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International Trade job opportunities

Wednesday, 21 de September de 2022

If you want to be part of the current unprecedented expansion by the conquest of foreign markets, read this post. Your intervention will be very important in the time of plan transactions across the globe! In this post, we share the outputs of International Trade more prominent and what are the skills that you need to enhance in order to have a competitive profile.

international trade departures

The conquest of new markets. Job opportunities in International Trade

The limits of international economic activity practically does not exist. Today, it is a reality that businesses are launched each time more directly to the conquest of foreign markets. To maintain and continue this unprecedented expansionit is necessary to have experts who know the near context of the consumer. It is for this reason that the professional profile that you get after completing the International Trade Certificate of Higher Education distance learning it is one of the most requested.

The main purpose of this degree is that you learn all aspects of the purchases and sales international. Also, you'll get knowledge on what is produced by each country, and the administrative steps that have to be taken into account. In this way, you will know in detail how the distribution networks and supply are able to meet the demands of customers at full speed. Your intervention is very important in the time of plan transactions across the globe. ¡En este post, compartimos cuáles son las salidas de Comercio Internacional más destacadas!

As an economic activity, competitive involving the purchase and sale, as well as the exchange of goods and services between countries, it is key to have a solid formation. The outputs of International Trade are varied and require specific skills. It job offers reflect how companies are adapting!

International trade exits. Go to your future job!

Las salidas de la FP Comercio Internacional son amplias. ¡Este grado superior tiene una gran proyección de futuro! Tanto en el sector público como en el privado, contar con expertos que entiendan y manejen todas los factores aporta un valor inconmensurable. Esta titulación te permitirá formar parte de la expansión del negocio en actividades diversas. Todos los tejidos empresariales ligados al comercio son susceptibles de cruzar fronteras. Tu futuro puede encontrarse en el ámbito de la automoción, la robótica, la industria textil, la química… The opportunities are almost endless! 

·Technical support of international trade

These professionals are in charge of many activities that are relevant. These include the management and international distribution of goods, as well as the contact and negotiation with suppliers.

·Ship agent

The maritime transport is one of the most essential and it is for this reason that develop relevant functions that are presented as opportunities for international trade. A consignee of a vessel is responsible for ensuring compliance with deadlines and to ensure the adequate conservation of the goods.

·Freight forwarder

A freight forwarder is responsible for organizing and coordinating the transport of goods from their customers. Have an important role in any transport of goods in international, as that will be in charge of providing logistical solutions needed.

·International Marketing Technician

Desarrollarás el rol de trasladar la estrategia de marketing en los países en los que se operan. De acuerdo con el análisis de estudio previo de la cultura y los posibles clientes, fijarás objetivos en los distintos mercados internacionales. Esta es una de las salidas de comercio internacional más populares.

·Reverse logistics technician

In this position you will be in charge of everything arising from the management of the supply chain, the transfer of goods from the user or consumer to the manufacturer or to collection points. Among the main objectives highlights the reduction of waste generation.

Estos son los cinco ejemplos más solicitados como salidas laborales de Comercio Internacional. Other outputs that you can't stop looking at they are: technical foreign operations of financial institutions and insurance, assistant or deputy international trade and coordinator or technician in transport logistics. Get ready to collaborate in the interconnection of markets!

Power your skills as a professional

Which one of the outputs of international Trade has attracted more attention? During your training in this top grade in UNIVERSAE (you will acquire a set of skills that are highly regarded in the environments more competitive. I keep them in mind and poténcialas for your CV to stand out in the selection process!

  • – Fluent communication in English. Any other language is a plus!
  • – Know the current socio-political and economic markets efforts. I understand the global context is key!
  • – Great ability of organization and coordination between different providers
  • – Desarrollo de habilidades de negociación, mediante el uso de la escucha activa y la asertividad
  • – Actitud líder con la que relacionarse con el equipo, teniendo en cuenta también la inteligencia emocional y empatía
  • – Capacidad analítica y orientación a resultados. La rapidez en la actuación y la optimización de recursos es decisivo

·Leverage the outputs of International Trade. Get access to thousands of conventions!

Remember that in this educational program, which is part of the professional area FP Trade and Marketing, tienes acceso a international conventions with multinational companies that are leaders in their respective sectors. In this way, in UNIVERSAE (, our students have the opportunity to learn first-hand the activities that are developed in the field of international trade. So, put into practice the knowledge and skills included in the curriculum of the degree.

Also takes note of some of the subjects that you will be enrolled in: Gestión administrativa del comercio internacional, Logística de almacenamiento, Comercio digital internacional, Financiación internacional, Marketing internacional o Negociación internacional, entre otras. ¿Te animas a unirte a los importantes challenges the companies are facing and to do so in multicultural environments? In UNIVERSAE (you'll find the training you are looking for!

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