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Wednesday, 21 de February de 2024

Find out all about the micropigmentation what it is, its technique, types and differences with the microblading. The customization of the entire process and the experience of graduates of the Degree in Integral Aesthetics and well-being is essential to enhance the natural beauty of the customers. The training is key!


What is micropigmentation?

The cosmetic and personal care has plenty of trends. One of the most popular is micropigmentation! It is very likely that you have heard that it is used to enhance the facial beauty, but it has more applications. Do you know exactly what it is? In this article we tell you more!

With the use of this technique, the aim is to correct imperfections, enhance features and provide solutions semi-permanent. Micropigmentation involves the insertion of controlled pigments in the upper layers of the skin. Carefully selected to complement the tone of the skin and the characteristics of each person. In comparison with traditional makeup, it does not need daily application, and tends to fade gradually with the passage of time. It is for this reason that it is a very eye-catching save time and increase self-esteem. Some of the common focus on providing depth to the brows, defined eyes, or to outline the lips, among others. Also, it is a way to correct imperfections, such as scars or asymmetries; therefore, you may also have late reconstructive.

Each session of micropigmentation has to be custom in accordance with the specific needs of the customers. Experts in this technique must have in-depth knowledge of anatomy combined with the ability to create smooth lines and shaded areas. In this way, the strokes are planned thoroughly to reflect the individuality of each client. In short, it is a form of tattooing, semi-permanent, as it is not lost with sweat or water, for example. However, it also requires the application of tweaks newspapers to maintain the results.

Technique of micropigmentation

This beauty treatment is one of the most requested in the past few years. For example, if we focus on the eyebrows, we found the makeup hair hair, the shading and the mixed. The first method is chosen for the people who want to have a brow soft and natural, with padding and defined. The second are infinite number of points of pigment to give the necessary form. The third involves the combination of the two previous techniques.

In the technique of micropigmentation the selection of pigments it is a crucial aspect to ensure that integrates perfectly with the natural pigmentation of the skin. The use of specialized deviceswith needles ultrafine, allows you to create strokes fine in a strategic way, by providing a specific look and feel for each client. The technique changes depending on the area you want to treat! Also, the quality of equipment used is key to delivering long-lasting results. It is essential that each tool complies with the regulations, in which it is also necessary to apply a strict protocol of sterilization and disinfection.

To minimize the discomfort during the process, you often apply topical anesthesia to reduce the sensitivity, which will provide a more enjoyable experience. In addition, once the application is finished, it is necessary for the customer to follow the recommended guidelines on follow-up care. This may include the use of creams soothing, avoid excessive exposure to the sun and to follow the advice of the professional to take care of the skin after the treatment and to prevent possible skin reactions.

Types of micropigmentation

The technique of micropigmentation can be applied to a very large number of areas. We can, however, make the following classification that encompasses the vast majority of types. Take note!

  • – Micropigmentation aesthetic. Also known as permanent makeup, is a specialty that aims to beautify mainly the facial features. In this way, areas of the face, such as the eyebrows, eyes, lips, and eyelids, are the definition of makeup without having to apply it constantly.
  • – Micropigmentation hair. It is a technique that is implemented to return the feeling of natural hair with the detection of symptoms of alopecia. You can complement to other more conventional treatments against hair loss to mimic the hair follicles.
  • – Micropigmentation paramedic. It is used to correct or to camouflage blemishes such as birthmarks, scars that have been left behind after an accident or surgery, among others.
Each process of micropigmentation is unique, and perform custom queries is essential for guiding customers to the most appropriate choice. Completing the Advanced Vocational training Course in Integral Aesthetics and Wellness you can become a true specialist in micropigmentation that control from the initial preparation to the final touch. Also, it's very common in the clinics where these services are offered also look complemented by the professionals with the degree of Top grade in Image Consulting and Corporate. In UNIVERSAE (you'll be with the most innovative!

Differences between micropigmentation and microblading

Very often mistaken for micropigmentation with microblading, but they are two different techniques, which provide results relatively similar. The effect that is reflected in the skin depends heavily on the ability of the professional to apply the technique.

On the one hand, the main difference between these two techniques lies in the fact that with the micropigmentation get a longer duration and, consequently, tends to look more intense and uniform. To be less invasive to the skin, has a faster recovery time and offers greater flexibility for adjustments stylistic, as it is less detailed in terms of individual strokes.

On the other hand, with the microblading is made completely manual, which causes it to require a review more frequently. The aspect that occurs aims to mimic the appearance of individual strokes more defined. The healing period may be extended slightly in comparison with the micropigmentation, due to the small incisions made in the skin. Also, this technique may be more limited if the customer wishes to apply in the future changes on the design.

The choice between these two techniques depends on the style that you want to achieve. Throughout this process it is imperative to have the advice of an expert, who have the necessary training and experience. Our students in the professional area of self-Image, they know how to guide and to meet the expectations of the users!

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