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International Marketing: What is and what is it?

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

The international marketing allows you to make a giant leap in all terms for the companies. How can we lead effectively products or services to other countries? The process involves a deep understanding of the different cultural, economic, legal, and social. In this article, you will discover what is the international marketing, its objectives and main advantages. Get reading!

international marketing

What is international marketing?

Open a large window to the world for business. So we can define in a few words what is the international marketing! In this article we talk about the strategy that allows you to bring products and services beyond the borders, reaching out to customers of different countries. To achieve this it is necessary to to adapt to the global needs, without losing the essence of the local.

To create a road map to guide them through this journey with a possible stop in all of the world makes the process easier. The international marketing explores constantly new forms of communication, brand positioning and distribution criteria, among others. This discipline is in charge of bringing consumers in a market different from your own. In UNIVERSAE (, we give you the tools to become an expert in international marketing. The Top grade Marketing and Advertising and the Double Degree in Marketing and Advertising, Sales Management and Commercial Spaces prepare you to be a part of an area fraught with challenges.

The international marketing has become a key pillar for the business growth. Implement strategies in this direction involves conducting in-depth research of the market, identify the contexts more appropriate to respect the cultural characteristics specific, establish a chain of efficient logistics... As you can see, this set of approaches enables organizations to expand solidly. To do this it is essential to vision, creativity and open-mindedness to diversity. We continue delving into this fascinating subject. Don't miss any detail, below!

What is international marketing for?

This type of marketing is to investigate and understand the major cultural differences. Each market is unique and it is necessary to understand the detail!

Analyze aspects such as demand, competition, trends or habits of consumption are part of the market research. It is the base upon which to build any strategy of international marketing. As each market has its own peculiarities, the customization is key to achieve the corporate goals. In this sense, the segmentation and adaptation the demands of society is presented as an essential factor to meet the needs of the target audiences. In this way, your products and services will resonate directly with the local sensitivities.

The ethics and corporate social responsibilityin the context of global and interconnected in which we live, is more important than ever. Set certain parameters that help you to make decisions while preserving the integrity of the clients has a positive impact on all areas of the business. So, to strengthen relationships of trust with consumers and, in parallel, the aim is to continue building a society much more empathetic. We must not lose sight that each country has its own trade regulations and legal. The international regulatory compliance it has to be thorough and it has to be set to internal standards. The professionals of international marketing need to be prepared, taking into account, among others, the consistency of the brand, which align with the laws that regulate their productive activity specific.

Objectives of international marketing

The international marketing has no limits! Their objectives range from expanding to new countries to be the reference of the avant-garde in all the world. These are the main goals that map out a strategy around digital marketing. Take note!

·Expand the presence of a company in new markets

This implies the input to both the neighbouring countries as well as to other more distant with high potential, reaching a more solid base of customers.

·Increase revenue

Through this type of strategy also aims to increase the turnover. The diversification of sources of income prevents the impact of the possible fluctuations of the markets.

·Optimize supply chains

In addition, it seeks to find a higher efficiency to reduce costs and delivery time, which is reflected in the enhancement of global competitiveness.

·To improve the brand image

The international marketing reinforces the perception that this is a company with a higher quality, as they respond to the different regulations, among other factors.

·To lead the industry

A company to be leader in all the world is a purpose that drives the incorporation of new ideas; in short, that encourages innovation, which has an impact immediately on the trends in the sector.

Advantages of international marketing

The international marketing offers numerous advantages. All countries potentially can be your market! These are some of the reasons to implement strategies of this type:

·Risk diversification

Operating in multiple markets is achieved that the possible difficulties in one of them can be compensated by better performance in others. This contributes to financial stability.

·Extension of the life cycle of the products

Enter in new markets, where the products or services offered by the company are in a development phase, you can expand your cycle of life.

·Contribution to the global development

The development of strategies for all the efforts of corporate indirectly influences the economic growth of the countries in which they operate.

·Network effect-and-effect demonstration

On the one hand, to encourage the expansion can result in attracting more customers from other places. On the other hand, get achievements in a variety of markets, serves as an example locally, what inspires safety.

The international marketing is a discipline in constant evolution. The continuous training and learning the latest trends and best practices are essential to maintaining your competitive advantage. I already have the first notions to become a specialist!!!

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