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Metaverse: What it is and what is it for?

The metaverse is an alternative space where almost anything is possible. In these online environments and immersive, you'll explore countless scenarios in which to share ideas, have fun, learn... Learn more about the metaverse: what it is, what it does and how it is transforming the digital landscape.

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Progressive Web App: What is it and what is it for?

Discover in this article the progressive web app, what they are, what purpose they serve and how they can help. Known in addition to the salient advantages of their use and examples of companies that are already implementing this technology. This is one of the latest trends in digital, that has come to stay.

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Sales techniques: 5 methods for success

Sales techniques are tools that are driving the business strategies. Among others, combined persuasion, active listening and constant analysis to connect effectively with customers. In this article you'll know, you'll approach to five of the most powerful in the present.

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What is Pathological Anatomy?

When it comes to understanding the functioning of the human body and diagnose diseases, to know what is pathological anatomy is essential. Know what are its main branches, and techniques, as well as the key functions that are developed in a pathological study.

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Bootcamp: what is it and what is it for?

The bootcamps programming are characterized by their practical approach and accelerated. They are ideal for those who are looking for a change in your career or those who want to start in the world more technological and digital. You just need determination and eager to learn. Get reading!

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Hardware and Software: definition and differences

When we use our digital devices, it is very easy to overlook the complexity of its operation. In the center of its use include the hardware and software! In this article we'll cover these elements, physical and intangible, that give life to the technology.

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Functions of the Product Manager

In an environment in which the needs of the customers are changing, a product manager has a central role in the process of creating new products and services. The functions of this expert are varied and controlled throughout the project life cycle that leads!

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What is Networking and what is it?

The idea of establishing new contacts can be somewhat overwhelming at the beginning. ¡Tranquility! To understand what is the networking is key to expanding your network of connections so valuable to you in your future. In this post you will learn about the major classifications, tips and benefits of applying it.

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Job opportunities for social integration

To build a society that is more inclusive and tolerant it is essential to the formation. In this article you'll discover the growing job opportunities to which they have access to the students of the Higher Degree of Social Integration in the distance. The outputs of social integration are incredibly varied!

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What is TCAE in nursing?

¿Por qué deberías considerar estudiar TCAE? Completar el Grado Medio en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería ofrece una amplia variedad de salidas y una buena empleabilidad en el sector de la salud. El TCAE en enfermería es una parte indispensable en la atención y el cuidado de los pacientes.

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Internet privacy: what it is and how to protect it

With an incidence increasingly noticeable, our lives are intertwined with technology and we leave a digital footprint in every step we take on the internet. That is why we must apply measures to prevent vulnerabilities. - In this article you will learn what is the internet privacy!

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Autonomous cars: benefits and disadvantages

Thanks to the advancement of the technology, its development has accelerated so much that it seems that will soon be a reality. Driverless cars offer unique benefits, but not all are benefits currently. It is very likely that transform the automotive industry in the short to medium term.

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What is the Deep Web?

If you are curious by nature, surely you have heard about the deep web or the internet is deep, but do you really know what it is? It is a place relatively hidden risks and benefits. Do you want to learn how it works, how to access and how to implement some of the recommendations? Get reading!

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Difference between dietitian and nutritionist

Do you know what is the difference between a dietitian and nutritionist? Although sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, they are two different professions. Both experts have trajectories training and different approaches. Find out how to get their patients to incorporate new healthy habits.

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What are Industrial Robots?

Industrial robots are a fundamental tool in the production processes of today. These machines are programmable to allow you to increase the efficiency and reduce costs, among other benefits. Learn in this post how to train yourself to work with these tools, they do not stop to evolve!

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Welcome to UNIVERSAE

Discover a new educational model based on EdTech: UNIVERSAE is the digital transformation of VET. Official qualifications by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and international recognition by The Hague. Welcome to UNIVERSAE quality educational innovation.

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Innovation in education

If you no longer work as before, and if the knowledge and skills demanded by the market have changed, do you think we should study and learn differently? Discover UNIVERSAE and its commitment to innovation in the field of education through technological tools.

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