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Lifelong learning: the continuous training of the future

Thursday, 1 de December de 2022

Lifelong learning is presented as an educational concept, through which the continuous training takes more relevance. Combine in the day-to-day work activities and training is a challenge not very motivating. In this article you will know what is the name of lifelong learning and how to adjust your lifestyle to continuing education, which will affect directly on your employability. Currently, we face a new paradigm in which it maintains a search of uninterrupted knowledge in all areas. All this, with the purpose of keeping the mind open to new opportunities that may arise. In UNIVERSAE we are in line with all the values that are promoted in the name of lifelong learning!

lifelong learning

What is lifelong learning? Never stop learning!

Combine work and lifelong learning throughout life is areto muy motivador. Incorporar conocimientos a la mochila del aprendizaje es fundamental para seguir creciendo en lo personal y como profesional. Vivir y no dejar de aprender cada día es una actitud con la que siempre se recogerán frutos.

El término inglés lifelong learning hace referencia al aprendizaje continuo, a un interés proactivo por continue to acquire knowledge beyond even when it is assumed that the stage of education ends in the traditional way. This is a key feature to this day, it is crucial to position itself as a candidate, which draws attention for its attitude constantly in activity.

In recent years, lifelong learning is a increasingly popular concept. El ritmo frenético de la actividad diaria nos lleva a estar atentos de forma continua a nuevas oportunidades. Estas surgen de forma más frecuente si demostramos un cambio de mentalidad. El lifelong learning también hace referencia a este estilo de vida en el que las etapas de aprendizaje y laboral se funden.

We are in a new paradigm that maintains a search of uninterrupted expertise in all areas of life. The main objective is to keep an open mind and ready to experience a process of personal and professional development. This is reflected in the continuous training in the emotional plane and in the academia. The commitment is essential to moving forward!

How to change towards a lifelong learning oriented attitude?

Now that you know a little more about the continuous learning that is pursued with the concept transformer lifelong learning, we will share some of the purposes more and more frequent due to the positive change to this style of life.

·Permanent curiosity is worked

To approach it is crucial to search autonomously own sources of knowledge. It is for this reason that research on new methods of learning dynamic and interactive approach can be useful for promote this attitude explorer. A good organization is critical, and set aside time for yourself is the basis of everything to keep you cool this incentive to keep learning about new things. The curiosity is the cornerstone of lifelong learning!

·Learning to develop your career in a flexible way

Technological advances are already a reality and are integrated in our day-to-day. The world changes in a single flicker and it is necessary to work according to the new skills that are required to handle all these developments. Equally, the labour market appears more and more as a dynamic place in which the employees are walking around. Throughout life, it is very likely that occupy different jobs in different environments. Your capacity of adaptation to new contexts it is a primary, active!

·Avoid the common thought that there is no need to learn more

The knowledge and the connections between them do not stop to evolve in real life. A willingness to learn new things keeps you out of the mistake of assuming that you already know everything about your field of specialization. The true experts in a field are those that go a step beyond and are always looking to optimize processes, improve outcomes, and expand the possibilities. Have an open mind and a great interest in developing new routes is crucial in the name of lifelong learning.

How does lifelong learning influence employability?

The main focus of the theory of lifelong learning have a direct impact on the personal and professional growth of the people. As it is evident, any candidate who demonstrates an effort to make progress in the upgrading the hard skills and soft skillsas a candidate, which will be evaluated more positively than others that were beyond the stage of training at a given time.

Lifelong education is a safe option, and shows multiple benefits:

  • Se trata de un proceso inspirador que genera confianza y seguridad en uno mismo
  • Evita la obsolescencia en todos los tipos de competencias
  • Proporciona una mayor flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación al cambio
  • Potencia la creatividad e impulsa la innovación
  • Anima a la especialización en lo que realmente se te da bien

At UNIVERSAE we accompany you to develop your talent

In UNIVERSAE we are in consistent with all of the values que se presentan en la formación continua que se promueve a través del lifelong learning. No age restrictions to be part of our school community, we provide the great flexibility of learning. Through UNIVERSAE360, our learning platform, innovative, moderna and unique, tendrás acceso a una gran diversidad de formatos de conocimiento. Esto es, podrás aprender de forma dinámica en nuestro ecosistema educativo virtual. También, podrás combinarlo con el amplio programa formativo de OpenUNIVERSAE, que es un lugar de encuentro en el que empresas y profesionales buscan contribuir, a través de la experiencia, al impulso de la empleabilidad del alumno.

In UNIVERSAE we have more than 50 official qualifications distributed in 13 professional areas. You can choose between the higher educational offer of titles of TVET on the market! Thus, you'll get to specialize with a very practical approach in the field that you want. You can take any of our Middle grades Distance. Also, you can enrol in our Grados Superiores a distancia. Whatever training you decide to complete, you'll get your official degree by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Spanish.

La formación continua precisa de compromiso. Incorporar el lifelong learning en tu vida es una inversión que te ayudará a formar parte en un mercado en constante evolución. Nuestro equipo de docentes expertos te acompañará en UNIVERSAE para develop your talent.

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