the activities of study during a particular period of time. Usually, it raises weekly, monthly, or even yearly. For its preparation, you need to take into account include important datesthis way you won't forget when are the exams and different deliveries of jobs, for example. ¡Assign blocks of time are flexible for each of the tasks is essential!

Skills time management, in accordance with objectives, are transferable to any field of study, preparing students to face challenges with confidence and effectiveness throughout their lives, professional and personal. As you will see in this article, a planning study is an essential tool for set goals and maintain discipline necessary to achieve them. Get reading!

What are the advantages of having a schedule of weekly study?

Set healthy routines with that better retain the information longer. This is the main objective that perseguirás creating your planning a personalised study. The benefits of using it are multiple, help you to have a clear vision and organized of your academic responsibilities.

A reason to use your calendar of study is increase motivation and self-confidence. Be able to materialize your own progress, day after day, week after week, it will become an incentive to continue to move forward. Also, with a planning study well structured you will get improve your academic performance, eliminating the indecision about what is the next step. Develop a study routine consistently will help to distribute equitably the time, that will be essential to review the material, practice exercises and prepare for your exams, among others. Thus, your level of comprehension will be increased, which will result in better results on your ratings.

On the one hand, it is very common to feel the need to postpone tasks for another time. With this tool avoid procrastination and overcome moments of lock. On the other hand, learn to say no in times of saturation will help you to not accumulate too much homework. In short, the development of study habits healthy implies a stress reduction and anxiety. Include in the same place all of the activities in a way that is segmented gives you a global perspective of your learning objectives.

If you have an account with this study tool and follow these study tips, you will maximize your learning.

How to make a planning study to optimize your time and performance?

It is not an impossible task! You can balance your life as a student with your personal activities and professional. You just have to have a method that works for you. Remember that it will be useful to other partner does not have to optimize your results. Please take note of these tips to make your planning study will serve to boost your potential!

·Calculates how much time you have

Determines how much time you can devote to study, to exercise, to review the matter... Consider your schedules more and more common, your commitments recurrent and your extracurricular activities. Registers how is your day-to-day, taking into account additional responsibilities as can be, even to go shopping or cooking. It's the time for the rest also account! Identify your times more productive, meet you in-depth, shape, apart from this exercise of self-perception. Once you've assessed what your daily activity, give shape to your schedule with blocks for classes, recurrent activities (professional and personal), study, review, and breaks. It is not recommended to compact the schedule, leave space for gaps of self-care.

·Determine what your goals are

Set goals specific and realistic. That your goals are measurable and achievable for a period of study will help you focus your efforts. This will require you to breakdowns large tasks into smaller ones. So keep in mind this tip! If one day you're not able to complete everything that you had planned, the next day do not add what is not completed on the previous day to what you already had planned. Prevents to oversaturate study days with which to generate more pressure on your performance. It is important that you gauge your energy and have a good self-control of your productivity.

·Periodically check and be flexible

Pick a day to plan your study sessions of the week. In this way, you'll be able to adjust the progress in an objective manner. You will identify with more ease in which areas you need to devote more time and attention. This fact contributes greatly to the continuous development and the retention of the content of some materials that may be filed with more difficulties. Follow a planning study promotes the self-discipline and responsibility. To meet deadlines, working under pressure is an essential skill in the formative stage and on the professional stage.

Tools to create your plan of study per week

I already know how to create a planning study! To take it to such effect insurance that you're thinking of how to shape it. These are some of the most common options:

  • – Calendars-digital. These platforms will facilitate the visualization of the activities that you have planned on a daily basis. In addition, you can create events and tasks, set reminders, and you can also share calendars with other users.
  • – Applications for management of tasks and projects. Within each task, you can create sub-sections, setting deadlines, priorities, and notices. Usually, they include boards and cards to organize the different phases that segment, according to stages.
  • – Worksheets custom. Another option for those that require a customization to detail are the worksheets. Design your own template and comes with your color codes, sizes you need for cells, etc, you Can do your planning study digital-to-measure!
  • – Planners printed. If you prefer the analog version, you can print templates already created, make your own using an editing tool or even design freehand. The option of writing by hand will also help you to pay much more attention to the process.

When you select a format, or another make sure you select the one that best suits your learning style. You can use seamlessly in your daily routine it is a compulsory question so that you can maximize your results. The effectiveness not only depends solely on what instrument you choose, but also of your proactivity and ability to adapt to unexpected changes and new priorities. Let's all!

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